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Dr Barend van Maanen

Dr Barend van Maanen

Associate Professor in Physical Geography


 Amory D427


Amory Building, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4RJ , UK


My research focusses on estuarine and coastal geomorphology, biophysical interactions in mangrove and saltmarsh ecosystems, and the impacts of global change on landscape dynamics and ecosystem functioning. I am interested in whether the ecosystem services provided by coastal wetlands can be maintained under projected climate-change scenarios and anthropogenic interference.

Before moving to the University of Exeter, I worked as an Assistant Professor at Utrecht University where I conducted research and teaching in the fields of coastal and fluvial eco-morphodynamics. Previously I also worked at the University of Southampton and at the University of Bordeaux. I obtained my PhD from the University of Waikato in New Zealand studying decadal scale dynamics of tidal basins and the effects of biophysical interactions.

I am working at Geography in Exeter since June 2019. Current projects involve a combination of numerical modelling, field data and remote sensing and focus on the resilience of coastal systems that are particularly sensitive to environmental change impacts, with the goal to inform sustainable management strategies.    


PhD in Earth Sciences, University of Waikato, New Zealand
MSc in Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands


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Research interests

  • Coastal and estuarine geomorphology
  • Waves, currents and sediment transport
  • Ecomorphodynamics of coastal wetlands
  • Carbon sequestration in mangrove forests
  • Ecosystem resilience in the face of sea level rise and human interference
  • Integrated use of modelling, field data and remote sensing
  • Sustainable management of coastal systems

Research projects

Blue carbon and ecosystem functioning in mangroves under pressure. Funded by the NERC GW4+ DTP, 2024-2028

Marine habitat mapping through machine learning. CDT Environmental Intelligence and co-funded by Wildlife Trusts, 2023-2027

Innovative Analysis of Large River Topography and Dynamics. Funded by the NERC GW4+ DTP, 2022-2026.

Mangrove ecosystem services under pressure: the history and future of carbon sequestration hotspots. Funded by NERC, 2022-2025.

Mangroves and Mud: Monitoring and modelling coastal dynamics in Surinam to mitigate the effects of climate change. Funded by the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) under the WOTRO program, 2018-2022.

Ecomorphodynamics of coastal wetlands and ecosystem resilience. Funded by the China Scholarship Council, 2017-2021.

Modelling the changing sediment yield of the Amazon river. Funded by the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) under the Refugees in Science program, 2019-2020.

Mangrove ecosystem functioning and degradation in a delta under pressure. Seed money project funded by the Future Deltas initiative at Utrecht University, 2017-2018 

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Journal articles

Restrepo JC, Newton A, Van Maanen B, Restrepo-Angel JD, Becker M (2024). Editorial: Highly intervened estuaries: impacts, dynamics and system responses. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12
Wei Y, van Maanen B, Xie D, Zhou Z, Schwarz C (2024). Implications of changes in range expansion behavior of salt marshes and mangroves on dominant wetland cover and morphodynamics.
Xie D, Schwarz C, Kleinhans MG, Bryan KR, Coco G, Hunt S, van Maanen B (2023). Mangrove removal exacerbates estuarine infilling through landscape-scale bio-morphodynamic feedbacks. Nature Communications, 14(1). Abstract.
Albernaz MB, Bruckner MZM, van Maanen B, van der Spek AJF, Kleinhans MG (2023). Vegetation Reconfigures Barrier Coasts and Affects Tidal Basin Infilling Under Sea Level Rise. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE, 128(4).  Author URL.
Xie D, Schwarz C, Kleinhans MG, Zhou Z, van Maanen B (2022). Implications of Coastal Conditions and Sea‐Level Rise on Mangrove Vulnerability: a Bio‐Morphodynamic Modeling Study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 127(3). Abstract.
de Vries J, van Maanen B, Ruessink G, Verweij PA, de Jong SM (2022). Multi‐decadal coastline dynamics in Suriname controlled by migrating subtidal mudbanks. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47(10), 2500-2517. Abstract.
Schwarz C, van Rees F, Xie D, Kleinhans MG, van Maanen B (2022). Salt marshes create more extensive channel networks than mangroves. Nature Communications, 13(1). Abstract.
de Jong SM, Shen Y, de Vries J, Bijnaar G, van Maanen B, Augustinus P, Verweij P (2021). Mapping mangrove dynamics and colonization patterns at the Suriname coast using historic satellite data and the LandTrendr algorithm. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 97, 102293-102293.
de Vries J, van Maanen B, Ruessink G, Verweij PA, de Jong SM (2021). Unmixing water and mud: Characterizing diffuse boundaries of subtidal mud banks from individual satellite observations. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 95, 102252-102252.
Xie D, Schwarz C, Bruckner M, Kleinhans M, Urrego D, Zhou Z, Van Maanen B (2020). Mangrove diversity loss under sea-level rise triggered by bio-morphodynamic feedbacks and anthropogenic pressures. Environmental Research Letters
Roversi F, van Maanen B, Colonna Rosman PC, Neves CF, Scudelari AC (2020). Numerical Modeling Evaluation of the Impacts of Shrimp Farming Operations on Long-term Coastal Lagoon Morphodynamics. ESTUARIES AND COASTS, 43(7), 1853-1872.  Author URL.
Leuven JRFW, van Maanen B, Lexmond BR, van der Hoek BV, Spruijt MJ, Kleinhans MG (2018). Dimensions of fluvial-tidal meanders: Are they disproportionally large?. Geology, 46(10), 923-926.
Xie D, Tan Y, Chu A, Zhou T, van Maanen B (2018). Distribution Characteristics of the Extreme Storm Tides in the Radial Sand Ridges Area of the South Yellow Sea in China. Journal of Coastal Research, 85, 856-860.
Leuven JRFW, van Maanen B, Lexmond BR, van der Hoek BV, Spruijt MJ, Kleinhans MG (2018). ERRATUM: Dimensions of fluvial-tidal meanders: Are they disproportionally large?. Geology, 46(11), 1023-1023.
de Haas T, Pierik HJ, van der Spek AJF, Cohen KM, van Maanen B, Kleinhans MG (2018). Holocene evolution of tidal systems in the Netherlands: Effects of rivers, coastal boundary conditions, eco-engineering species, inherited relief and human interference. Earth-Science Reviews, 177, 139-163.
van Maanen B, Sottolichio A (2018). Hydro- and sediment dynamics in the Gironde estuary (France): Sensitivity to seasonal variations in river inflow and sea level rise. Continental Shelf Research, 165, 37-50.
Payo A, Hall JW, French J, Sutherland J, van Maanen B, Nicholls RJ, Reeve DE (2016). Causal Loop Analysis of coastal geomorphological systems. Geomorphology, 256, 36-48.
Nicholls RJ, French JR, van Maanen B (2016). Simulating decadal coastal morphodynamics. Geomorphology, 256, 1-2.
van Maanen B, Nicholls RJ, French JR, Barkwith A, Bonaldo D, Burningham H, Murray AB, Payo A, Sutherland J, Thornhill G, et al (2016). Simulating mesoscale coastal evolution for decadal coastal management: a new framework integrating multiple, complementary modelling approaches. GEOMORPHOLOGY, 256, 68-80.  Author URL.
van Maanen B, Coco G, Bryan KR (2015). On the ecogeomorphological feedbacks that control tidal channel network evolution in a sandy mangrove setting. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471(2180), 20150115-20150115. Abstract.
Brown S, Nicholls RJ, Hanson S, Brundrit G, Dearing JA, Dickson ME, Gallop SL, Gao S, Haigh ID, Hinkel J, et al (2014). Shifting perspectives on coastal impacts and adaptation. Nature Climate Change, 4(9), 752-755.
van Maanen B, Coco G, Bryan KR, Friedrichs CT (2013). Modeling the morphodynamic response of tidal embayments to sea-level rise. Ocean Dynamics, 63(11-12), 1249-1262.
van Maanen B, Coco G, Bryan KR (2013). Modelling the effects of tidal range and initial bathymetry on the morphological evolution of tidal embayments. Geomorphology, 191, 23-34.
Coco G, Zhou Z, van Maanen B, Olabarrieta M, Tinoco R, Townend I (2013). Morphodynamics of tidal networks: Advances and challenges. Marine Geology, 346, 1-16.
van Maanen B, Coco G, Bryan KR (2011). A numerical model to simulate the formation and subsequent evolution of tidal channel networks. Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, 9(1), 61-72.
van Maanen B, Coco G, Bryan KR, Ruessink BG (2010). The use of artificial neural networks to analyze and predict alongshore sediment transport. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 17(5), 395-404. Abstract.
van Maanen B, de Ruiter PJ, Ruessink BG (2009). An evaluation of two alongshore transport equations with field measurements. Coastal Engineering, 56(3), 313-319.
van Maanen B, de Ruiter PJ, Coco G, Bryan KR, Ruessink BG (2008). Onshore sandbar migration at Tairua Beach (New Zealand): Numerical simulations and field measurements. Marine Geology, 253(3-4), 99-106.
Van Maanen B, Coco G, Swales A, Bryan KR (2008). The role of biomorphodynamics in estuarine evolution in New Zealand. New Zealand Geographer, 64(2), 162-164. Abstract.


SOTTOLICHIO A, HANQUIEZ V, VAN MAANEN B, ARRIAGADA J, JALON ROJAS I, SCHMIDT S, BIRRIEN F (2014). Evolution hydrosédimentaire récente de l'estuaire de la Gironde. Apport d’un modèle de transport. XIIIèmes JNGCGC Dunkerque.

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I am a lecturer on the following modules:

  • GEO1312 - Fieldwork in Physical Geography

  • GEO2233 - Landscape Response to Environmental Change: from Source to Sink

  • GEO3321 - BSc Dissertation

  • GEO3245 - Coastal Systems in a Changing World



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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Anggi Hapsari (2022 - 2024) - Postdoc at the University of Exeter: Mangrove forest development and carbon accumulation
  • Arya Iwantoro (2022 - present) - Postdoc at the University of Exeter: Modelling eco-carbon-morphodynamics of mangrove systems

Postgraduate researchers

  • Cristina Corti (2019 - present) - PhD student at the University of Exeter: Hazards and drivers of cliff erosion (jointly supervised with Steve Palmer and Akbar Javadi)
  • Job de Vries (2018 - 2023) - PhD student at Utrecht University: Coastal evolution and mangrove dynamics in Surinam (jointly supervised with Steven de Jong, Pita Verweij and Gerben Ruessink)
  • Safaa Naffaa (2019 - 2020) - Junior Researcher at Utrecht University: Sediment yield of the Amazon river (jointly supervised with Steven de Jong)
  • Chanon Olley (2023 - 2027) - PhD student at the University of Exeter: Marine habitat mapping through machine learning (jointly supervised with Rudy Arthur and Steve Palmer)
  • Joseph Paulo (2022- present) - PhD student at the University of Exeter: Innovative Analysis of Large River Topography and Dynamics (jointly supervised with Rolf Aalto and Andrew Nicholas)
  • Danghan Xie (2017 - 2022) - PhD student at Utrecht University: Ecomorphodynamics of coastal wetlands (jointly supervised with Christian Schwarz and Maarten Kleinhans)

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Office Hours:

Please follow this link to book a slot. My office is in Amory D427. If you prefer to meet online instead, just let me know and we can talk over Teams.

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