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 Riyad Hossain Bhuiyan

Riyad Hossain Bhuiyan

Postgraduate Researcher
Physical Geography

University of Exeter
Amory Building
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4RJ

About me:

I am a PhD student funded by the Convex Seascape Survey– an ambitious international collaborative investigation of blue carbon on continental shelves. My research “Tracing the origins of blue carbon” will try to answer questions around the rate and nature of carbon sequestration in relation to changing (palaeo)biodiversity in shallow-marine environments of the world.


My background mostly focused on understanding the natural and anthropogenic processes of coastal ecosystem. I worked in different coastal settings, i.e. wetlands, estuaries, etc. and had the opportunity to work in several collaborative projects funded by the WorldFish, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and Wageningen University, Netherlands.


Broad research specialisms:

Blue carbon, Wetland ecosystem, Coastal resilience modelling and Ecotoxicology


Paleoecology, Biogeochemistry, Climate change adaptation, Coastal geomorphology

Research Groups:

Convex Seascape Survey

Supervisors: Dr Thomas Roland, Dr Richard Tennant


MS Marine Science, University of Chittagong

BSc (Hon’s) Marine Science, University of Chittagong

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