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 Stacia Ryder

Stacia Ryder

Postdoctoral Research Fellow


 Amory C255


Amory Building, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4RJ , UK


Stacia works on an interdisciplinary, mixed-methods research project funded by the UK Natural Environmental Research Council and Economic and Social Research Council, entitled ‘Attitudes toward Shale Gas in Space and Time.’ The project is focused on exploring how public responses to shale gas development unfold at national, regional, and local scales in the UK. She is also working on a second research project funded through the same program, which focuses on risk perception and community engagement in the context of geothermal energy.  She is the lead editor of the just-released book "Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene: From (Un)Just Presents to Just Futures.” Stacia received her PhD in Sociology in 2019 from Colorado State University, where her dissertation work involved multi-sited critical policy ethnography to explore how power exacerbates issues of procedural justice across multiple governance scale decision-making processes for regulating oil and gas development in Colorado’s Front Range.

Broad Research Specialisms

Temporality, spatiality, scale and power in environmental, energy and climate justice contexts.

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Research interests

Temporality, spatiality, scale and power in environmental, energy and climate justice contexts.

Research projects

Understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of public attitudes and community responses to shale gas: an integrated approach (UKUH), Risk perceptions and public engagement with geothermal energy (UKUH), Just Transitions for Industrial Decarbonisation in the UK (IDRIC)

Research networks

Earth System Governance

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Journal articles

Mayer A, Ryder S (2022). Food, Energy, and Water Security in the Era of COVID-19: Preliminary Evidence from Colorado, United States. Environmental Justice, 15(5), 306-312.
Evensen D, Whitmarsh L, Bartie P, Devine-Wright P, Dickie J, Varley A, Ryder S, Mayer A (2021). Effect of “finite pool of worry” and COVID-19 on UK climate change perceptions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(3). Abstract.
Devine-Wright P, Ryder S, Dickie J, Evensen D, Varley A, Whitmarsh L, Bartie P (2021). Induced seismicity or political ploy?: Using a novel mix of methods to identify multiple publics and track responses over time to shale gas policy change. Energy Research and Social Science, 81 Abstract.

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External Engagement and Impact

Environment & Society Director, Exeter Community Energy

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