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Professor Mark Goodwin

Professor Mark Goodwin

Professor of Human Geography



Amory Building, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4RJ , UK


Mark graduated in Geography from the University of Sussex, before completing his PhD at the London School of Economics (LSE).  He is Professor of Human Geography and held the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University from 2013-2022.  From 2010-2013 he was Dean of the College of Life and Environmental Sciences.  Before becoming Dean in 2010, he was Head of the School of Geography, and prior to that was Head of the School of Geography, Archaeology and Earth Resources.   He joined the staff at Exeter in 2004, arriving from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, where he was Director of the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences.  Externally, he has served as a member and Vice-Chair of the Economic and Social Research Council’s Strategic Research Board, and as Chair of the ESRC Centres Competition.  He was also a Board member and Vice-Chair of the Cornwall Local Enterprise Partnership, a Board member of Exeter College and the Exeter Science Park, and a Trustee of the Northcott Theatre and the St Luke’s College Foundation.  In 2011 he became a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

The body of Mark’s academic research has centred on an analysis of the structures and processes of sub-national government. This has been pursued through a wide range of externally funded projects involving significant interdisciplinary research, especially with political scientists and sociologists. His publications include over 50 refereed papers and chapters, and he has written or edited 8 books, including Introducing Human Geographies (edited with Paul Cloke and Phil Crang), the UK’s leading introductory undergraduate textbook. 

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Research interests

The body of Mark’s research has centred on an analysis of the structures and processes of sub-national government. Empirical work on the changing nature of government has been carried out in both urban and rural areas, and conceptual and theoretical work has helped to elaborate the concepts of local state and local governance. Drawing on this work he has sought to extend and develop a geographically sensitive variant of regulation theory, and is now engaged in developing a spatially informed strategic-relational state theory. This has been pursued through a wide range of externally funded projects involving significant interdisciplinary research, especially with political scientists and sociologists. He is the only geographer to have held ESRC grants in both the Local Governance Research Programme and the Devolution and Constitutional Change Research Programme, and was the only geography participant in the ESRC seminar series on Local Governance and Local Government. He has directed a number of research projects, worth in total over £2 million, funded by the ESRC, Welsh Assembly Government, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and a variety of local, regional and national agencies. He has also been Chair of the Political Geography Research group, a study group of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers.

His publications include over 50 refereed papers and chapters, and he has written or edited 9 books, including Introducing Human Geographies (Routledge), Practising Human Geography (Sage) and Envisioning Human Geographies (Arnold).  Introducing Human Geographies is the leading undergraduate Human Geography textbook in the UK, and its third edition will be published by Routledge in 2013. His most recent book Rescaling the State: Devolution and the Geographies of Economic Governance was published by Manchester University Press in 2012.

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Cloke P, Crang P, Goodwin M (2014). Envisioning human geographies. Abstract.
Cloke P, Crang P, Goodwin M (eds)(2014). Introducing Human Geographies. London, Routledge.
Goodwin MA, Jones M, Jones R (2012). Rescaling the State: Devolution and the Geographies of Economic Governance. Manchester, Manchester University Press.
Cook IJ, Cloke P, Crang P, Philo C, Goodwin M, Painter J (2004). Practising human geography. London, Sage.

Journal articles

Williams A, Cloke P, May J, Goodwin M (2016). Contested space: the contradictory political dynamics of food banking in the UK. Environment and Planning A, 48(11), 2291-2316. Abstract.
Williams APJ, Goodwin M, Cloke P (2014). Neoliberalism, Big Society and Progressive Localism. Environment and Planning A: international journal of urban and regional research, 46(12), 2798-2815. Abstract.
Goodwin M (2013). Regions, Territories and Relationality: Exploring the Regional Dimensions of Political Practice. Regional Studies, 47(8), 1181-1190. Abstract.
Goodwin MA (2012). Regions, Territories and Relationality: Exploring the Regional Dimensions of Political Practice. Regional Studies
Pemberton S, Goodwin M (2010). Rethinking the changing structures of rural local government - state power, rural politics and local political strategies?. Journal of Rural Studies Abstract.
Goodwin M, Jones M, Jones R (2006). Devolution and economic governance in the UK: Rescaling territories and organizations. European Planning Studies, 14(7), 979-995. Abstract.
Goodwin M (2006). New state spaces: urban governance and the resealing of statehood. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A, 38(11), 2193-2194.  Author URL.
Goodwin MA, Jones M, Jones R (2005). Devolution, constitutional change and economic development: explaining and understanding the new institutional geographies of the British state. Regional Studies, 39(4), 421-436.
Jones M, Goodwin M, Jones R (2005). State modernization, devolution and economic governance: an introduction and guide to debate. Regional Studies, 39(4), 397-403.
Goodwin MA, Jones M, Jones R, Simpson G (2004). Devolution, state personnel, and the production of new territories of governance in the United Kingdom. Environment and Planning A, 36(1), 89-109.
Goodwin MA, Edwards B, Pemberton S, Woods M (2001). Partnerships, power and scale in rural governance. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 19(2), 289-310.


Cloke P, Goodwin M (2017). Conceptualizing countryside change: from post-Fordism to rural structured coherence. In  (Ed) The Rural: Critical Essays in Human Geography, 261-276. Abstract.
Goodwin M (2013). The local state and urban politics. In  (Ed) Territory, the State and Urban Politics: a Critical Appreciation of the Selected Writings of Kevin R. Cox, 45-54.
Goodwin M (2012). Regulation theory. In  (Ed) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 22-27. Abstract.
Goodwin M (2012). The local state and urban politics. In  (Ed) Territory, the State and Urban Politics: a Critical Appreciation of the Selected Writings of Kevin R. Cox, 45-54.
Goodwin M (2009). Governance. In  (Ed) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 593-599. Abstract.
Goodwin M (2008). Rural Governance, devolution & policy delivery. In Woods M (Ed) New Labour's Countryside: Rural Policy in Britain since 1997, Bristol: the Policy Press, 45-58.
Cropper S, Goodwin M (2007). Policy experiments: Policy making, implementation and learning. In al SCE (Ed) Community, Health and Wellbeing: Action research on Inequalities, Bristol: Policy Press, 23-48.
Goodwin M (2006). Regulating rurality? Rural studies and the regulation approach. In  (Ed) Handbook of Rural Studies, 304-316.
Goodwin M, Jones M, Jones RA (2006). The theoretical challenge of devolution and constitutional change in the United Kingdom. In  (Ed) Territory, Identity and Spatial Planning: Spatial Governance in a Fragmented Nation, 35-46.
Goodwin MA (2004). Recovering the future: a post-disciplinary perspective on Geography and Political Economy. In Cloke P, Crang P, Goodwin M (Eds.) Envisioning Human Geography, Hodder Arnold, 65-80.

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External Engagement and Impact

Committee/panel activities

Member of ESRC: Strategic Research Board 2003-2007

Chair of ESRC Centres Competition 2006-2007

Member of Strategic Advisory Committee of the cross-RCUK Rural Economy and Land Use Research Programme 2003-2007

Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences 

Member of ESRC: Strategic Research Board 2003-2007

Member of Strategic Advisory Committee of the cross-RCUK Rural Economy and Land Use Research Programme 2003-2007

Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences

Member of ESRC: Strategic Research Board 2003-2007

Member of Strategic Advisory Committee of the cross-RCUK Rural Economy and Land Use Research Programme 2003-2007

Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences

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