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Dr Joshua Buxton

Dr Joshua Buxton

Research Fellow
Physical Geography

University of Exeter
Laver Building
North Park Road
Exeter EX4 4QE


I am a postdoctoral research associate at the Global Systems Institute, working on tipping points and system resilience. In my PhD, I gained experience of working with remote sensing techniques to quanitfy the impact of agroforestry, the significance of vegetation patterning and ecosystem resilience. I was a core member of the group that produced the Global Tipping Points Report 2023 and served as a section lead on the impact of climate tipping points and a chapter lead for early warning signals of climate and positive tipping points. I am applying some of these principles to studying intersecting system crisis through the lens of the polycrisis. I am also working with the Earth Commission to quantify safe and just Earth system boundaries.


I am also a Lecturer in GIS and Environmental Spatial Science in the Geography department. I teach on modules relating to applied GIS and utilising remote sensing data. I'm happy to talk to prospective undergraduate or postgraduate students about dissertation projects in this broad area, including (but not limited to) applications of remote sensing to terrestrial ecosystems or agricultural land.


I am a member of Professor Tim Lenton's Resilience and Tipping Points research group.


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