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Dr Marie-Jose Messias

Dr Marie-Jose Messias

Senior Lecturer


 Laver Building 910


Laver Building, University of Exeter, North Park Road, Exeter, EX4 4QE, UK



PhD. Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France, 1993, Oceanography


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Research interests

  • Transient tracers  such as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6), Trifluoromethyl Sulfur Pentafloride (SF5CF3)
  • The use of transient tracers to improve the estimates of the oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide  (CO2) and anthropogenic Excess Heat
  • Tracer release experiments  (TRE)  in the ocean 
  • The use of transient tracers and TRE to study the rates and pathways of ocean circulation and ocean mixing rates
  • The use of transient tracers  observations to evaluate numerical model simulations of  oceanic processes
  • Development for high precision analysis of trace gases in the atmosphere and ocean.
  • Climate change

Research projects

Diapycnal and Isopycnal Mixing Experiment in the Southern Ocean (DIMES,  July 2009 to August 2016). 
DIMES is a US/UK field program aimed at measuring diapycnal and isopycnal mixing in the Southern Ocean, along the tilting isopycnals of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

Radiocatively Active Gases from the North Atlantic Region and Climate Change  (RAGNAROCC, June 2013 to July 2017).
The overarching objectives of RAGNAROCC is to “Quantify and explain CO2 and other Green House  Gas fluxes in the North Atlantic and the processes giving rise to inter-annual and decadal variability”.


Grants/Funding more recent:

BLT /National Environment Research Council (NERC) 

TICTOC/ National Environment Research Council (NERC) 

DIMES/ National Environment Research Council (NERC) 

RAGNAROCC/National Environment Research Council (NERC) 


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Journal articles

Kostov Y, Messias M-J, Mercier H, Marshall DP, Johnson HL (2024). Surface factors controlling the volume of accumulated Labrador Sea Water. Ocean Science, 20(2), 521-547. Abstract.
Messias M-J, Mercier H (2022). The redistribution of anthropogenic excess heat is a key driver of warming in the North Atlantic. COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT, 3(1).  Author URL.
Brown PJ, McDonagh EL, Sanders R, Watson AJ, Wanninkhof R, King BA, Smeed DA, Baringer MO, Meinen CS, Schuster U, et al (2021). Circulation-driven variability of Atlantic anthropogenic carbon transports and uptake. NATURE GEOSCIENCE, 14(8), 571-+.  Author URL.
Zika JD, Sallee J-B, Meijers A, Naveira-Garabato A, Watson AJ, Messias M-J, King B (2020). Tracking the spread of a passive tracer through Southern Ocean water masses. OCEAN SCIENCE, 16(2), 323-336.  Author URL.
Suntharalingam P, Buitenhuis E, Carpenter LJ, Butler JH, Messias MJ, Andrews SJ, Hackenberg SC (2019). Evaluating Oceanic Uptake of Atmospheric CCl <inf>4</inf> : a Combined Analysis of Model Simulations and Observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(1), 472-482. Abstract.
Mackay N, Ledwell JR, Messias MJ, Naveira Garabato AC, Brearley JA, Meijers AJS, Jones DC, Watson AJ (2018). Diapycnal Mixing in the Southern Ocean Diagnosed Using the DIMES Tracer and Realistic Velocity Fields. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(4), 2615-2634. Abstract.
Meredith MP, Meijers AS, Naveira Garabato AC, Brown PJ, Venables HJ, Abrahamsen EP, Jullion L, Messias MJ (2015). Circulation, retention, and mixing of waters within the Weddell-Scotia Confluence, Southern Ocean: the role of stratified Taylor columns. Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans Abstract.
Meredith MP, Meijers AS, Naveira Garabato AC, Brown PJ, Venables HJ, Abrahamsen EP, Jullion L, Messias MJ (2015). Circulation, retention, and mixing of waters within the Weddell-Scotia Confluence, Southern Ocean: the role of stratified Taylor columns. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(1), 547-562. Abstract.
Boland EJD, Shuckburgh E, Haynes PH, Ledwell JR, Messias M-J, Watson AJ (2015). Estimating a Submesoscale Diffusivity Using a Roughness Measure Applied to a Tracer Release Experiment in the Southern Ocean. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, 45(6), 1610-1631.  Author URL.
Boland EJD, Shuckburgh E, Haynes PH, Ledwell JR, Messias MJ, Watson AJ (2015). Estimating a sub-mesoscale diffusivity using a roughness measure applied to a tracer release experiment in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, 1610-1631.
Guallart EF, Schuster U, Fajar NM, Legge O, Brown P, Pelejero C, Messias MJ, Calvo E, Watson A, Ríos AF, et al (2015). Trends in anthropogenic CO<inf>2</inf> in water masses of the Subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 131, 21-32. Abstract.
Tulloch R, Ferrari R, Jahn O, Klocker A, Lacasce J, Ledwell JR, Marshall J, Messias MJ, Speer K, Watson A, et al (2014). Direct estimate of lateral eddy diffusivity upstream of drake passage. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44(10), 2593-2616. Abstract.
Álvarez-Salgado XA, Álvarez M, Brea S, Mèmery L, Messias MJ (2014). Mineralization of biogenic materials in the water masses of the South Atlantic Ocean. II: Stoichiometric ratios and mineralization rates. Progress in Oceanography
Álvarez-Salgado XA, Álvarez M, Brea S, Mèmery L, Messias MJ (2014). Mineralization of biogenic materials in the water masses of the South Atlantic Ocean. II: Stoichiometric ratios and mineralization rates. Progress in Oceanography, 123, 24-37. Abstract.
Jullion L, Garabato ACN, Bacon S, Meredith MP, Brown PJ, Torres-Valdés S, Speer KG, Holland PR, Dong J, Bakker D, et al (2014). The contribution of the Weddell Gyre to the lower limb of the Global Overturning Circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(6), 3357-3377. Abstract.
Meredith MP, Brown PJ, Naveira Garabato AC, Jullion L, Venables HJ, Messias MJ (2013). Dense bottom layers in the Scotia Sea, Southern Ocean: Creation, lifespan, and destruction. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(5), 933-936. Abstract.
Watson AJ, Ledwell JR, Messias MJ, King BA, Mackay N, Meredith MP, Mills B, Naveira Garabato AC (2013). Rapid cross-density ocean mixing at mid-depths in the Drake Passage measured by tracer release. Nature, 501(7467), 408-411. Abstract.
Rye CD, Messias MJ, Ledwell JR, Watson AJ, Brousseau A, King BA (2012). Diapycnal diffusivities from a tracer release experiment in the deep sea, integrated over 13 years. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(4). Abstract.
Jeansson E, Olsson KA, Messias MJ, Kasajima Y, Johannessen T (2009). Evidence of greenland sea water in the Iceland basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(9). Abstract.
Messias MJ, Watson AJ, Johannessen T, Oliver KIC, Olsson KA, Fogelqvist E, Olafsson J, Bacon S, Balle J, Bergman N, et al (2008). The Greenland Sea tracer experiment 1996-2002: Horizontal mixing and transport of Greenland Sea Intermediate Water. Progress in Oceanography, 78(1), 85-105. Abstract.
Marnela M, Rudels B, Olsson KA, Anderson LG, Jeansson E, Torres DJ, Messias MJ, Swift JH, Watson AJ (2008). Transports of Nordic Seas water masses and excess SF<inf>6</inf> through Fram Strait to the Arctic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 78(1), 1-11. Abstract.
Kasajima Y, Olsson KA, Johannessen T, Messias MJ, Jeansson E, Bellerby RGJ, Skjelvan I (2006). A submesoscale coherent eddy in the Greenland Sea in 2003. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 111(7). Abstract.
Kasajima Y, Olsson KA, Johannessen T, Messias M, Jeansson E, Bellerby RGJ, Skjelvan I (2006). A submesoscale coherent eddy in the Greenland Sea in 2003. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(C7).
Olsson KA, Jeansson E, Anderson LG, Hansen B, Eldevik T, Kristiansen R, Messias MJ, Johannessen T, Watson AJ (2005). Intermediate water from the Greenland Sea in the Faroe Bank Channel: Spreading of released sulphur hexafluoride. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52(2), 279-294. Abstract.
Bakker DCE, Bozec Y, Nightingale PD, Goldson L, Messias MJ, de Baar HJW, Liddicoat M, Skjelvan I, Strass V, Watson AJ, et al (2005). Iron and mixing affect biological carbon uptake in SOIREE and EisenEx, two Southern Ocean iron fertilisation experiments. DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS, 52(6), 1001-1019.  Author URL.
Brea S, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Álvarez M, Pérez FF, Mémery L, Mercier H, Messias MJ (2004). Nutrient mineralization rates and ratios in the eastern South Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 109(5). Abstract.
Naveira Garabato AC, Oliver KIC, Watson AJ, Messias MJ (2004). Turbulent diapycnal mixing in the Nordic seas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 109(12), 1-9. Abstract.
Gascard J-C, Watson AJ, Messias M-J, Olsson KA, Johannessen T, Simonsen K (2002). Long-lived vortices as a mode of deep ventilation in the Greenland Sea. Nature, 416(6880), 525-527. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mémery L, Arhan M, Alvarez-Salgado XA, Messias MJ, Mercier H, Castro CG, Rios AF (2000). The water masses along the western boundary of the south and equatorial Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography, 47(1), 69-98. Abstract.
Watson AJ, Messias MJ, Fogelqvist E, Van Scoy KA, Johannessen T, Oliver KIC, Stevens DP, Rey F, Tanhua T, Olsson KA, et al (1999). Mixing and convection in the Greenland Sea from a tracer-release experiment. Nature, 401(6756), 902-904. Abstract.
Messias MJ, Andrié C, Mémery L, Mercier H (1999). Tracing the North Atlantic Deep Water through the Romanche and Chain Fracture Zones with chlorofluoromethanes. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 46(7), 1247-1278. Abstract.
Andrié C, Ternon JF, Messias MJ, Memery L, Bourlès B (1998). Chlorofluoromethane distributions in the deep equatorial Atlantic during January-March 1993. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 45(6), 903-930. Abstract.
Jean-Baptiste P, Messias MJ, Alba C, Charlou JL, Bougault H (1994). A simple copper-tube sampler for collecting and storing seawater for post-cruise CFC measurements. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 41(9), 1361-1372. Abstract.
Jean-Baptiste P, Messias MJ (1993). Using tracers to study ocean circulation: what more can we learn by the year 2000?. Annales - Institut Oceanographique, Paris, 69(2), 283-305. Abstract.

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External Engagement and Impact

Administrative responsibilities

I am the Laboratories Liaison for Geography.

News 23/02/2024: We are re-purposing  the Experiental Hall in Amory and we are giving away fo free Geography equipment for re-homing. The transport to the new home and  logistics are all to be  paid for by the new owner.  I will update the list of equipment and photos here time to times.

23/02/2024 Free to go: Red tank geomorphology plot with scaner detection from HR Wallingford for river deposition study  etc ... Click below for photos of the availble equipement.

photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

photo 5

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Supervision / Group

Postgraduate researchers

  • Siobhan Moran (University of East Anglia)
  • Gen Hinde University of Exeter
  • Neill Mackay (University of East Anglia)
  • Tobia Tudino (University of Exeter)

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Office Hours:

Term 1: 

Wednesday 13:00-15:00  and  Fridays  13:00-15:00 

During these hours, I will be available via Microsoft Teams, Skype  or Zoom. ​ Please contact me beforehand if you would like to talk.

Please use this LINK to book a time slot. This will create a Teams video link. Please note that the booking system is Brtish Summer Time +1 hour  (= Paris time) presently.

For information on downloading and using Microsoft Teams for students, see here.

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