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Professor Ted Feldpausch

Professor Ted Feldpausch

Professor in Terrestrial Ecology and Global Change, Director of Postgraduate Research (Physical Geography)


 Laver Building 707B


Laver Building, University of Exeter, North Park Road, Exeter, EX4 4QE, UK


Please visit my full up-to-date web site and news:

My research and teaching span global forests and savannas, with a focus on the tropics, especially Latin America, where I have lived and worked for more than 20 years. My research aims to understand the drivers of vegetation dynamics and structure, the effect of changing climate on carbon and nutrient cycling, and how disturbance and forest degradation, including natural processes and anthropogenic conversion, affect long-term vegetation function. I trained in plant biology and environmental sciences at Michigan State University and then worked for a number of years in research with the US Forest Service and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. I obtained an MSc and PhD in forest ecology and soil science at Cornell University studying secondary forests, restoration, and logging while living for several years in central and southern Amazonia. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at Cornell using stable isotopes to study changes in plant and soil carbon dynamics due to invasive species, I moved to a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Leeds to study the drivers of change in pantropical tropical forests and savannas. I am a Professor of Terrestrial Ecology and Global Change, Director of Postgraduate Research in Physical Geography, at the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy and part of the Landscape and Ecosystem Dynamics group and Global Systems Institute. Externally, I am a teaching professor at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA) and UNEMAT, Brazil.

Broad research specialisms:

Tropical forest ecology; Amazonia and Africa; Land-cover, land-use change; Forest disturbance, degradation, and restoration; Logging; Forest-climate interactions; Drought; Fire; Pyrogenic carbon; Terrestrial carbon and nutrient cycling


  • PhD, Forest Ecology/Soil Science, Cornell University
  • MSc, Soil Science/Conservation and Sustainable Land-use, Cornell University
  • BSc, Environmental Plant Biology, Michigan State University


  • Affiliated professor at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA), Brazil, Tropical Forest Science post-graduate program
  • Affiliated professor at the University of Mato Grosso State (UNEMAT), Brazil, Ecology and Conservation post-graduate program
  • AMAZONICA, TROBIT, and RAINFOR projects, University of Leeds, UK. Funded by the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
  • US National Science Foundation post-doctoral researcher, Cornell University, NY USA
  • NASA Large- Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA-ECO) PhD Research Fellow
  • USA Environmental Protection Agency MSc Research Scholar for research in Amazonia
  • Boren Fellow for study in Amazonia
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United States Department of Energy, WA USA
  • US Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, MI, USA


Research group links

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Journal articles

Wannes H, Simon L, Feldpausch T, et. A (In Press). Asynchronous Carbon Sink Saturation in African and Amazonian Tropical Forests. Nature
Householder JE, Wittmann F, Schöngart J, Piedade MTF, Junk WJ, Latrubesse EM, Quaresma AC, Demarchi LO, de S Lobo G, Aguiar DPPD, et al (2024). Erratum: Author Correction: One sixth of Amazonian tree diversity is dependent on river floodplains (Nature ecology & evolution (2024) 8 5 (901-911)). Nature ecology & evolution, 8(5), 1046-1047.
Luize BG, Bauman D, ter Steege H, Palma‐Silva C, do Amaral IL, de Souza Coelho L, de Almeida Matos FD, de Andrade Lima Filho D, Salomão RP, Wittmann F, et al (2024). Geography and ecology shape the phylogenetic composition of Amazonian tree communities. Journal of Biogeography Abstract.
Householder JE, Wittmann F, Schöngart J, Piedade MTF, Junk WJ, Latrubesse EM, Quaresma AC, Demarchi LO, de S Lobo G, Aguiar DPPD, et al (2024). One sixth of Amazonian tree diversity is dependent on river floodplains. Nat Ecol Evol, 8(5), 901-911. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hill J, Black S, Araujo-Murakami A, Boot R, Brienen R, Feldpausch T, Leigue J, Murakami S, Monteagudo A, Pardo G, et al (2023). An Assessment of Soil Phytolith Analysis as a Palaeoecological Tool for Identifying Pre-Columbian Land Use in Amazonian Rainforests. Quaternary, 6(2). Abstract.
Vedovato LB, Carvalho LCS, Aragão LEOC, Bird M, Phillips OL, Alvarez P, Barlow J, Bartholomew DC, Berenguer E, Castro W, et al (2023). Ancient fires enhance Amazon forest drought resistance. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6 Abstract.
Delavaux CS, Crowther TW, Zohner CM, Robmann NM, Lauber T, van den Hoogen J, Kuebbing S, Liang J, de-Miguel S, Nabuurs G-J, et al (2023). Author Correction: Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions. Nature, 622(7982).  Author URL.
Tavares JV, Oliveira RS, Mencuccini M, Signori-Müller C, Pereira L, Diniz FC, Gilpin M, Marca Zevallos MJ, Salas Yupayccana CA, Acosta M, et al (2023). Basin-wide variation in tree hydraulic safety margins predicts the carbon balance of Amazon forests. Nature, 617(7959), 111-117. Abstract.
Crawford AJ, Feldpausch TR, Marimon BH, de Oliveira EA, Belcher CM (2023). Effect of tree wood density on energy release and charcoal reflectance under constant heat exposure. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 32(12), 1788-1797.
Hordijk I, Maynard DS, Hart SP, Lidong M, ter Steege H, Liang J, de-Miguel S, Nabuurs GJ, Reich PB, Abegg M, et al (2023). Evenness mediates the global relationship between forest productivity and richness. Journal of Ecology, 111(6), 1308-1326. Abstract.
Correa DF, Stevenson PR, Umaña MN, Coelho LDS, Lima Filho DDA, Salomão RP, Amaral ILD, Wittmann F, Matos FDDA, Castilho CV, et al (2023). Geographic patterns of tree dispersal modes in Amazonia and their ecological correlates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32(1), 49-69. Abstract.
de Lima RB, Görgens EB, da Silva DAS, de Oliveira CP, Batista APB, Caraciolo Ferreira RL, Costa FRC, Ferreira de Lima RA, da Silva Aparício P, de Abreu JC, et al (2023). Giants of the Amazon: How does environmental variation drive the diversity patterns of large trees?. Glob Chang Biol, 29(17), 4861-4879. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mo L, Zohner CM, Reich PB, Liang J, de Miguel S, Nabuurs G-J, Renner SS, van den Hoogen J, Araza A, Herold M, et al (2023). Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential. Nature, 624(7990), 92-101. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ter Steege H, Pitman NCA, do Amaral IL, de Souza Coelho L, de Almeida Matos FD, de Andrade Lima Filho D, Salomão RP, Wittmann F, Castilho CV, Guevara JE, et al (2023). Mapping density, diversity and species-richness of the Amazon tree flora. Commun Biol, 6(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Peripato V, Levis C, Moreira GA, Gamerman D, Ter Steege H, Pitman NCA, de Souza JG, Iriarte J, Robinson M, Junqueira AB, et al (2023). More than 10,000 pre-Columbian earthworks are still hidden throughout Amazonia. Science, 382(6666), 103-109. Abstract.  Author URL.
Delavaux CS, Crowther TW, Zohner CM, Robmann NM, Lauber T, van den Hoogen J, Kuebbing S, Liang J, de-Miguel S, Nabuurs GJ, et al (2023). Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions. Nature, 621(7980), 773-781. Abstract.
Carvalho RL, Resende AF, Barlow J, França FM, Moura MR, Maciel R, Alves-Martins F, Shutt J, Nunes CA, Elias F, et al (2023). Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research. Curr Biol, 33(16), 3495-3504.e4. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bennett AC, Rodrigues de Sousa T, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Morandi PS, Coelho de Souza F, Castro W, Duque LF, Flores Llampazo G, Manoel dos Santos R, et al (2023). Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly. Nature Climate Change, 13(9), 967-974.
Ma H, Crowther TW, Mo L, Maynard DS, Renner SS, van den Hoogen J, Zou Y, Liang J, de-Miguel S, Nabuurs G-J, et al (2023). The global biogeography of tree leaf form and habit. Nat Plants, 9(11), 1795-1809. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rozendaal DMA, Requena Suarez D, De Sy V, Avitabile V, Carter S, Adou Yao CY, Alvarez-Davila E, Anderson-Teixeira K, Araujo-Murakami A, Arroyo L, et al (2022). Aboveground forest biomass varies across continents, ecological zones and successional stages: Refined IPCC default values for tropical and subtropical forests. Environmental Research Letters, 17(1). Abstract.
Reis SM, Marimon BS, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Marimon BH, Morandi PS, Elias F, de Oliveira EA, Galbraith D, Feldpausch TR, Menor IO, et al (2022). Climate and crown damage drive tree mortality in southern Amazonian edge forests. Journal of Ecology, 110(4), 876-888. Abstract.
Alvarez F, Morandi PS, Marimon-Junior BH, Exavier R, Araújo I, Mariano LH, Muller AO, Feldpausch TR, Marimon BS (2022). Climate defined but not soil-restricted: the distribution of a Neotropical tree through space and time. Plant and Soil, 471(1-2), 175-191. Abstract.
Gatti RC, Reich PB, Gamarra JGP, Crowther T, Hui C, Morera A, Bastin JF, de-Miguel S, Nabuurs GJ, Svenning JC, et al (2022). Erratum: the number of tree species on Earth (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2022) 119 (e2115329119) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2115329119). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(13). Abstract.
Feldpausch TR, Carvalho L, Macario KD, Ascough PL, Flores CF, Coronado ENH, Kalamandeen M, Phillips OL, Staff RA (2022). Forest Fire History in Amazonia Inferred from Intensive Soil Charcoal Sampling and Radiocarbon Dating. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5 Abstract.
Marca-Zevallos MJ, Moulatlet GM, Sousa TR, Schietti J, Coelho LDS, Ramos JF, Lima Filho DDA, Amaral IL, de Almeida Matos FD, Rincón LM, et al (2022). Local hydrological conditions influence tree diversity and composition across the Amazon basin. Ecography, 2022(11). Abstract.
Adzhar R, Kelley DI, Dong N, George C, Torello Raventos M, Veenendaal E, Feldpausch TR, Phillips OL, Lewis SL, Sonké B, et al (2022). MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields tree cover needs calibrating in tropical savannas. Biogeosciences, 19(5), 1377-1394. Abstract.
Lima ÉFDC, Ribeiro SC, Mews HA, Costa RS, Garvizu NGS, Brown IF, Perz SG, Schmidt FA, Silveira M, Phillips OL, et al (2022). Primary modes of tree mortality in southwestern Amazon forests. Trees, Forests and People, 7 Abstract.
de Oliveira EA, Feldpausch TR, Marimon BS, Morandi PS, Phillips OL, Bird M, Murakami AA, Arroyo L, Quesada CA, Marimon-Junior BH, et al (2022). Soil pyrogenic carbon in southern Amazonia: Interaction between soil, climate, and above-ground biomass. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5 Abstract.
Jucker T, Fischer FJ, Chave J, Coomes DA, Caspersen J, Ali A, Loubota Panzou GJ, Feldpausch TR, Falster D, Usoltsev VA, et al (2022). Tallo: a global tree allometry and crown architecture database. Glob Chang Biol, 28(17), 5254-5268. Abstract.  Author URL.
Cazzolla Gatti R, Reich PB, Gamarra JGP, Crowther T, Hui C, Morera A, Bastin J-F, de-Miguel S, Nabuurs G-J, Svenning J-C, et al (2022). The number of tree species on Earth. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 119(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sousa TR, Schietti J, Ribeiro IO, Emílio T, Fernández RH, ter Steege H, Castilho CV, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Baker T, Pontes-Lopes A, et al (2022). Water table depth modulates productivity and biomass across Amazonian forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(8), 1571-1588. Abstract.
Draper FC, Costa FRC, Arellano G, Phillips OL, Duque A, Macía MJ, Ter Steege H, Asner GP, Berenguer E, Schietti J, et al (2021). Amazon tree dominance across forest strata. Nat Ecol Evol, 5(6), 757-767. Abstract.  Author URL.
Adzhar R, Kelley DI, Dong N, Torello Raventos M, Veenendaal E, Feldpausch TR, Philips OL, Lewis S, Sonké B, Taedoumg H, et al (2021). Assessing MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields tree cover product (collection 6): performance and applicability in tropical forests and. savannas. Abstract.
Ningthoujam R, Prestes NCCDS, Feldpausch TR, Wooster M, Harrison SP, Prentice IC (2021). Fire-related forest properties observed using Landsat and radar data. Abstract.
Signori-Müller C, Oliveira RS, Barros FDV, Tavares JV, Gilpin M, Diniz FC, Zevallos MJM, Yupayccana CAS, Acosta M, Bacca J, et al (2021). Non-structural carbohydrates mediate seasonal water stress across Amazon forests. Nat Commun, 12(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Panzou GJL, Fayolle A, Jucker T, Phillips OL, Bohlman S, Banin LF, Lewis SL, Affum-Baffoe K, Alves LF, Antin C, et al (2021). Pantropical variability in tree crown allometry. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 30(2), 459-475.  Author URL.
Vedovato L, Carvalho L, Aragão L, Feldpausch T (2021). Pyrogenic carbon and forest dynamics during drought in Amazonian forests. Abstract.
Bennett AC, Dargie GC, Cuni-Sanchez A, Tshibamba Mukendi J, Hubau W, Mukinzi JM, Phillips OL, Malhi Y, Sullivan MJP, Cooper DLM, et al (2021). Resistance of African tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 118(21). Abstract.  Author URL.
Forest PN, Blundo C, Carilla J, Grau R, Malizia A, Malizia L, Osinaga-Acosta O, Bird M, Bradford M, Catchpole D, et al (2021). Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation, 260 Abstract.
Fahey T, Bohlen P, Feldpausch TR, Fisk M, Goebel M, Groffman PM, Maerz J, Yavitt J (2021). Tracing carbon flow through a sugar maple forest and its soil components: role of invasive earthworms. Plant and Soil, 464(1-2), 517-537. Abstract.
Pos E, de Souza Coelho L, de Andrade Lima Filho D, Salomão RP, Amaral IL, de Almeida Matos FD, Castilho CV, Phillips OL, Guevara JE, de Jesus Veiga Carim M, et al (2021). Unraveling Amazon tree community assembly using Maximum Information Entropy: a quantitative analysis of tropical forest ecology.
Djagbletey GD, Addo-Danso SD, Duah-Gyamfi A, Veenendaal EM, Feldpausch TR, Schrodt F, Domingues TF, Saiz G, Affum-Baffoe K, Bird M, et al (2021). WOODY PLANT COMPOSITION, DIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION STATUS OF a PROTECTED AREA IN THE TRANSITION ZONE OF GHANA. Journal of the Ghana Science Association, 20(2), 6-16. Abstract.
Ter Steege H, Prado PI, Lima RAFD, Pos E, de Souza Coelho L, de Andrade Lima Filho D, Salomão RP, Amaral IL, de Almeida Matos FD, Castilho CV, et al (2020). Biased-corrected richness estimates for the Amazonian tree flora. Sci Rep, 10(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Reis SM, Marimon BS, Morandi PS, Elias F, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Marimon Junior BH, Fauset S, de Oliveira EA, van der Heijden GMF, Galbraith D, et al (2020). Causes and consequences of liana infestation in southern Amazonia. Journal of Ecology, 108(6), 2184-2197. Abstract.
Rozendaal DMA, Phillips OL, Lewis SL, Affum-Baffoe K, Alvarez-Davila E, Andrade A, Aragão LEOC, Araujo-Murakami A, Baker TR, Bánki O, et al (2020). Competition influences tree growth, but not mortality, across environmental gradients in Amazonia and tropical Africa. Ecology, 101(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Marimon BS, Oliveira-Santos C, Marimon-Junior BH, Elias F, de Oliveira EA, Morandi PS, Nayane NCCD, Mariano LH, Pereira OR, Feldpausch TR, et al (2020). Drought generates large, long-term changes in tree and liana regeneration in a monodominant Amazon forest. Plant Ecology, 221(8), 733-747. Abstract.
Burton C, Betts RA, Jones CD, Feldpausch TR, Cardoso M, Anderson LO (2020). El Niño Driven Changes in Global Fire 2015/16. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8 Abstract.
Moonlight PW, Banda‐R K, Phillips OL, Dexter KG, Pennington RT, Baker TR, C. de Lima H, Fajardo L, González‐M. R, Linares‐Palomino R, et al (2020). Expanding tropical forest monitoring into Dry Forests: the DRYFLOR protocol for permanent plots. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET, 3(3), 295-300. Abstract.
Prestes NCCDS, Massi KG, Silva EA, Nogueira DS, de Oliveira EA, Freitag R, Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Keller M, Feldpausch TR, et al (2020). Fire Effects on Understory Forest Regeneration in Southern Amazonia. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 3 Abstract.
de Oliveira EA, Marimon‐Junior BH, Marimon BS, Iriarte J, Morandi PS, Maezumi SY, Nogueira DS, Aragão LEOC, da Silva IB, Feldpausch TR, et al (2020). Legacy of Amazonian Dark Earth soils on forest structure and species composition. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(9), 1458-1473. Abstract.
Sullivan MJP, Lewis SL, Affum-Baffoe K, Castilho C, Costa F, Sanchez AC, Ewango CEN, Hubau W, Marimon B, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, et al (2020). Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth's tropical forests. Science, 368(6493), 869-874. Abstract.  Author URL.
Marimon-Junior BH, Hay JDV, Oliveras I, Jancoski H, Umetsu RK, Feldpausch TR, Galbraith DR, Gloor EU, Phillips OL, Marimon BS, et al (2020). Soil water-holding capacity and monodominance in Southern Amazon tropical forests. Plant and Soil, 450(1-2), 65-79. Abstract.
Muscarella R, Emilio T, Phillips OL, Lewis SL, Slik F, Baker WJ, Couvreur TLP, Eiserhardt WL, Svenning JC, Affum-Baffoe K, et al (2020). The global abundance of tree palms. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(9), 1495-1514. Abstract.
Morandi PS, Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Ratter JA, Feldpausch TR, Colli GR, Munhoz CBR, da Silva Júnior MC, de Souza Lima E, Haidar RF, et al (2020). Tree diversity and above-ground biomass in the South America Cerrado biome and their conservation implications. Biodiversity and Conservation, 29(5), 1519-1536. Abstract.
Esquivel-Muelbert A, Phillips OL, Brienen RJW, Fauset S, Sullivan MJP, Baker TR, Chao K-J, Feldpausch TR, Gloor E, Higuchi N, et al (2020). Tree mode of death and mortality risk factors across Amazon forests. Nat Commun, 11(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Steidinger BS, Crowther TW, Liang J, Van Nuland ME, Werner GDA, Reich PB, Nabuurs G, de-Miguel S, Zhou M, Picard N, et al (2019). Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses. Nature, 569(7756), 404-408. Abstract.
Esquivel-Muelbert A, Baker TR, Dexter KG, Lewis SL, Brienen RJW, Feldpausch TR, Lloyd J, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Arroyo L, Álvarez-Dávila E, et al (2019). Compositional response of Amazon forests to climate change. Global Change Biology, 25(1), 39-56. Abstract.
Aguirre-Gutiérrez J, Oliveras I, Rifai S, Fauset S, Adu-Bredu S, Affum-Baffoe K, Baker TR, Feldpausch TR, Gvozdevaite A, Hubau W, et al (2019). Drier tropical forests are susceptible to functional changes in response to a long-term drought. Ecol Lett, 22(5), 855-865. Abstract.  Author URL.
Requena Suarez D, Rozendaal DMA, De Sy V, Phillips OL, Alvarez-Dávila E, Anderson-Teixeira K, Araujo-Murakami A, Arroyo L, Baker TR, Bongers F, et al (2019). Estimating aboveground net biomass change for tropical and subtropical forests: Refinement of IPCC default rates using forest plot data. Glob Chang Biol, 25(11), 3609-3624. Abstract.  Author URL.
Coelho de Souza F, Dexter KG, Phillips OL, Pennington RT, Neves D, Sullivan MJP, Alvarez-Davila E, Alves Á, Amaral I, Andrade A, et al (2019). Evolutionary diversity is associated with wood productivity in Amazonian forests. Nat Ecol Evol, 3(12), 1754-1761. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nogueira DS, Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Oliveira EA, Morandi P, Reis SM, Elias F, Neves EC, Feldpausch TR, Lloyd J, et al (2019). Impacts of Fire on Forest Biomass Dynamics at the Southern Amazon Edge. Environmental Conservation, 46(4), 285-292. Abstract.
Fauset S, Gloor M, Fyllas NM, Phillips OL, Asner GP, Baker TR, Patrick Bentley L, Brienen RJW, Christoffersen BO, del Aguila-Pasquel J, et al (2019). Individual-based modeling of amazon forests suggests that climate controls productivity while traits control demography. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7 Abstract.
ter Steege H, Henkel TW, Helal N, Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Huth A, Groeneveld J, Sabatier D, Coelho LDS, Filho DDAL, et al (2019). Rarity of monodominance in hyperdiverse Amazonian forests. Scientific Reports, 9(1). Abstract.
Burton C, Betts R, Cardoso M, Feldpausch TR, Harper A, Jones CD, Kelley DI, Robertson E, Wiltshire A (2019). Representation of fire, land-use change and vegetation dynamics in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator vn4.9 (JULES). GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 12(1), 179-193.  Author URL.
Schepaschenko D, Chave J, Phillips OL, Lewis SL, Davies SJ, Réjou-Méchain M, Sist P, Scipal K, Perger C, Herault B, et al (2019). The Forest Observation System, building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass. Scientific Data, 6(1). Abstract.
Hubau W, De Mil T, Van den Bulcke J, Phillips OL, Angoboy Ilondea B, Van Acker J, Sullivan MJP, Nsenga L, Toirambe B, Couralet C, et al (2019). The persistence of carbon in the African forest understory. Nature Plants, 5(2), 133-140. Abstract.
Harrison ME, Ottay JB, D’Arcy LJ, Cheyne SM, Anggodo, Belcher C, Cole L, Dohong A, Ermiasi Y, Feldpausch T, et al (2019). Tropical forest and peatland conservation in Indonesia: Challenges and directions. People and Nature, 2(1), 4-28. Abstract.
Reis SM, Marimon BS, Marimon Junior BH, Morandi PS, de Oliveira EA, Elias F, Das Neves EC, de Oliveira B, Nogueira DDS, Umetsu RK, et al (2018). Climate and fragmentation affect forest structure at the southern border of amazonia. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 11(1), 13-25. Abstract.
Sullivan MJP, Lewis SL, Hubau W, Qie L, Baker TR, Banin LF, Chave J, Cuni-Sanchez A, Feldpausch TR, Lopez-Gonzalez G, et al (2018). Field methods for sampling tree height for tropical forest biomass estimation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(5), 1179-1189. Abstract.
Bruelheide H, Dengler J, Purschke O, Lenoir J, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Hennekens SM, Botta-Dukát Z, Chytrý M, Field R, Jansen F, et al (2018). Global trait-environment relationships of plant communities. Nat Ecol Evol, 2(12), 1906-1917. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bastin JF, Rutishauser E, Kellner JR, Saatchi S, Pélissier R, Hérault B, Slik F, Bogaert J, De Cannière C, Marshall AR, et al (2018). Pan-tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(11), 1366-1383. Abstract.
Burton C, Betts R, Cardoso M, Feldpausch TR, Harper A, Jones C, Kelley DI, Robertson E, Wiltshire A (2018). Representation of disturbance in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator Vn4.8 (JULES). Abstract.
Passos FB, Marimon BS, Phillips OL, Morandi PS, das Neves EC, Elias F, Reis SM, de Oliveira B, Feldpausch TR, Marimon Júnior BH, et al (2018). Savanna turning into forest: concerted vegetation change at the ecotone between the Amazon and “Cerrado” biomes. Revista Brasileira de Botanica, 41(3), 611-619. Abstract.
Gomes VHF, IJff SD, Raes N, Amaral IL, Salomão RP, de Souza Coelho L, de Almeida Matos FD, Castilho CV, de Andrade Lima Filho D, López DC, et al (2018). Species Distribution Modelling: Contrasting presence-only models with plot abundance data. Sci Rep, 8(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Loubota Panzou GJ, Fayolle A, Feldpausch TR, Ligot G, Doucet JL, Forni E, Zombo I, Mazengue M, Loumeto JJ, Gourlet-Fleury S, et al (2018). What controls local-scale aboveground biomass variation in central Africa? Testing structural, composition and architectural attributes. Forest Ecology and Management, 429, 570-578. Abstract.
Koele N, Bird M, Haig J, Marimon-Junior BH, Marimon BS, Phillips OL, de Oliveira EA, Quesada CA, Feldpausch TR (2017). Amazon Basin forest pyrogenic carbon stocks: First estimate of deep storage. Geoderma, 306, 237-243. Abstract.
Goulart AC, Macario KD, Scheel-Ybert R, Alves EQ, Bachelet C, Pereira BB, Levis C, Marimon Junior BH, Marimon BS, Quesada CA, et al (2017). Charcoal chronology of the Amazon forest: a record of biodiversity preserved by ancient fires. Quaternary Geochronology, 41, 180-186. Abstract.
Sullivan MJP, Talbot J, Lewis SL, Phillips OL, Qie L, Begne SK, Chave J, Cuni-Sanchez A, Hubau W, Lopez-Gonzalez G, et al (2017). Diversity and carbon storage across the tropical forest biome. Sci Rep, 7 Abstract.  Author URL.
Massi KG, Bird M, Marimon BS, Marimon BH, Nogueira DS, Oliveira EA, Phillips OL, Quesada CA, Andrade AS, Brienen RJW, et al (2017). Does soil pyrogenic carbon determine plant functional traits in Amazon Basin forests?. Plant Ecology, 218(9), 1047-1062. Abstract.
Levis C, Costa FRC, Bongers F, Pena-Claros M, Clement CR, Junqueira AB, Neves EG, Tamanaha EK, Figueiredo FOG, Salomao RP, et al (2017). Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition. SCIENCE, 355(6328), 925-+.  Author URL.
Ningthoujam RK, Balzter H, Tansey K, Feldpausch TR, Mitchard ETA, Wani AA, Joshi PK (2017). Relationships of S-band radar backscatter and forest aboveground biomass in different forest types. Remote Sensing, 9(11). Abstract.
Esquivel-Muelbert A, Baker TR, Dexter KG, Lewis SL, ter Steege H, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Monteagudo Mendoza A, Brienen R, Feldpausch TR, Pitman N, et al (2017). Seasonal drought limits tree species across the Neotropics. Ecography, 40(5), 618-629. Abstract.
Feldpausch TR, Phillips OL, Brienen RJW, Gloor E, Lloyd J, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Malhi Y, Alarcón A, Álvarez Dávila E, et al (2016). Amazon forest response to repeated droughts. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30(7), 964-982. Abstract.
Watling J, Iriarte J, Whitney BS, Consuelo E, Mayle F, Castro W, Schaan D, Feldpausch TR (2016). Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: Southwestern Amazonian forests. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 226, 30-43. Abstract.
Levine NM, Zhang K, Longo M, Baccini A, Phillips OL, Lewis SL, Alvarez-Dávila E, Segalin de Andrade AC, Brienen RJW, Erwin TL, et al (2016). Ecosystem heterogeneity determines the ecological resilience of the Amazon to climate change. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113(3), 793-797. Abstract.  Author URL.
Tymen B, Réjou-Méchain M, Dalling JW, Fauset S, Feldpausch TR, Norden N, Phillips OL, Turner BL, Viers J, Chave J, et al (2016). Evidence for arrested succession in a liana-infested Amazonian forest. Journal of Ecology, 104(1), 149-159. Abstract.
Coelho de Souza F, Dexter KG, Phillips OL, Brienen RJW, Chave J, Galbraith DR, Lopez Gonzalez G, Monteagudo Mendoza A, Pennington RT, Poorter L, et al (2016). Evolutionary heritage influences Amazon tree ecology. Proc Biol Sci, 283(1844). Abstract.  Author URL.
Morandi PS, Marimon BS, Eisenlohr PV, Marimon-Junior BH, Oliveira-Santos C, Feldpausch TR, De Oliveira EA, Reis SM, Lloyd J, Phillips OL, et al (2016). Patterns of tree species composition at watershed-scale in the Amazon 'arc of deforestation': Implications for conservation. Environmental Conservation, 43(4), 317-326. Abstract.
Ho Tong Minh D, Le Toan T, Rocca F, Tebaldini S, Villard L, Réjou-Méchain M, Phillips OL, Feldpausch TR, Dubois-Fernandez P, Scipal K, et al (2016). SAR tomography for the retrieval of forest biomass and height: Cross-validation at two tropical forest sites in French Guiana. Remote Sensing of Environment, 175, 138-147. Abstract.
Johnson MO, Galbraith D, Gloor M, De Deurwaerder H, Guimberteau M, Rammig A, Thonicke K, Verbeeck H, von Randow C, Monteagudo A, et al (2016). Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of above-ground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models. Glob Chang Biol, 22(12), 3996-4013. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ferreira Domingues T, Ishida FY, Feldpausch TR, Grace J, Meir P, Saiz G, Sene O, Schrodt F, Sonké B, Taedoumg H, et al (2015). Biome-specific effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on the photosynthetic characteristics of trees at a forest-savanna boundary in Cameroon. Oecologia Abstract.
Espírito-Santo FDB, Gloor M, Keller M, Malhi Y, Saatchi S, Nelson B, Junior RCO, Pereira C, Lloyd J, Frolking S, et al (2015). Correction: Corrigendum: Size and frequency of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance. Nature Communications, 6(1).
Maracahipes Santos L, Lenza E, dos Santos JO, Marimon BS, Eisenlohr PV, Marimon Junior BH, Feldpausch TR (2015). Diversity, floristic composition, and structure of the woody vegetation of the Cerrado in the Cerrado–Amazon transition zone in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Botanica, 38(4), 877-887. Abstract.
Doughty CE, Metcalfe DB, Girardin CAJ, Amézquita FF, Cabrera DG, Huasco WH, Silva-Espejo JE, Araujo-Murakami A, da Costa MC, Rocha W, et al (2015). Drought impact on forest carbon dynamics and fluxes in Amazonia. Nature, 519(7541), 78-82. Abstract.  Author URL.
Marimon BS, Colli GR, Marimon-Junior BH, Mews HA, Eisenlohr PV, Feldpausch TR, Phillips OL (2015). Ecology of floodplain campos de murundus savanna in southern Amazonia. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 176(7), 670-681. Abstract.
Lloyd J, Domingues TF, Schrodt F, Ishida FY, Feldpausch TR, Saiz G, Quesada CA, Schwarz M, Torello-Raventos M, Gilpin M, et al (2015). Edaphic, structural and physiological contrasts across Amazon Basin forest-savanna ecotones suggest a role for potassium as a key modulator of tropical woody vegetation structure and function. Biogeosciences, 12(22), 6529-6571. Abstract.
Ter Steege H, Pitman NCA, Killeen TJ, Laurance WF, Peres CA, Guevara JE, Salomão RP, Castilho CV, Amaral IL, de Almeida Matos FD, et al (2015). Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species. Sci Adv, 1(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dexter KG, Smart B, Baldauf C, Baker TR, Balinga MPB, Brienen RJW, Fauset S, Feldpausch TR, Ferreira-Da Silva L, Muledi JI, et al (2015). Floristics and biogeography of vegetation in seasonally dry tropical regions. INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW, 17, 10-32.  Author URL.
Schrodt F, Domingues TF, Feldpausch TR, Saiz G, Quesada CA, Schwarz M, Ishida FY, Compaore H, Diallo A, Djagbletey G, et al (2015). Foliar trait contrasts between African forest and savanna trees: Genetic versus environmental effects. Functional Plant Biology, 42(1), 63-83. Abstract.
Fauset S, Johnson MO, Gloor M, Baker TR, Monteagudo M A, Brienen RJW, Feldpausch TR, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Malhi Y, ter Steege H, et al (2015). Hyperdominance in Amazonian forest carbon cycling. Nat Commun, 6 Abstract.  Author URL.
Brienen RJW, Phillips OL, Feldpausch TR, Gloor E, Baker TR, Lloyd J, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Malhi Y, Lewis SL, et al (2015). Long-term decline of the Amazon carbon sink. Nature, 519(7543), 344-348. Abstract.  Author URL.
Honorio Coronado EN, Dexter KG, Pennington RT, Chave J, Lewis SL, Alexiades MN, Alvarez E, Alves de Oliveira A, Amaral IL, Araujo-Murakami A, et al (2015). Phylogenetic diversity of Amazonian tree communities. Diversity and Distributions Abstract.
Reis SM, Lenza E, Marimon BS, Gomes L, Forsthofer M, Morandi PS, Junior BHM, Feldpausch TR, Elias F (2015). Post-fire dynamics of the woody vegetation of a savanna forest (Cerradão) in the Cerrado-Amazon transition zone. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 29(3), 408-416. Abstract.
Gloor M, Barichivich J, Ziv G, Brienen R, Schöngart J, Peylin P, Ladvocat Cintra BB, Feldpausch T, Phillips O, Baker J, et al (2015). Recent Amazon climate as background for possible ongoing and future changes of Amazon humid forests. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29(9), 1384-1399. Abstract.
Veenendaal EM, Torello-Raventos M, Feldpausch TR, Domingues TF, Gerard F, Schrodt F, Saiz G, Quesada CA, Djagbletey G, Ford A, et al (2015). Structural, physiognomic and above-ground biomass variation in savanna-forest transition zones on three continents - How different are co-occurring savanna and forest formations?. Biogeosciences, 12(10), 2927-2951. Abstract.
Saiz G, Bird M, Wurster C, Quesada CA, Ascough P, Domingues T, Schrodt F, Schwarz M, Feldpausch TR, Veenendaal E, et al (2015). The influence of C3 and C4 vegetation on soil organic matter dynamics in contrasting semi-natural tropical ecosystems. Biogeosciences, 12(16), 5041-5059. Abstract.
Réjou-Méchain M, Tymen B, Blanc L, Fauset S, Feldpausch TR, Monteagudo A, Phillips OL, Richard H, Chave J (2015). Using repeated small-footprint LiDAR acquisitions to infer spatial and temporal variations of a high-biomass Neotropical forest. Remote Sensing of Environment, 169, 93-101. Abstract.
Baker TR, Pennington RT, Magallon S, Gloor E, Laurance WF, Alexiades M, Alvarez E, Araujo A, Arets EJMM, Aymard G, et al (2014). Fast demographic traits promote high diversification rates of Amazonian trees. Ecol Lett, 17(5), 527-536. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mitchard ETA, Feldpausch TR, Brienen RJW, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Monteagudo A, Baker TR, Lewis SL, Lloyd J, Quesada CA, Gloor M, et al (2014). Markedly divergent estimates of amazon forest carbon density from ground plots and satellites. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Talbot J, Lewis SL, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Brienen RJW, Monteagudo A, Baker TR, Feldpausch TR, Malhi Y, Vanderwel M, Araujo Murakami A, et al (2014). Methods to estimate aboveground wood productivity from long-term forest inventory plots. Forest Ecology and Management, 320, 30-38. Abstract.
Espírito-Santo FDB, Gloor M, Keller M, Malhi Y, Saatchi S, Nelson B, Junior RCO, Pereira C, Lloyd J, Frolking S, et al (2014). Size and frequency of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance. Nat Commun, 5 Abstract.  Author URL.
Martins DL, Schietti J, Feldpausch TR, Luizão FJ, Phillips OL, Andrade A, Castilho CV, Laurance SG, Oliveira Á, Amaral IL, et al (2014). Soil-induced impacts on forest structure drive coarse woody debris stocks across central Amazonia. Plant Ecology and Diversity
Lewis SL, Sonké B, Sunderland T, Begne SK, Lopez-Gonzalez G, van der Heijden GMF, Phillips OL, Affum-Baffoe K, Baker TR, Banin L, et al (2013). Above-ground biomass and structure of 260 African tropical forests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 368(1625). Abstract.
Nardoto GB, Quesada CA, Patiño S, Saiz G, Baker TR, Schwarz M, Schrodt F, Feldpausch TR, Domingues TF, Marimon BS, et al (2013). Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest nitrogen-cycling characteristics as inferred from plant and soil 15N:14N measurements. Plant Ecology and Diversity
Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Feldpausch TR, Oliveira-Santos C, Mews HA, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Lloyd J, Franczak DD, de Oliveira EA, Maracahipes L, et al (2013). Disequilibrium and hyperdynamic tree turnover at the forest-cerrado transition zone in southern Amazonia. Plant Ecology and Diversity
de Oliveira EA, Marimon BS, Feldpausch TR, Colli GR, Marimon-Junior BH, Lloyd J, Lenza E, Maracahipes L, Oliveira-Santos C, Phillips OL, et al (2013). Diversity, abundance and distribution of lianas of the Cerrado-Amazonian forest transition, Brazil. Plant Ecology and Diversity
Ter Steege H, Pitman NCA, Sabatier D, Baraloto C, Salomão RP, Guevara JE, Phillips OL, Castilho CV, Magnusson WE, Molino JF, et al (2013). Hyperdominance in the Amazonian tree flora. Science, 342(6156). Abstract.
Gloor M, Brienen RJW, Galbraith D, Feldpausch TR, Schöngart J, Guyot JL, Espinoza JC, Lloyd J, Phillips OL (2013). Intensification of the Amazon hydrological cycle over the last two decades. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(9), 1729-1733. Abstract.
Torello-Raventos M, Feldpausch TR, Veenendaal E, Schrodt F, Saiz G, Domingues TF, Djagbletey G, Ford A, Kemp J, Marimon BS, et al (2013). On the delineation of tropical vegetation types with an emphasis on forest/savanna transitions. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 6(1), 101-137. Abstract.
Fauset S, Baker TR, Lewis SL, Feldpausch TR, Affum-Baffoe K, Foli EG, Hamer KC, Swaine MD (2012). Drought-induced shifts in the floristic and functional composition of tropical forests in Ghana. Ecol Lett, 15(10), 1120-1129. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gloor M, Gatti L, Brienen R, Feldpausch TR, Phillips OL, Miller J, Ometto JP, Rocha H, Baker T, De Jong B, et al (2012). The carbon balance of South America: a review of the status, decadal trends and main determinants. Biogeosciences, 9(12), 5407-5430. Abstract.
Feldpausch TR, Lloyd J, Lewis SL, Brienen RJW, Gloor M, Monteagudo Mendoza A, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Banin L, Abu Salim K, Affum-Baffoe K, et al (2012). Tree height integrated into pantropical forest biomass estimates. BIOGEOSCIENCES, 9(8), 3381-3403.  Author URL.
Saiz G, Bird MI, Domingues T, Schrodt F, Schwarz M, Feldpausch TR, Veenendaal E, Djagbletey G, Hien F, Compaore H, et al (2012). Variation in soil carbon stocks and their determinants across a precipitation gradient in West Africa. Global Change Biology, 18(5), 1670-1683. Abstract.
Banin L, Feldpausch TR, Phillips OL, Baker TR, Lloyd J, Affum-Baffoe K, Arets EJMM, Berry NJ, Bradford M, Brienen RJW, et al (2012). What controls tropical forest architecture? Testing environmental, structural and floristic drivers. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21(12), 1179-1190. Abstract.
Mitchard ETA, Saatchi SS, Lewis SL, Feldpausch TR, Gerard FF, Woodhouse IH, Meir P (2011). Comment on 'A first map of tropical Africa's above-ground biomass derived from satellite imagery'. Environmental Research Letters, 6(4). Abstract.
Feldpausch TR, Banin L, Phillips OL, Baker TR, Lewis SL, Quesada CA, Affum-Baffoe K, Arets EJMM, Berry NJ, Bird M, et al (2011). Height-diameter allometry of tropical forest trees. Biogeosciences, 8(5), 1081-1106. Abstract.
Mitchard ETA, Saatchi SS, Lewis SL, Feldpausch TR, Woodhouse IH, Sonké B, Rowland C, Meir P (2011). Measuring biomass changes due to woody encroachment and deforestation/degradation in a forest-savanna boundary region of central Africa using multi-temporal L-band radar backscatter. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(11), 2861-2873. Abstract.
Araujo-Murakami A, Parada AG, Terán JJ, Baker TR, Feldpausch TR, Phillips OL, Brienen RJW (2011). Necromass in forests of Madre de Dios, Peru: a comparison between terra firme and lowland forests. Revista Peruana de Biologia, 18(1), 113-118. Abstract.
Barlow J, Ewers RM, Anderson L, Aragao LEOC, Baker TR, Boyd E, Feldpausch TR, Gloor E, Hall A, Malhi Y, et al (2011). Using learning networks to understand complex systems: a case study of biological, geophysical and social research in the Amazon. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 86(2), 457-474. Abstract.  Author URL.
van der Heijden GMF, Feldpausch TR, Herrero ADLF, van der Velden NK, Phillips OL (2010). Calibrating the liana crown occupancy index in Amazonian forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 260(4), 549-555. Abstract.
Domingues TF, Meir P, Feldpausch TR, Saiz G, Veenendaal EM, Schrodt F, Bird M, Djagbletey G, Hien F, Compaore H, et al (2010). Co-limitation of photosynthetic capacity by nitrogen and phosphorus in West Africa woodlands. Plant Cell Environ, 33(6), 959-980. Abstract.  Author URL.
Phillips OL, van der Heijden G, Lewis SL, López-González G, Aragão LEOC, Lloyd J, Malhi Y, Monteagudo A, Almeida S, Dávila EA, et al (2010). Drought-mortality relationships for tropical forests. New Phytol, 187(3), 631-646. Abstract.  Author URL.
Feldpausch TR, Couto EG, Rodrigues LC, Pauletto D, Johnson MS, Fahey TJ, Lehmann J, Riha SJ (2010). Nitrogen aboveground turnover and soil stocks to 8 m depth in primary and selectively logged forest in southern Amazonia. Global Change Biology, 16(6), 1793-1805. Abstract.
Stropp J, ter Steege H, Malhi Y, Monteagudo A, Prieto A, Rudas A, Araujo-Murakami A, de Oliveira AA, Alonso A, Fuentes A, et al (2009). Disentangling regional and local tree diversity in the Amazon. ECOGRAPHY, 32(1), 46-54.  Author URL.
Gloor M, Phillips OL, Lloyd JJ, Lewis SL, Malhi Y, Baker TR, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Peacock J, Almeida S, Alves de Oliveira AC, et al (2009). Does the disturbance hypothesis explain the biomass increase in basin-wide Amazon forest plot data?. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 15(10), 2418-2430.  Author URL.
Phillips OL, Aragão LEOC, Lewis SL, Fisher JB, Lloyd J, López-González G, Malhi Y, Monteagudo A, Peacock J, Quesada CA, et al (2009). Drought sensitivity of the Amazon rainforest. Science, 323(5919), 1344-1347. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lewis SL, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Sonké B, Affum-Baffoe K, Baker TR, Ojo LO, Phillips OL, Reitsma JM, White L, Comiskey JA, et al (2009). Increasing carbon storage in intact African tropical forests. Nature, 457(7232), 1003-1006. Abstract.  Author URL.
Horowitz ME, Fahey TJ, Yavitt JB, Feldpausch TR, Sherman RE (2009). Patterns of late-season photosynthate movement in sugar maple saplings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39(12), 2294-2298. Abstract.
Mitchard ETA, Saatchi SS, Woodhouse IH, Nangendo G, Ribeiro NS, Williams M, Ryan CM, Lewis SL, Feldpausch TR, Meir P, et al (2009). Using satellite radar backscatter to predict above-ground woody biomass: a consistent relationship across four different African landscapes. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(23). Abstract.
Silva CEMD, Gonçalves JFDC, Feldpausch TR (2008). Water-use efficiency of tree species following calcium and phosphorus application on an abandoned pasture, central Amazonia, Brazil. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 64(2), 189-195. Abstract.
Jirka S, McDonald AJ, Johnson MS, Feldpausch TR, Couto EG, Riha SJ (2007). Relationships between soil hydrology and forest structure and composition in the southern Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Vegetation Science, 18(2), 183-183.
Jirka S, McDonald AJ, Johnson MS, Feldpausch TR, Couto EG, Riha SJ (2007). Relationships between soil hydrology and forest structure and composition in the southern Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Vegetation Science, 18(2), 183-194. Abstract.
Feldpausch TR, da Conceicao Prates-Clark C, Fernandes ECM, Riha SJ (2007). Secondary forest growth deviation from chronosequence predictions in central Amazonia. Global Change Biology, 13(5), 967-979. Abstract.
Feldpausch TR, McDonald AJ, Passos CAM, Lehmann J, Riha SJ (2006). Biomass, harvestable area, and forest structure estimated from commercial timber inventories and remotely sensed imagery in southern Amazonia. Forest Ecology and Management, 233(1), 121-132. Abstract.
dos Santos UM, de Carvalho Gonçalves JF, Feldpausch TR (2006). Growth, leaf nutrient concentration and photosynthetic nutrient use efficiency in tropical tree species planted in degraded areas in central Amazonia. Forest Ecology and Management, 226(1-3), 299-309. Abstract.
Silva CEM, Gonçalves JFDC, Feldpausch TR, Luizão FJ, Morais RR, Ribeiro GO (2006). Nutrient use efficiency for pioneer species grown on abandoned pastures in central Amazonia. Acta Amazonica, 36(4), 503-512. Abstract.
Feldpausch TR, Riha SJ, Fernandes ECM, Wandelli EV (2005). Development of forest structure and leaf area in secondary forests regenerating on abandoned pastures in central Amazônia. Earth Interactions, 9(6), 1-22. Abstract.
Zarin DJ, Davidson EA, Brondizio E, Vieira ICG, Sá T, Feldpausch T, Schuur EAG, Mesquita R, Moran E, Delamonica P, et al (2005). Legacy of fire slows carbon accumulation in Amazonian forest regrowth. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 3(7), 365-369. Abstract.
Feldpausch TR, Jirka S, Passos CAM, Jasper F, Riha SJ (2005). When big trees fall: Damage and carbon export by reduced impact logging in southern Amazonia. Forest Ecology and Management, 219(2-3), 199-215. Abstract.
Feldpausch TR, Rondon MA, Fernandes ECM, Riha SJ, Wandelli E (2004). Carbon and nutrient accumulation in secondary forests regenerating on pastures in central Amazonia. Ecological Applications, 14(4 SUPPL.). Abstract.
Keller M, Alencar A, Asner GP, Braswell B, Bustamante M, Davidson E, Feldpausch T, Fernandes E, Goulden M, Kabat P, et al (2004). Ecological research in the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia: Early results. Ecological Applications, 14(4 SUPPL.). Abstract.


Butler A, Marimon-Junior BH, Maracahipes L, Marimon BS, Silvério DV, Oliveira EA, Lenza E, Feldpausch TR, Meir P, J. G, et al (2013). Absorbing Roots Areas and Transpiring Leaf Areas at the Tropical Forest and Savanna Boundary in Brazil. In Perrault C, Bellamy L (Eds.) Savannas: Climate, Biodiversity and Ecological Significance, Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 107-126.

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