Hadi Bin Basri
Postgraduate Researcher
Physical Geography
Amory Building
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4RJ
About me:
My current research related to interaction of water table manipulations in oil palm tropical peat and their relationship with carbon emission on sustainable oil palm management. While at the same time aim to increase the yield with reducing environmental impacts.
BSc Bio-Industrial Science 2010, (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
Master in Science (Soil Fertility) 2014, (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
I have an experienced for a few years serve as a lecturer in local university (Nilai University) and holding a position as agronomist in oil palm industrial sectors (FGV Holdings and PKSJ Fertilizers Sdn Bhd).
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=b-E4iJMAAAAJ&hl=en