Dr Damien Mansell
Associate Professor of Geographical Information Science
Amory C253c
Amory Building, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4RJ , UK
Damien is an Associate Profesor of GIS. He is programme director of UG BSc Geography with Applied GIS an innovative degree pathway he proposed and designed and programme director and developer of PGT MSc Geographical Infomration Science,
Damien is passionate about teaching and the use of GIS to understand spatial data, patterns and trends. In 2020 he became a Principal Fellow of The Higher Education Academy. He has won awards for his work on developing teaching tools and innovative applications of technology for web mapping, immersive interactive environments and educational videos.
Before coming to Exeter, Damien gained a first class B.Sc Geography degree at the University of Sheffield (2004-2007) and went on to research for a PhD at Swansea University entitled ‘Controls on the calving rate of North-West Svalbard glaciers’. Insights from iceberg formation were understood from satellite images to investigate the nature and timing of relationships between how fast the glaciers are flowing, meltwater and sea-ice cover.
As a glaciologist Damien has field experience in Greenland, Svalbard and Iceland.
For roles, responsibilities and pedagogic activity in education please see the Teaching Tab
Broad research specialisms:
Ice-ocean interactions, calving processes, glacier dynamics, sea-ice extent, glacier surges, remote sensing applications.
Pedagogies of GIS learning and assessment particularly related to story maps, mapping visualisations and immersive environments.
PhD Glaciology, (Swansea University)
BSc Geography, (The University of Sheffield)
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, (The University of Exeter)
Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Research interests
My principal research interests include the calving processes of tidewater-terminating glaciers, glacier surges, cryosphere instabilities and remote sensing for glaciological applications. During my PhD at Swansea University I utilized satellite imagery to measure surface velocities, ice-front positions, meltwater availability and sea-ice concentration for glaciers in North-West Svalbard. I have developed remote sensing techniques in the automatic detection of ice-fronts form Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), as well as utilizing SAR backscatter characteristics to measure the timings and magnitude proxy for meltwater availability over the surface layers of Svalbard glaciers and ice-caps.
Journal articles
Roles & responsibilities in education:
- Programme Director for Geography with Applied GIS
- Exeter Education incubator Fellow
- Technology Enabled Learning Geogrphy Lead
- Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) co-leader and educator
- Executive Board of Learning On Screen
Pedagogic Activities
- Building Student Confidence with Turning Point Mobile
- Completed the HEA Profesional Development Course for Geography External Examiners
- Students As change Agents: Exeter Geography Hosts Missing Maps
- Geography Technology Enhanced learning Lead (e.g. Responseware)
- Engaging students in lectures by flipping the classroom
- Using technology to enhance learning
- How Flipped Classroom Models can use online technology to engage learners
Awards & Qualifications
- Times Higher Education Award: Technological or Digital Innovation of the year 2020
- Learning On Screen Sustainability Award: Climate Change Solutions, 2019
- Runner Up: Learning On Screen Online Education Resource Award: Climate Change: The Solutions 2019
- Runner Up: Learning On Screen Online Education Resource Award: Climate Change: The Science 2018
- Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, 2017
- Jack Dangermond Young Scholar Award, 2017
- Esri UK Customer Success Award, Community Engagement, 2017
- Runner Up: Innovative Teaching Award, The University of Exeter Students’ Guild, 2017
- Shortlisted: Wharton-QS Stars Reimagine Education Awards, 2016 - Climate Change Challenges & solutions, MOOC for Digital Content
- Runner Up: Esri UK Customer Success Award, Tell Your Story Using a Map, 2016
- Innovative Teaching Award, The University of Exeter Students’ Guild, 2015
- Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, PR064882, 2014
- Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, The University of Exeter, 2013
- PhD, Remote Sensing in Glaciology, Swansea University, 2011
- BSc (Hons) First Class, The University of Sheffield, 2007
- Sheffield Graduate Award 2007,
- White Rose Enterprise Skill Build Award 2007
- GEO2333 - Applied GIS: Mapping with Technology
- GEO3239 - GIS for Professionals
- GEOM182 - Drone Analysis and Geo-Visualizations
Office Hours:
You can hear a pronounciation of Damien's name here, pronouns are he/him.
Term 2 Office Hours:
Damien has two office hours per week, one in his office on Streatham Campus and one online.
For the online meeting you do not need to book, but can drop into a waiting room at the advertised time on the relevant ink below. For the in-person meeting please book in advance on the relevant link below.
Online: Tuesday: 10:00-11:00 Online the link to join is available here
In person: Friday 12:00-13:00 Amory C253c please book here