Office hours
Mondays: 12:00 – 13:00
Wednesdays: 12:00 – 13:00
Office hours are in Amory C422 or on Teams.
Office hours, remotely or in-person, must be booked in advance. Please e-mail me to arrange a time slot.
Kinan Noah
Associate Lecturer
Human Geography
University of Exeter
Amory Building
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4RJ
About me:
I am an Associate Lecturer in Human Geography, where my research and teaching sit at the intersection of Human Geography, Migration Studies, and Sociolinguistics. My specific focus revolves around the profound complexities of identity, place, and migration—especially forced migration and sense of self.
Rooted in an interdisciplinary approach, my scholarship investigates the intricate narratives of forced migrants, delving deeply into the ways in which migration shapes the sense of self and identity navigation. My work specifically examines refugees’ identity constructions, illuminated through their personal narratives. I aim to discern the prevalent themes and aspects of identity that emerge from these stories, revealing the spatiotemporal agentive features that play a vital role in the manifestation of “narrative identity.”
My background in sociolinguistics, complemented by qualitative narrative analysis, affords me a distinct perspective on the intricate narratives of migrants. This vantage point allows me to decode the layered stories that migrants craft, encompassing their histories, aspirations, and conceptions of place and belonging. In my research, I endeavor to seamlessly intertwine theoretical insights with the lived experiences of migrants, aiming to shed light on the multifaceted intersections of identity, place, and migration.