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Professor Dan Charman

Professor Dan Charman

Senior Vice President and Provost

 Northcote House 


Northcote House, University of Exeter, The Queen’s Drive,  Exeter, EX4 4QJ, UK


I am an Earth system scientist interested in long-term ecosystem and climate change. Much of my research is on peat-forming wetlands and the ways in which these intriguing ecosystems can be used to understand past and future environmental change. My research projects cross the boundaries between climate change, ecology, and conservation. Current research projects focus on reconstruction of past climate variability in the Antarctic, the contribution of peatlands to the global carbon cycle, carbon dynamics in permafrost, and developing stable isotope techniques for climate reconstruction. Closer to home, I have just completed an English Heritage funded project on sea-level change and past environments on the Isles of Scilly. My past work has followed related themes, and I published a textbook on Peatlands and environmental change and I am a pastPresident of the Quaternary Research Association. I currently co-convene the IGBP-PAGES working group C-PEAT (Carbon in Peat on EArth through Time). I have taught across a range of physical geography topics, with a focus on environmental and climatic change and supervise a number of graduate students on these areas.

I gained these somewhat eclectic research and teaching interests through an undergraduate degree in Agricultural and Environmental Science (Newcastle), a stint at the UK Nature Conservancy Council working on peatland conservation, a PhD in palaeoecology (Southampton) and an NSERC Canada Fellowship in Earth Sciences and Geography (Waterloo). I was Professor of Physical Geography and Associate Dean for Research in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business at the University of Plymouth until moving to Exeter in 2009. I became Dean of the College of Life and Environmental Sciences in 2013 and Pro-Vice-Chancellor in 2015.

Broad research specialisms:

  • Past climate and sea-level change;
  • wetland systems and carbon cycling,
  • testate amoebae as bio-indicators


BSc (Newcastle)
PhD (Southampton)


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Research interests

I am interested in the responses of ecosystems to climate change and management, and in using an understanding of ecosystem-climate links to reconstruct past climate variability and establish future earth system trajectories. My principal expertise is in peat-forming ecosystems, which have a key role in ecosystem services (carbon storage, biodiversity, water supply), but also are unique in recording their own past through the accumulation of peat. My research projects cross the boundaries between ecology, conservation, and climate change.

Research projects

Carbon cycling in wetlands, especially interactions between management, climate and carbon accumulation and release in peatlands
Peatland ecosystems hold very large amounts of carbon, accounting for at least a third of all global soil carbon. Understanding the dynamics of carbon and especially the way in which it is may be lost following human or natural disturbance is important to be able to predict feedbacks to future climate change. A recent research focus is on developing carbon inventories and assessing carbon accumulation rates and losses in relation to climate variability and disturbance.  We are investigating changes in global peat accumulation rates over the last 1000 years and the development of models to simulate the contribution of peatlands to the global carbon cycle. We are also working on an interdisciplinary project to understand the consequences of permafrost melting for carbon storage in arctic peatlands and soils.

Reconstruction of past climate variability
Reconstructing past climate variability is important in understanding natural climate dynamics as a context for future change. Past hydrological variability is particularly complicated to reconstruct because of regional and seasonal changes over time. Peatlands hold detailed records of past climate change as they accumulate steadily over millennia and contain well-preserved records in the peat. We have focused especially on using a group of microfossils (testate amoebae) to reconstruct change, and compiling multiple records to establish a more robust picture of hydrological variability over different spatial scales. More recently we have applied these and other approaches to understanding biologial responses to climate  change on the Antarctic Peninsula, one of the fastest warming areas on Earth. Read more about the project in Planet Earth here.

Hydrological responses of peatland systems to climate change on decadal to millennial timescales
The use of peatlands to reconstruct records of past climate change is based on an understanding of fundamental ecosystem response to climate variability. This is also important if we are to be able to predict ecosystem response to future climate change. We have developed methods for establishing high-resolution records of change for the last few hundred years and have used these with instrumental meteorological records to test hypotheses on peatland response to climate change. We are currently working on new methods of reconstructing past hydrological and climate change from peatlands. We are currently working on developing new isotope-based proxies of change from restiad peatlands in New Zealand, funded by NERC and the Leverhulme Trust.

Past environmental change and human societies
Human societies interact with the natural environment in various ways, both impacting on and being impacted by changes in resources and climate. Organic deposits associated with archaeological sites contain a wealth of evidence documenting these changes and give insights into past human lives and their relationship with the environment. Past research has mostly concerned environmental change and human settlement in upland Britain.  I have also worked in coastal settings. The Lyonesse project was a current  English Heritage funded project to discover past rates of sea-level change and landscape development during the Mesolithic through to Medieval times.

Testate amoebae as indicators of environmental and climate change
Testate amoebae are a group of protists (unicellular organisms) which form external shells (tests) and live in freshwaters and wet soils. They are known to be good indicators of soil moisture levels in soils and acidity in lakes but recent work has shown them to be responsive to other environmental factors also. Past research has focused on three areas: 1) developing techniques for reconstructing hydrological change on peatlands to determine past climate variability; 2) testing techniques for reconstructing past sea levels; and 3) using testate amoebae as biomonitors in peatland management. The work has been funded by NERC, the European Union, Scottish Natural Heritage, English Nature and Countryside Council for Wales. Testate amoebae are being used in several current research projects.

Research grants

  • 2019 NERC
    NE/S001166/1. ICAAP: Increasing Carbon Accumulation in Arctic Peatlands. Co-I with Angela Gallego Sala (PI), Karen Anderson, Matt Amesbury and Katherine Crichton. £798,815
  • 2017 NSERC of Canada
    Rob Barnett (Independent research fellow) Sea-level changes in eastern Canada over the past two millennia, in collaboration with Pascal Bernatchez,Université du Québec à Rimouski. £127,000.
  • 2015 Leverhulme Trust
    Holocene evolution of the Southern Annular Mode using novel peat isotope proxies. PI, with Matt Amesbury and investigators from Cambridge and Victoria, NZ. £245,011
  • 2015 EU Marie Curie Training Grant
    EU2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellowship - Anne Quillet. PEATMOD: PEATland modelling for global carbon cycle and climate models PI with Angela Gallego-Sala. €195,455
  • 2013 NERC
    NE/K000179/1. CYCLOPS: Carbon Cycling Linkages of Permafrost Systems. Co-I with Iain Hartley and investigators from Edinburgh, Sheffield and Sussex Universities. c.£530k (£203,376 to Exeter).
  • 2012 NERC
    NERC NE/J013595/1. Developing a novel proxy for Southern Hemisphere Holocene climate change: stable isotope analysis of restiad peat cellulose. £52,065.
  • 2011 NERC
    NERC Standard grant NE/I012915/1. MILLIPEAT: Peatlands and the global carbon cycle during the past millennium: a global assessment using observations and models. (Lead PI with CoIs at Exeter, Leicester and Imperial). £465,671 (£439,433 to Exeter)
  • 2010 NERC
    NERC Antarctic Funding Initiative NE/H014896/1. Terrestrial Holocene climate variability on the Antarctic Peninsula. (Lead PI, with Co-PIs at BAS and Cambridge Univ.). £709,349 (£336,739 to Exeter)
  • 2009 NERC
    NERC Standard Grant NE/G020272/1. PRECIP: Holocene Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions on the Eastern Seaboard of North America (Co-PI with Southampton, Swansea). £580,000 (£163,591 to Exeter)
  • 2009 English Heritage
    The Lyonesse Project: Evolution of the coastal and marine environment of Scilly. (with Heritage Environment Service Cornwall Council, Cardiff University). Funded by English Heritage £129,292.

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Charman DJ, McCarroll D, Eds (2010). Climate variability of the British Isles and adjoining seas.
Parish F, Sirin A, Charman D, Joosten H, Minayeva T, Silvius M, Stringer L, Eds (2008). Assessment on peatlands, biodiversity and climate change: Main Report. Kuala Lumpur and Wageningen, Global Environment Centre. and Wetlands International.

Journal articles

Piilo SR, Väliranta MM, Amesbury MJ, Aquino-López MA, Charman DJ, Gallego-Sala A, Garneau M, Koroleva N, Kärppä M, Laine AM, et al (2023). Consistent centennial-scale change in European sub-Arctic peatland vegetation toward Sphagnum dominance-Implications for carbon sink capacity. Glob Chang Biol, 29(6), 1530-1544. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ramdzan KNM, Moss PT, Jacobsen G, Gallego-Sala A, Charman D, Harrison ME, Page S, Mishra S, Wardle DA, Jaya A, et al (2023). Insights for restoration: Reconstructing the drivers of long-term local fire events and vegetation turnover of a tropical peatland in Central Kalimantan. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 628
Chadburn SE, Burke EJ, Gallego-Sala AV, Smith ND, Bret-Harte MS, Charman DJ, Drewer J, Edgar CW, Euskirchen ES, Fortuniak K, et al (2022). A new approach to simulate peat accumulation, degradation and stability in a global land surface scheme (JULES vn5.8_accumulate_soil) for northern and temperate peatlands. Geoscientific Model Development, 15(4), 1633-1657. Abstract.
Qiu C, Ciais P, Zhu D, Guenet B, Chang J, Chaudhary N, Kleinen T, Li XY, Müller J, Xi Y, et al (2022). A strong mitigation scenario maintains climate neutrality of northern peatlands. One Earth, 5(1), 86-97. Abstract.
Verbeke BA, Lamit LJ, Lilleskov EA, Hodgkins SB, Basiliko N, Kane ES, Andersen R, Artz RRE, Benavides JC, Benscoter BW, et al (2022). Latitude, Elevation, and Mean Annual Temperature Predict Peat Organic Matter Chemistry at a Global Scale. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36(2).
Crichton KA, Anderson K, Charman DJ, Gallego-Sala A (2022). Seasonal climate drivers of peak NDVI in a series of Arctic peatlands. Sci Total Environ, 838(Pt 3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Mackay H, Plunkett G, Jensen BJL, Aubry TJ, Corona C, Kim WM, Toohey M, Sigl M, Stoffel M, Anchukaitis KJ, et al (2022). The 852/3CE Mount Churchill eruption: examining the potential climatic and societal impacts and the timing of the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the North Atlantic region. CLIMATE OF THE PAST, 18(6), 1475-1508.  Author URL.
Chadburn SE, Burke EJ, Gallego-Sala AV, Smith ND, Bret-Harte MS, Charman DJ, Drewer J, Edgar CW, Euskirchen ES, Fortuniak K, et al (2021). A new approach to simulate peat accumulation, degradation and stability in a global land surface scheme (JULES vn5.8_accumulate_soil). Abstract.
Loisel J, Gallego-Sala AV, Amesbury MJ, Magnan G, Anshari G, Beilman DW, Benavides JC, Blewett J, Camill P, Charman DJ, et al (2021). Author Correction: Expert assessment of future vulnerability of the global peatland carbon sink (Nature Climate Change, (2021), 11, 1, (70-77), 10.1038/s41558-020-00944-0). Nature Climate Change, 11(4). Abstract.
Sim TG, Swindles GT, Morris PJ, Baird AJ, Cooper CL, Gallego-Sala AV, Charman DJ, Roland TP, Borken W, Mullan DJ, et al (2021). Divergent responses of permafrost peatlands to recent climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 16(3), 034001-034001. Abstract.
Sim T, Swindles G, Morris P, Baird A, Cooper C, Gallego-Sala A, Charman D, Roland T, Borken W, Mullan D, et al (2021). Divergent responses of permafrost peatlands to recent climate change. Abstract.
Sim TG, Swindles GT, Morris PJ, Baird AJ, Charman DJ, Amesbury MJ, Beilman D, Channon A, Gallego-Sala AV (2021). Ecology of peatland testate amoebae in Svalbard and the development of transfer functions for reconstructing past water-table depth and pH. Ecological Indicators, 131 Abstract.
Loisel J, Gallego-Sala AV, Amesbury MJ, Magnan G, Anshari G, Beilman DW, Benavides JC, Blewett J, Camill P, Charman DJ, et al (2021). Expert assessment of future vulnerability of the global peatland carbon sink. Nature Climate Change, 11(1), 70-77. Abstract.
Qiu C, Ciais P, Zhu D, Guenet B, Peng S, Petrescu AMR, Lauerwald R, Makowski D, Gallego-Sala AV, Charman DJ, et al (2021). Large historical carbon emissions from cultivated northern peatlands. Science Advances, 7(23). Abstract.
Whittle A, Barnett RL, Charman DJ, Gallego‐Sala AV (2021). Low‐salinity transitions drive abrupt microbial response to sea‐level change. Ecology Letters, 25(1), 17-25. Abstract.
Mackay H, Amesbury MJ, Langdon PG, Charman DJ, Magnan G, van Bellen S, Garneau M, Bainbridge R, Hughes PDM (2021). Spatial variation of hydroclimate in north-eastern North America during the last millennium. Quaternary Science Reviews, 256 Abstract.
McKeown MM, Mitchell EAD, Amesbury MJ, Blandenier Q, Charman D, Duckert C, Roland TP, Swindles GT, Wood JR, Wilmshurst JM, et al (2021). The testate amoebae of New Zealand: a checklist, identification key and assessment of biogeographic patterns. European Journal of Protistology, 81, 125789-125789.
Williams M, Zhang Y, Estop-Aragonés C, Fisher JP, Xenakis G, Charman DJ, Hartley IP, Murton JB, Phoenix GK (2020). Boreal permafrost thaw amplified by fire disturbance and precipitation increases. Environmental Research Letters, 15(11), 114050-114050.
Barnett RL, Charman DJ, Johns C, Ward SL, Bevan A, Bradley SL, Camidge K, Fyfe RM, Gehrels WR, Gehrels MJ, et al (2020). Nonlinear landscape and cultural response to sea-level rise. Science Advances, 6(45). Abstract.
Barnett RL, Brain MJ, Bernatchez P, Garneau M, Charman DJ, Stephenson DB, Haley S, Sanderson N (2019). Late Holocene sea-level changes in eastern Quebec and potential drivers. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 203, 151-169.  Author URL.
Young DM, Baird AJ, Charman DJ, Evans CD, Gallego-Sala AV, Gill PJ, Hughes PDM, Morris PJ, Swindles GT (2019). Misinterpreting carbon accumulation rates in records from near-surface peat. Sci Rep, 9(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Newnham RM, Hazell ZJ, Charman DJ, Lowe DJ, Rees ABH, Amesbury MJ, Roland TP, Gehrels M, van den Bos V, Jara IA, et al (2019). Peat humification records from Restionaceae bogs in northern New Zealand as potential indicators of Holocene precipitation, seasonality, and ENSO. Quaternary Science Reviews, 218, 378-394. Abstract.
Whittle A, Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Hodgson DA, Perren BB, Roberts SJ, Gallego-Sala AV (2019). Salt-Enrichment Impact on Biomass Production in a Natural Population of Peatland Dwelling Arcellinida and Euglyphida (Testate Amoebae). Microb Ecol, 78(2), 534-538. Abstract.  Author URL.
Swindles GT, Morris PJ, Mullan DJ, Payne RJ, Roland TP, Amesbury MJ, Lamentowicz M, Turner TE, Gallego-Sala A, Sim T, et al (2019). Widespread drying of European peatlands in recent centuries. Nature Geoscience, 12(11), 922-928.
Zhang H, Gallego-Sala AV, Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Piilo SR, Valiranta MM (2018). Inconsistent Response of Arctic Permafrost Peatland Carbon Accumulation to Warm Climate Phases. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, 32(10), 1605-1620.  Author URL.
Gallego-Sala AV, Charman DJ, Brewer S, Page SE, Prentice IC, Friedlingstein P, Moreton S, Amesbury MJ, Beilman DW, Bjorck S, et al (2018). Latitudinal limits to the predicted increase of the peatland carbon sink with warming. NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 8(10), 907-+.  Author URL.
Estop-Aragonés C, Cooper MDA, Fisher JP, Thierry A, Garnett MH, Charman DJ, Murton JB, Phoenix GK, Treharne R, Sanderson NK, et al (2018). Limited release of previously-frozen C and increased new peat formation after thaw in permafrost peatlands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 118, 115-129. Abstract.
Kemp AC, Wright AJ, Edwards RJ, Barnett RL, Brain MJ, Kopp RE, Cahill N, Horton BP, Charman DJ, Hawkes AD, et al (2018). Relative sea-level change in Newfoundland, Canada during the past ∼3000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 201, 89-110. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Amesbury MJ, Roland TP, Royles J, Hodgson DA, Convey P, Griffiths H (2018). Spatially coherent late Holocene Antarctic Peninsula surface air temperature variability. Geology, 46(12), 1071-1074. Abstract.
Zhang H, Väliranta M, Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Laine A, Tuittila E-S (2018). Successional change of testate amoeba assemblages along a space-for-time sequence of peatland development. Eur J Protistol, 66, 36-47. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhang H, Piilo SR, Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Gallego-Sala AV, Väliranta MM (2018). The role of climate change in regulating Arctic permafrost peatland hydrological and vegetation change over the last millennium. Quaternary Science Reviews, 182, 121-130. Abstract.
Amesbury MJ, Booth RK, Roland TP, Bunbury J, Clifford MJ, Charman DJ, Elliot S, Finkelstein S, Garneau M, Hughes PDM, et al (2018). Towards a Holarctic synthesis of peatland testate amoeba ecology: Development of a new continental-scale palaeohydrological transfer function for North America and comparison to European data. Quaternary Science Reviews, 201, 483-500. Abstract.
Swindles GT, Morris PJ, Whitney B, Galloway JM, Gałka M, Gallego-Sala AV, Macumber AL, Mullan D, Smith MW, Amesbury MJ, et al (2017). Ecosystem state shifts during long-term development of an Amazonian peatland. Global Change Biology Abstract.
Grosvenor MJ, Jones RT, Turney CSM, Charman DJ, Hogg A, Coward D, Wilson R (2017). Human activity was a major driver of the mid-Holocene vegetation change in southern Cumbria: implications for the elm decline in the British Isles. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(7), 934-945. Abstract.
Cooper MDA, Estop-Aragones C, Fisher JP, Thierry A, Garnett MH, Charman DJ, Murton JB, Phoenix GK, Treharne R, Kokelj SV, et al (2017). Limited contribution of permafrost carbon to methane release from thawing peatlands. Nature Climate Change, 7, 507-511.
Orme LC, Charman DJ, Reinhardt L, Jones RT, Mitchell FJG, Stefanini BS, Barkwith A, Ellis MA, Grosvenor M (2017). Past changes in the North Atlantic storm track driven by insolation and sea-ice forcing. Geology, 45(4), 335-338. Abstract.
Barnett RL, Newton TL, Charman DJ, Gehrels WR (2017). Salt-marsh testate amoebae as precise and widespread indicators of sea-level change. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS, 164, 193-207.  Author URL.
Geisen S, Mitchell EAD, Wilkinson DM, Adl S, Bonkowski M, Brown MW, Fiore-Donno AM, Heger TJ, Jassey VEJ, Krashevska V, et al (2017). Soil protistology rebooted: 30 fundamental questions to start with. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 111, 94-103. Abstract.
Roland TP, Amesbury MJ, Wilkinson DM, Charman DJ, Convey P, Hodgson DA, Royles J, Clauß S, Völcker E (2017). Taxonomic Implications of Morphological Complexity Within the Testate Amoeba Genus Corythion from the Antarctic Peninsula. Protist, 168(5), 565-585. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhang H, Amesbury MJ, Ronkainen T, Charman DJ, Gallego-Sala AV, Valiranta M (2017). Testate amoeba as palaeohydrological indicators in the permafrost peatlands of north-east European Russia and Finnish Lapland. Journal of Quaternary Science Abstract.
Kemp AC, Wright AJ, Barnett RL, Hawkes AD, Charman DJ, Sameshima C, King AN, Mooney HC, Edwards RJ, Horton BP, et al (2017). Utility of salt-marsh foraminifera, testate amoebae and bulk-sediment δ<sup>13</sup>C values as sea-level indicators in Newfoundland, Canada. Marine Micropaleontology, 130, 43-59. Abstract.
Galka M, Szal M, Watson EJ, Gallego-Sala A, Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Roland TP, Turner TE, Swindles GT (2017). Vegetation Succession, Carbon Accumulation and Hydrological Change in Subarctic Peatlands, Abisko, Northern Sweden. PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES, 28(4), 589-604.  Author URL.
Henke LMK, Lambert FH, Charman DJ (2017). Was the Little Ice Age more or less El Niño-like than the Medieval Climate Anomaly? Evidence from hydrological. and temperature proxy data. Climate of the Past, 13(3), 267-301. Abstract.
Amesbury MJ, Roland TP, Royles J, Hodgson DA, Convey P, Griffiths H, Charman DJ (2017). Widespread Biological Response to Rapid Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula. Curr Biol, 27(11), 1616-1622.e2. Abstract.  Author URL.
Orme LC, Reinhardt L, Jones RT, Charman DJ, Barkwith A, Ellis MA (2016). Aeolian sediment reconstructions from the Scottish Outer Hebrides: Late Holocene storminess and the role of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 132, 15-25. Abstract.
Jones JM, Gille ST, Goosse H, Abram NJ, Canziani PO, Charman DJ, Clem KR, Crosta X, De Lavergne C, Eisenman I, et al (2016). Assessing recent trends in high-latitude Southern Hemisphere surface climate. Nature Climate Change, 6(10), 917-926. Abstract.
Gallego-Sala AV, Charman DJ, Harrison SP, Li G, Prentice IC (2016). Climate-driven expansion of blanket bogs in Britain during the Holocene. Climate of the Past, 12(1), 129-136. Abstract.
Amesbury MJ, Swindles GT, Bobrov A, Charman DJ, Holden J, Lamentowicz M, Mallon G, Mazei Y, Mitchell EAD, Payne RJ, et al (2016). Development of a new pan-European testate amoeba transfer function for reconstructing peatland palaeohydrology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 152, 132-151. Abstract.
Edward Turner T, Swindles GT, Charman DJ, Langdon PG, Morris PJ, Booth RK, Parry LE, Nichols JE (2016). Erratum: Solar cycles or random processes? Evaluating solar variability in Holocene climate records (Scientific Reports (2016) 6 (23961) DOI: 10.1038/srep23961)). Scientific Reports, 6
Charman D (2016). Holocene book reviews : Mires: process, exploitation and conservation, Edited by A.L. Heathwaite and Kh. Göttlich Chichester: John Wiley, 1993, 506 pp. £79.95 ISBN 0-471-93353-8. The Holocene, 4(4), 439-439.
Charman D (2016). Holocene book reviews : the patterned peatlands of Minnesota. The Holocene, 4(1), 110-111.
Charman D (2016). Holocene book reviews: Palaeoecological events during the last 15000 years: regional syntheses of palaeoecological studies of lakes and mires in Europe Edited by B.E. Berglund, H.J.B. Birks, M. Ralska-Jasiewiczowa and H.E. Wright, Chichester: John Wiley, 1996, 764 pp. £100, hardback. ISBN 0-471-95840-9. The Holocene, 6(4), 499-499.
Orme LC, Reinhardt L, Jones RT, Charman DJ, Croudace I, Dawson A, Ellis M, Barkwith A (2016). Investigating the maximum resolution of µXRF core scanners: a 1800 year storminess reconstruction from the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, UK. Holocene, 26(2), 235-247. Abstract.
Loader NJ, Street-Perrott FA, Mauquoy D, Roland TP, van Bellen S, Daley TJ, Davies D, Hughes PDM, Pancotto VO, Young GHF, et al (2016). Measurements of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotope variability in Sphagnum moss along a micro-topographical gradient in a southern Patagonian peatland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31(4), 426-435. Abstract.
Royles J, Amesbury MJ, Roland TP, Jones GD, Convey P, Griffiths H, Hodgson DA, Charman DJ (2016). Moss stable isotopes (carbon-13, oxygen-18) and testate amoebae reflect environmental inputs and microclimate along a latitudinal gradient on the Antarctic Peninsula. Oecologia, 181(3), 931-945. Abstract.
Gearey BR, West S, Charman DJ, Gerrard CM, Youngs SM, Williams D, Vince A, McNeill TE, Pringle M, Stocker D, et al (2016). Notes and News. Medieval Archaeology, 41(1), 195-240.
Payne RJ, Babeshko KV, van Bellen S, Blackford JJ, Booth RK, Charman DJ, Ellershaw MR, Gilbert D, Hughes PDM, Jassey VEJ, et al (2016). Significance testing testate amoeba water table reconstructions. Quaternary Science Reviews, 138, 131-135. Abstract.
Turner TE, Swindles GT, Charman DJ, Langdon PG, Morris PJ, Booth RK, Parry LE, Nichols JE (2016). Solar cycles or random processes? Evaluating solar variability in Holocene climate records. Sci Rep, 6 Abstract.  Author URL.
Edvardsson J, Stoffel M, Corona C, Bragazza L, Leuschner HH, Charman DJ, Helama S (2016). Subfossil peatland trees as proxies for Holocene palaeohydrology and palaeoclimate. Earth-Science Reviews, 163, 118-140. Abstract.
Fisher JP, Estop-Aragonés C, Thierry A, Charman DJ, Wolfe SA, Hartley IP, Murton JB, Williams M, Phoenix GK (2016). The influence of vegetation and soil characteristics on active-layer thickness of permafrost soils in boreal forest. Global change biology, 22(9), 3127-3140. Abstract.
Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Newnham RM, Loader NJ, Goodrich J, Royles J, Campbell DI, Keller ED, Baisden WT, Roland TP, et al (2015). Can oxygen stable isotopes be used to track precipitation moisture source in vascular plant-dominated peatlands?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 430, 149-159. Abstract.
Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Newnham RM, Loader NJ, Goodrich JP, Royles J, Campbell DI, Roland TP, Gallego-Sala A (2015). Carbon stable isotopes as a palaeoclimate proxy in vascular plant dominated peatlands. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 164, 161-174. Abstract.
Xing W, Bao K, Gallego-Sala AV, Charman DJ, Zhang Z, Gao C, Lu X, Wang G (2015). Climate Controls on carbon accumulation in peatlands of Northeast China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 115, 78-88. Abstract.
Gallego-Sala AV, Charman DJ, Harrison SP, Li G, Prentice IC (2015). Climate-driven expansion of blanket bogs in Britain during the Holocene. Clim. Past Discuss., 11, 4811-4832. Abstract.
Davies H, Fyfe R, Charman D (2015). Does peatland drainage damage the palaeoecological record?. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 221, 92-105. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Amesbury MJ, Hinchliffe W, Hughes PDM, Mallon G, Blake WH, Daley TJ, Gallego-Sala AV, Mauquoy D (2015). Drivers of Holocene peatland carbon accumulation across a climate gradient in northeastern North America. Quaternary Science Reviews, 121, 110-119. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Duller GAT, Long AJ, Schreve DC, Scourse JD (2015). Editorial: Quaternary revolutions. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(2), 101-103.
Swindles GT, Amesbury MJ, Turner TE, Carrivick JL, Woulds C, Raby C, Mullan D, Roland TP, Galloway JM, Parry L, et al (2015). Evaluating the use of testate amoebae for palaeohydrological reconstruction in permafrost peatlands. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 424, 111-122. Abstract.
Summerhayes C, Charman D (2015). Introduction to holocene climate change: New perspectives. Journal of the Geological Society, 172(2), 251-253.
Barnett RL, Gehrels WR, Charman DJ, Saher MH, Marshall WA (2015). Late Holocene sea-level change in Arctic Norway. Quaternary Science Reviews, 107, 214-230. Abstract.
Perez M, Fyfe RM, Charman DJ, Gehrels WR (2015). Later Holocene vegetation history of the Isles of Scilly, UK: coastal influence and human land use in a small island context. JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, 30(8), 764-778.  Author URL.
Swindles GT, Holden J, Raby CL, Turner TE, Blundell A, Charman DJ, Menberu MW, Kløve B (2015). Testing peatland water-table depth transfer functions using high-resolution hydrological monitoring data. Quaternary Science Reviews, 120, 107-117. Abstract.
Roland TP, Daley TJ, Caseldine CJ, Charman DJ, Turney CSM, Amesbury MJ, Thompson GJ, Woodley EJ (2015). The 5.2 ka climate event: Evidence from stable isotope and multi-proxy palaeoecological peatland records in Ireland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 124, 209-223. Abstract.
Swindles GT, Morris PJ, Mullan D, Watson EJ, Turner E, Roland TP, Amesbury MJ, Kokfelt U, Schoning K, Pratte S, et al (2015). The long-term fate of permafrost peatlands under rapid climate warming. Scientific Reports, 5 Abstract.
Loisel J, Yu Z, Beilman DW, Camill P, Alm J, Amesbury MJ, Anderson D, Andersson S, Bochicchio C, Barber K, et al (2014). A database and synthesis of northern peatland soil properties and Holocene carbon and nitrogen accumulation. Holocene, 24(9), 1028-1042. Abstract.
van Geel B, Heijnis H, Charman DJ, Thompson G, Engels S (2014). Bog burst in the eastern Netherlands triggered by the 2.8 kyr BP climate event. Holocene, 24(11), 1465-1477. Abstract.
Swindles GT, Reczuga M, Lamentowicz M, Raby CL, Turner TE, Charman DJ, Gallego-Sala AV, Valderrama E, Williams C, Draper F, et al (2014). Ecology of Testate Amoebae in an Amazonian Peatland and Development of a Transfer Function for Palaeohydrological Reconstruction. Microbial Ecology: an international journal Abstract.
Swindles GT, Reczuga M, Lamentowicz M, Raby CL, Turner TE, Charman DJ, Gallego-Sala A, Valderrama E, Williams C, Draper F, et al (2014). Ecology of Testate Amoebae in an Amazonian Peatland and Development of a Transfer Function for Palaeohydrological Reconstruction. Microbial Ecology, 68(2), 284-298. Abstract.
Barber KE, Charman DJ (2014). Holocene palaeoclimate records from peatlands. Global Change in the Holocene, (Eds: John Birks, Rick Battarbee, Anson Mackay, Frank Oldfield), 9780203785027, 210-226. Abstract.
Yu Z, Loisel J, Charman DJ, Beilman DW, Camill P (2014). Holocene peatland carbon dynamics in the circum-Arctic region: an introduction. Holocene, 24(9), 1021-1027. Abstract.
Jensen BJL, Pyne-O'Donnell S, Plunkett G, Froese DG, Hughes PDM, Sigl M, McConnell JR, Amesbury MJ, Blackwell PG, van den Bogaard C, et al (2014). Transatlantic distribution of the Alaskan White River Ash. Geology, 42(10), 875-878. Abstract.
Roland TP, Caseldine CJ, Charman DJ, Turney CSM, Amesbury MJ (2014). Was there a '4.2ka event' in Great Britain and Ireland? Evidence from the peatland record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 83, 11-27. Abstract.
Swindles GT, Lawson IT, Matthews IP, Blaauw M, Daley TJ, Charman DJ, Roland TP, Plunkett G, Schettler G, Gearey BR, et al (2013). Centennial-scale climate change in Ireland during the Holocene. Earth-Science Reviews, 126, 300-320. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Beilman DW, Blaauw M, Booth RK, Brewer S, Chambers FM, Christen JA, Gallego-Sala A, Harrison SP, Hughes PDM, et al (2013). Climate-related changes in peatland carbon accumulation during the last millennium. Biogeosciences, 10(2), 929-944. Abstract.
Parry LE, Charman DJ, Blake WH (2013). Comparative dating of recent peat deposits using natural and anthropogenic fallout radionuclides and Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles (SCPs) at a local and landscape scale. Quaternary Geochronology
Parry LE, Charman DJ, Blake WH (2013). Comparative dating of recent peat deposits using natural and anthropogenic fallout radionuclides and Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles (SCPs) at a local and landscape scale. Quaternary Geochronology, 15, 11-19. Abstract.
Turner TE, Swindles GT, Charman DJ, Blundell A (2013). Comparing regional and supra-regional transfer functions for palaeohydrological reconstruction from Holocene peatlands. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 369, 395-408. Abstract.
Parry LE, Charman DJ (2013). Modelling soil organic carbon distribution in blanket peatlands at a landscape scale. Geoderma, 211-212(1), 75-84. Abstract.
Royles J, Amesbury MJ, Convey P, Griffiths H, Hodgson DA, Leng MJ, Charman DJ (2013). Plants and soil microbes respond to recent warming on the Antarctic Peninsula. Curr Biol, 23(17), 1702-1706. Abstract.  Author URL.
Royles J, Amesbury MJ, Convey P, Griffiths H, Hodgson DA, Leng MJ, Charman DJ (2013). Plants and soil microbes respond to recent warming on the antarctic peninsula. Current Biology, 23(17), 1702-1706. Abstract.
Amesbury MJ, Mallon G, Charman DJ, Hughes PDM, Booth RK, Daley TJ, Garneau M (2013). Statistical testing of a new testate amoeba-based transfer function for water-table depth reconstruction on ombrotrophic peatlands in north-eastern Canada and Maine, United States. Journal of Quaternary Science, 28(1), 27-39. Abstract.
Barnett RL, Charman DJ, Gehrels WR, Saher MH, Marshall WA (2013). Testate Amoebae as Sea-level Indicators in Northwestern Norway: Developments in Sample Preparation and Analysis. ACTA PROTOZOOLOGICA, 52(3), 115-128.  Author URL.
Charman DJ, Hohl V, Blundell A, Mitchell F, Newberry J, Oksanen P (2012). A 1000-year reconstruction of summer precipitation from Ireland: Calibration of a peat-based palaeoclimate record. Quaternary International, 268, 87-97. Abstract.
Parry LE, Charman DJ, Noades JPW (2012). A method for modelling peat depth in blanket peatlands. Soil Use and Management, 28(4), 614-624. Abstract.
Pyne-O'Donnell SDF, Hughes PDM, Froese DG, Jensen BJL, Kuehn SC, Mallon G, Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Daley TJ, Loader NJ, et al (2012). High-precision ultra-distal Holocene tephrochronology in North America. Quaternary Science Reviews, 52, 6-11. Abstract.
Charman D (2012). Northern peatland carbon accumulation and climate change during the last millennium. Quaternary International, 279
Yu Z, Beilman DW, Frolking S, MacDonald GM, Roulet NT, Camill P, Charman DJ (2012). Peatlands as a model ecosystem of soil carbon dynamics: Reply to Comment on "peatlands and their role in the global carbon cycle". Eos, 93(3).
Väliranta M, Blundell A, Charman DJ, Karofeld E, Korhola A, Sillasoo U, Tuittila ES (2012). Reconstructing peatland water tables using transfer functions for plant macrofossils and testate amoebae: a methodological comparison. Quaternary International, 268, 34-43. Abstract.
Payne RJ, Telford RJ, Blackford JJ, Blundell A, Booth RK, Charman DJ, Lamentowicz Ł, Lamentowicz M, Mitchell EAD, Potts G, et al (2012). Testing peatland testate amoeba transfer functions: Appropriate methods for clustered training-sets. Holocene, 22(7), 819-825. Abstract.
Hughes PDM, Mallon G, Essex HJ, Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Blundell A, Chambers FM, Daley TJ, Mauquoy D (2012). The use of k-values to examine plant 'species signals' in a peat humification record from Newfoundland. Quaternary International, 268, 156-165. Abstract.
Niinemets E, Pensa M, Charman DJ (2011). Analysis of fossil testate amoebae in Selisoo Bog, Estonia: Local variability and implications for palaeoecological reconstructions in peatlands. Boreas, 40(2), 367-378. Abstract.
Pancost RD, McClymont EL, Bingham EM, Roberts Z, Charman DJ, Hornibrook ERC, Blundell A, Chambers FM, Lim KLH, Evershed RP, et al (2011). Archaeol as a methanogen biomarker in ombrotrophic bogs. Organic Geochemistry, 42(10), 1279-1287. Abstract.
Yu Z, Beilman DW, Frolking S, MacDonald GM, Roulet NT, Camill P, Charman DJ (2011). Peatlands and their role in the global carbon cycle. Eos, 92(12), 97-98. Abstract.
Kelly A, Charman DJ, Newnham RM (2010). A last glacial maximum pollen record from bodmin moor showing a possible cryptic Northern refugium in Southwest England. Journal of Quaternary Science, 25(3), 296-308. Abstract.
Billett MF, Charman DJ, Clark JM, Evans CD, Evans MG, Ostle NJ, Worrall F, Burden A, Dinsmore KJ, Jones T, et al (2010). Carbon balance of UK peatlands: Current state of knowledge and future research challenges. Climate Research, 45(1), 13-29. Abstract.
Charman DJ (2010). Centennial climate variability in the British Isles during the mid-late Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(13-14), 1539-1554. Abstract.
Charman DJ, McCarroll D (2010). Climate variability of the British Isles and adjoining seas. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(13-14), 1503-1506.
Kelly A, Charman DJ, Newnham RM (2010). Comment: a Last Glacial Maximum pollen record from Bodmin Moor showing a possible cryptic northern refugium in southwest England Reply. JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, 25(5), 828-829.  Author URL.
Booth RK, Lamentowicz M, Charman DJ (2010). Preparation and analysis of testate amoebae in peatland palaeoenvironmental studies. Mires and Peat, 7, 1-7.
Charman DJ, Gehrels WR, Manning C, Sharma C (2010). Reconstruction of recent sea-level change using testate amoebae. Quaternary Research, 73(2), 208-219. Abstract.
Kelly A, Charman DJ, Newnham RM (2010). Reply to Comment: a Last Glacial Maximum pollen record from Bodmin Moor showing a possible cryptic northern refugium in southwest England. (Kelly et al. 2010). Journal of Quaternary Science, 25(5), 828-829.
Payne R, Gauci V, Charman DJ (2010). The impact of simulated sulfate deposition on peatland testate amoebae. Microb Ecol, 59(1), 76-83. Abstract.  Author URL.
Plunkett G, Whitehouse NJ, Hall VA, Charman DJ, Blaauw M, Kelly E, Mulhall I (2009). A multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental investigation of the findspot of an Iron Age bog body from Oldcroghan, Co. Offaly, Ireland. Journal of Archaeological Science, 36(2), 265-277. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Barber KE, Blaauw M, Langdon PG, Mauquoy D, Daley TJ, Hughes PDM, Karofeld E (2009). Climate drivers for peatland palaeoclimate records. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(19-20), 1811-1819. Abstract.
Swindles GT, Charman DJ, Roe HM, Sansum PA (2009). Environmental controls on peatland testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) in the North of Ireland: Implications for Holocene palaeoclimate studies. Journal of Paleolimnology, 42(1), 123-140. Abstract.
Charman SD, Gregory AH, Carlucci M (2009). Exploring the Diagnostic Utility of Facial Composites: Beliefs of Guilt can Bias Perceived Similarity Between Composite and Suspect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 15(1), 76-90. Abstract.
McClymont EL, Mauquoy D, Yeloff D, Broekens P, van Geel B, Charman DJ, Pancost RD, Chambers FM, Evershed RP (2009). The disappearance of Sphagnum imbricatum from Butterburn Flow, UK: a reply to comments by Bjorn Robroek et al. Holocene, 19(7), 1094-1097. Abstract.
Amesbury MJ, Charman DJ, Fyfe RM, Langdon PG, West S (2008). Bronze Age upland settlement decline in southwest England: testing the climate change hypothesis. Journal of Archaeological Science, 35(1), 87-98. Abstract.
van der Linden M, Vickery E, Charman DJ, van Geel B (2008). Effects of human impact and climate change during the last 350 years recorded in a Swedish raised bog deposit. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 262(1-2), 1-31. Abstract.
van der Linden M, Barke J, Vickery E, Charman DJ, van Geel B (2008). Late Holocene human impact and climate change recorded in a North Swedish peat deposit. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 258(1-2), 1-27. Abstract.
Blundell A, Charman DJ, Barber K (2008). Multiproxy late Holocene peat records from Ireland: Towards a regional palaeoclimate curve. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23(1), 59-71. Abstract.
SILLASOO U, MAUQUOY D, BLUNDELL A, CHARMAN DAN, BLAAUW M, DANIELL JRG, TOMS P, NEWBERRY J, CHAMBERS FM, KAROFELD E, et al (2008). Peat multi‐proxy data from Männikjärve bog as indicators of late Holocene climate changes in Estonia. Boreas, 36(1), 20-37. Abstract.
Charman DJ (2008). Peatlands and environmental change: a long term perspective on peatland management and restoration. Thorne and Hatfield Moors Papers, 7, 31-38.
Massey AC, Gehrels WR, Charman DJ, Milne GA, Peltier WR, Lambeck K, Selby KA (2008). Relative sea-level change and postglacial isostatic adjustment along the coast of south Devon, United Kingdom. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23(5), 415-433. Abstract.
Payne RJ, Charman DJ, Matthews S, Eastwood WJ (2008). Testate amoebae as palaeohydrological proxies in Sürmene Aǧaçbaşi Yaylasi Peatland (Northeast Turkey). Wetlands, 28(2), 311-323. Abstract.
McClymont EL, Mauquoy D, Yeloff D, Broekens P, Van Geel B, Charman DJ, Pancost RD, Chambers FM, Evershed RP (2008). The disappearance of Sphagnum imbricatum from Butterburn Flow, UK. Holocene, 18(6), 991-1002. Abstract.
Mauquoy D, Yeloff D, Van Geel B, Charman DJ, Blundell A (2008). Two decadally resolved records from north-west European peat bogs show rapid climate changes associated with solar variability during the mid-late Holocene. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23(8), 745-763. Abstract.
van der Linden M, Vickery E, Charman DJ, Broekens P, van Geel B (2008). Vegetation history and human impact during the last 300 years recorded in a German peat deposit. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 152(3-4), 158-175. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Blundell A, Alm J, Bartlett S, Begeot C, Blaauw M, Chambers F, Daniell J, Evershed R, Hunt J, et al (2007). A new European testate amoebae transfer function for palaeohydrological reconstruction on ombrotrophic peatlands. Journal of Quaternary Science, 22(3), 209-221. Abstract.
Sillasoo U, Mauquoy D, Blundell A, Charman D, Blaauw M, Daniell JRG, Toms P, Newberry J, Chambers FM, Karofeld E, et al (2007). Peat multi-proxy data from Männikjärve bog as indicators of late Holocene climate changes in Estonia. Boreas, 36(1), 20-37. Abstract.
Yeloff D, Charman D, van Geel B, Mauquoy D (2007). Reconstruction of hydrology, vegetation and past climate change in bogs using fungal microfossils. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 146(1-4), 102-145. Abstract.
Charman DJ (2007). Summer water deficit variability controls on peatland water-table changes: Implications for Holocene palaeoclimate reconstructions. Holocene, 17(2), 217-227. Abstract.
Hughes PDM, Blundell A, Charman DJ, Bartlett S, Daniell JRG, Wojatschke A, Chambers FM (2006). An 8500 cal. year multi-proxy climate record from a bog in eastern Newfoundland: contributions of meltwater discharge and solar forcing. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(11-12), 1208-1227. Abstract.
Massey AC, Gehrels WR, Charman DJ, White SV (2006). An intertidal foraminifera-based transfer function for reconstructing holocene sea-level change in southwest England. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 36(3), 215-232. Abstract.
Massey AC, Paul MA, Gehrels WR, Charman DJ (2006). Autocompaction in Holocene coastal back-barrier sediments from south Devon, southwest England, UK. Marine Geology, 226(3-4), 225-241. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Blundell A, Chiverrell RC, Hendon D, Langdon PG (2006). Compilation of non-annually resolved Holocene proxy climate records: Stacked Holocene peatland palaeo-water table reconstructions from northern Britain. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(3-4), 336-350. Abstract.
Gehrels WR, Hendon D, Charman DJ (2006). Distribution of testate amoebae in salt marshes along the North American East Coast. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 36(3), 201-214. Abstract.
Massey AC, Taylor GK, Gehrels WR, Charman DJ (2006). Electrical resistivity of coastal back-barrier sediments from south Devon, south-west England, United Kingdom. Journal of Coastal Research, 22(5), 1179-1191. Abstract.
Schnitchen C, Charman DJ, Magyari E, Braun M, Grigorszky I, Tóthmérész B, Molnár M, Szántó Z (2006). Reconstructing hydrological variability from testate amoebae analysis in Carpathian peatlands. Journal of Paleolimnology, 36(1), 1-17. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Garnett MH (2005). Chronologies for recent peat deposits using wiggle-matched radiocarbon ages: Problems with old carbon contamination. RADIOCARBON, 47(1), 135-145. Abstract.  Author URL.
Schoning K, Charman DJ, Wastegård S (2005). Reconstructed water tables from two ombrotrophic mires in eastern central Sweden compared with instrumental meteorological data. Holocene, 15(1), 111-118. Abstract.
Hendon D, Charman DJ (2004). High-resolution peatland water-table changes for the past 200 years: the influence of climate and implications for management. Holocene, 14(1), 125-134. Abstract.
Chambers FM, Charman DJ (2004). Holocene environmental change: Contributions from the peatland archive. Holocene, 14(1), 1-6. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Brown AD, Hendon D, Karofeld E (2004). Testing the relationship between Holocene peatland palaeoclimate reconstructions and instrumental data at two European sites. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23(1-2), 137-143. Abstract.
Wilmshurst JM, Wiser SK, Charman DJ (2003). Reconstructing Holocene water tables in New Zealand using testate amoebae: Differential preservation of tests and implications for the use of transfer functions. Holocene, 13(1), 61-72. Abstract.
Bobrov AA, Charman DJ, Warner BG (2002). Ecology of testate amoebae from oligotrophic peatlands: Specific features of polytypic and polymorphic species. Biology Bulletin, 29(6), 605-617. Abstract.
Bobrov AA, Charman DJ, Warner BG (2002). Ecology of testate amoebae from oligotrophic peatlands: specific features of polytypic and polymorphic species. Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk(6), 738-751. Abstract.
Gehrels WR, Roe HM, Charman DJ (2002). Foraminifera, testate amoebae and diatoms as sea-level indicators in UK saltmarshes: a quantitative multiproxy approach (vol 16, pg 201, 2001). JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, 17(3), 285-285.  Author URL.
Roe HM, Charman DJ, Roland Gehrels W (2002). Fossil testate amoebae in coastal deposits in the UK: Implications for studies of sea-level change. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(5-6), 411-429. Abstract.
Wilmshurst JM, McGlone MS, Charman DJ (2002). Holocene vegetation and climate change in southern New Zealand: Linkages. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(7), 653-666. Abstract.
Wilmshurst JM, McGlone MS, Charman DJ (2002). Holocene vegetation and climate change in southern New Zealand: Linkages between forest composition and quantitative surface moisture reconstructions from an ombrogenous bog. JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, 17(7), 653-666.  Author URL.
Charman DJ, Roe HM, Roland Gehrels W (2002). Modern distribution of saltmarsh testate amoebae: Regional variability of zonation and response to environmental variables. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(5-6), 387-409. Abstract.
Bobrov AA, Charman DJ, Warner BG (2002). [Ecology of testate amoebae from oligotrophic peatlands: specific features of polytypic and polymorphic species]. Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol(6), 738-751. Abstract.  Author URL.
Charman DJ (2001). Biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental applications of testate amoebae. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20(16-17), 1753-1764. Abstract.
Gehrels WR, Roe HM, Charman DJ (2001). Foraminifera, testate amoebae and diatoms as sea-level indicators in UK saltmarshes: a quantitative multiproxy approach. Journal of Quaternary Science, 16(3), 201-220. Abstract.
Hendon D, Charman DJ, Kent M (2001). Palaeohydrological records derived from testate amoebae analysis from peatlands in northern England: Within-site variability, between-site comparability and palaeoclimatic implications. Holocene, 11(2), 127-148. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Caseldine C, Baker A, Gearey B, Hatton J, Proctor C (2001). Paleohydrological records from Peat profiles and speleothems in Sutherland Nortwest Scotland. Quaternary Research, 55(2), 223-234. Abstract.
Caseldine CJ, Baker A, Charman DJ, Hendon D (2000). A comparative study of optical properties of NaOH peat extracts: Implications for humification studies. Holocene, 10(5), 649-658. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Hendon D (2000). Long-term changes in soil water tables over the past 4500 years: Relationships with climate and North Atlantic atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature. Climatic Change, 47(1-2), 45-59. Abstract.
Gearey BR, Charman DJ, Kent M (2000). Palaeoecological evidence for the prehistoric settlement of Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, southwest England. Part I: the status of woodland and early human impacts. Journal of Archaeological Science, 27(5), 423-438. Abstract.
Gearey BR, Charman DJ, Kent M (2000). Palaeoecological evidence for the prehistoric settlement of Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, southwest England. Part II: Land use changes from the Neolithic to the present. Journal of Archaeological Science, 27(6), 493-508. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Grattan J (1999). An assessment of discriminant function analysis in the identification and correlation of distal Icelandic tephras in the British Isles. Geological Society Special Publication, 161, 147-160. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Aravena R, Bryant CL, Harkness DD (1999). Carbon isotopes in peat, DOC, CO <inf>2</inf> , and CH <inf>4</inf> in a holocene peatland on Dartmoor, southwest England. Geology, 27(6), 539-542. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Aravena R, Bryant CL, Harkness DD (1999). Carbon isotopes in peat, DOC, CO2, and CH4 in a holocene peatland on Dartmoor, southwest England. Geology, 27(6), 539-542.
Charman DJ, Aravena R, Bryant CL, Harkness DD (1999). Carbon isotopes in peat, DOC, CO2, and CH4 in a holocene peatland on Dartmoor, southwest England. Geology, 27(6), 539-542.
Bobrov AA, Charman DJ, Warner BG (1999). Ecology of testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) on peatlands in western Russia with special attention to niche separation in closely related taxa. Protist, 150(2), 125-136. Abstract.  Author URL.
Grattan J, Gilbertson D, Charman D (1999). Modelling the impact of Icelandic volcanic eruptions upon the prehistoric societies and environment of northern and western Britain. Geological Society Special Publication, 161, 109-124. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Hendon D, Packman S (1999). Multiproxy surface wetness records from replicate cores on an ombrotrophic mire: Implications for Holocene palaeoclimate records. Journal of Quaternary Science, 14(5), 451-463. Abstract.
Baker A, Caseldine CJ, Gilmour MA, Charman D, Proctor CJ, Hawkesworth CJ, Phillips N (1999). Stalagmite luminescence and peat humification records of palaeomoisture for the last 2500 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 165(1), 157-162. Abstract.
Woodland WA, Charman DJ, Sims PC (1998). Quantitative estimates of water tables and soil moisture in Holocene peatlands from testate amoebae. Holocene, 8(3), 261-273. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Roe HM, Gehrels WR (1998). The use of testate amoebae in studies of sea-level change: a case study from the Taf Estuary, south Wales, UK. Holocene, 8(2), 209-218. Abstract.
Charman DJ (1997). Modelling hydrological relationships of testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) on New Zealand peatlands. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 27(4), 465-483. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Warner BG (1997). The ecology of testate amoebae (Protozoa:Rhizopoda) in oceanic peatlands in Newfoundland, Canada: Modelling hydrological relationships for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Ecoscience, 4(4), 555-562. Abstract.
Hendon D, Charman DJ (1997). The preparation of testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) samples from peat. Holocene, 7(2), 199-205. Abstract.
Charman DJ, West S, Kelly A, Grattan J (1995). Environmental change and tephra deposition: the strath of Kildonan, Northern Scotland. Journal of Archaeological Science, 22(6), 799-809. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Fullerton H (1995). Interactive lectures: a case study in a geographical concepts course. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 19(1), 57-68. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Pollard AJ (1995). Long-term vegetation recovery after vehicle track abandonment on Dartmoor, SW England, U.K. Journal of Environmental Management, 45(1), 73-85. Abstract.
Charman DJ (1995). Patterned fen development in northern Scotland: Hypothesis testing and comparison with ombrotrophic blanket peats. Journal of Quaternary Science, 10(4), 327-342. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Aravena R, Warner BG (1994). Carbon dynamics in a forested peatland in north-eastern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Ecology, 82(1), 55-62.
WARNER BG, CHARMAN DJ (1994). Holocene changes on a peatland in northwestern Ontario interpreted from testate amoebae (Protozoa) analysis. Boreas, 23(3), 270-279. Abstract.
CHARMAN DJ (1994). Late‐glacial and Holocene vegetation history of the Flow Country, northern Scotland. New Phytologist, 127(1), 155-168. Abstract.
Grattan J, Charman DJ (1994). Non-climatic factors and the environmental impact of volcanic volatiles: Implications of the Laki fissure eruption of AD 1783. Holocene, 4(1), 101-106.
Charman DJ (1994). Patterned fen development in northern Scotland: developing a hypothesis from palaeoecological data. Journal of Quaternary Science, 9(3), 285-297. Abstract.
Aravena R, Warner BG, Charman DJ, Belyea LR, Mathur SP, Dinel H (1993). Carbon isotopic composition of deep carbon gases in an ombrogenous peatland, northwestern Ontario, Canada. Radiocarbon, 35(2), 271-276. Abstract.
Charman DJ (1993). Patterned fens in Scotland: evidence from vegetation and water chemistry. Journal of Vegetation Science, 4(4), 543-552. Abstract.
CHARMAN DJ (1992). Blanket mire formation at the Cross Lochs, Sutherland, northern Scotland. Boreas, 21(1), 53-72. Abstract.
Charman DJ, Warner BG (1992). Relationship between testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) and microenvironmental parameters on a forested peatland in northeastern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 70(12), 2474-2482. Abstract.
Charman DJ (1992). The effects of acetylation on fossil Pinus pollen and Sphagnum spores discovered during routine pollen analysis. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 72(1-2), 159-164. Abstract.
Smith RS, Charman DJ (1988). The vegetation of upland mires within conifer plantations in Northumberland, northern England. Journal of Applied Ecology, 25(2), 579-594. Abstract.


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Charman D (2015). Testate amoebae. In Shennan I, Long AJ, Horton BP (Eds.) Handbook of sea-level research, Chichester: Wiley, 281-294.
Charman D (2014). The Holocene. In Catt J, Candy I (Eds.) The History of the Quaternary Research Association, London: the Quaternary Research Association, 377-388.
Charman D (2013). Issues and impacts of using computerbased assessments (CBAs) for formative assessment. In  (Ed) Computer-assisted Assessment of Students, 85-94.
Charman DJ (2009). Peat and Peatlands. In Likens GE (Ed) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Oxford: Elsevier, 541-548.
Charman DJ, Minayeva T, Laine J, Sirin A (2008). Impacts of future climate change on peatlands. In Parish F, Sirin A, Charman D, Joosten J, Minayeva T, Silvius M, Stringer L (Eds.) Assessment on peatlands, biodiversity and climate change, Kuala Lumpur and Wageningen: Global Environment Centre and Wetlands International, 139-154.
Verschuren D, Charman DJ (2008). Latitudinal linkages in late-Holocene moisture-balance variation. In Battarbee RW, Binney HA (Eds.) Natural climate variability and global warming, Blackwell Pub, 189-231.
Charman DJ, Booth RK, Makila M, Sirin A (2008). Peatlands and past climate change. In Parish F, Sirin A, Charman D, Joosten H, Minayeva T, Silvius M, Stringer L (Eds.) Assessment on peatlands, biodiversity and climate change, Kuala Lumpur and Wageningen: Global Environment Centre and Wetlands International, 39-59.


Bingham EM, McClymont EL, Childs EV, Pancost RD, Charman D, Evershed RP (2009). The stanol: Δ<SUP>5</SUP>-sterol ratio as a proxy for palaeoredox conditions in mires.  Author URL.
Mitchell EAD, Charman DJ, Warner BG (2008). Testate amoebae analysis in ecological and paleoecological studies of wetlands: Past, present and future. Abstract.
Schnitchen C, Magyari E, Charman DJ, Tothmeresz B, Grigorszky I, Beres V, Braun M (2006). The possibility of reconstruction of past hydrological changes in a <i>Sphagnum</i> bog by the use of testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testacea) in the Carpathian Basin.  Author URL.
Smith RS, Charman D, Rushton SP, Sanderson RA, Simkin JM, Shiel RS (2003). Vegetation change in an ombrotrophic mire in northern England after excluding sheep. Abstract.
Charman DJ (1999). Testate amoebae and the fossil record: Issues in biodiversity. Abstract.
Charman D, Elmes A (1998). A Computer-based Formative Assessment Strategy for a Basic Statistics Module in Geography. Abstract.
West S, Charman DJ, Grattan JP, Cherburkin AK (1997). Heavy metals in Holocene Peats from south west England: Detecting mining impacts and atmospheric pollution. Abstract.

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External Engagement and Impact

Co-lead IGBP-PAGES Working Group C-PEAT - Carbon in Peat on EArth through Time (2014-

President, Quaternary Research Association (2011-2014)

NERC Peer Review College Member (2008-2012)

NERC Radiocarbon Laboratory Steering Committee member (2006-2012)

Project leader INQUA project 0804: Peatland Archives of Holocene Carbon and Climate Change (2010-12)

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Proudest achievement at Exeter!  Voted ‘Best overall lecturer’ in Geography by students for 2010-2011.

Previous teaching at Exeter has included Global climate systems and Lessons from past climates, in addition to a variety of fieldtris, dissertation supervision and tutorials. 



Information not currently available

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Supervision / Group

Research Fellows

  • Robert Barnett
  • Anne Quillet EU2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow. PEATMOD: PEATland modelling for global carbon cycle and climate models.

Postdoctoral researchers

Postgraduate researchers

  • Emmanuela Daza assessing peatland use effects using testacea amoebae (University of Jyvaskyla)
  • Lilo Henke Holocene tropical hydrological change and the global carbon cycle
  • Nicole Sanderson Carbon cycling in Northern peatlands and feedbacks to climate change (joint with Michelle Garneau, UQAM, Quebec)
  • Alex Whittle Late Quaternary changes in the Westerly Winds over the Southern Ocean
  • Hui Zhang Long-term high latitude peatland and carbon dynamics

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