Dr Daisy Curtis
Associate Lecturer
Amory C423
Amory Building, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4RJ , UK
Daisy's research focuses upon how people imagine, narrate, and practice 5G (fifth generation of wireless network). In her research she critically explores major themes bound up with 5G's emergence via a focus upon the official practices of its development and the processes of contestation. The research engages with proponents and opponents of 5G to analyse the social life of an emerging technology.
Previously Daisy undertook a six month placement with 5G RuralDorset hosted by Telint Ltd and funded by the SWDTP. This involved researching and writing a report about collaboration across 5G research and development programmes. Daisy also supported 5G RuralDorset’s research areas; assisted the UKTDTF (United Kingdom Telecoms Data Taskforce); and provided expert advice to DCMS, UK5G, and the Minister for Digital Infrastructure
Daisy also has research interests surrounding embodied experiences including experiences of connectivity, the radio spectrum, and synaesthesia
Broad research specialisms
I am interested in diverse areas of Geographical research, and I have broad research specialisms in:
- Digital turn/digital geographies
- Knowledge politics and conspiracy theories
- Geopolitics
- Cultural geography
- Infrastructure and the electromagnetic spectrum / radio spectrum
- Discourse analysis and visual analysis.
Curtis, D., (2024) A Social Life of 5G: Imagining, Contesting, and Fixing the Rollout of an Emerging Technology, thesis, University of Exeter
Curtis, D., (2023) The radio spectrum: an imperceptible infrastructure?, in Osborne, T and Jones, P (eds), A Research Agenda for Digital Geographies, Edward Elgar Press: 53-69
Curtis, D., (2022) Digital Skills and University Students: How Research and Development Programmes can help address the UK's Digital Skills Shortage, 5G RuralDorset
Curtis, D., (2021) Collaboration: Access The Full Potential of Collaboration in R&D Programmes, report, 5G RuralDorset.
GEO1309 Study Skills for Human Geographers
GEO3144 Geopolitical Cultures
GEO3146 Digital Geographies
GEO3148 Berlin Field Course
GEOM106A Contemporary Debates in Human Geography
GEOM131 Geographies of Life
GEOM105A Research Methods and Design in Human Geography
External Roles
Daisy is the Social Media Coordinator for the RGS Digital Geographies Research Group where she manages the research group's twitter account (@digital_RGS), and helps to organise a range of research group activities and events.
Daisy is the Secretary for the UK Telecoms Data Taskforce
PhD in Geography - Thesis title: A Social Life of 5G: Imagining, Contesting, and Fixing the rollout of an emerging technology - pass with no corrections - University of Exeter
MRes in Critical Human Geographies - Distinction - University of Exeter
BA Geography - First Class (Hons) - University of Exeter
Research group links
Office Hours:
Term 3:
Please email to book an office hour slot. One office hour per week will be in-person (time variably, please email) and one office hour per week will be online - Thursdays 11:30-12:30