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Professor Iain Hartley

Professor Iain Hartley

Professor of Terrestrial Ecosystem Science


 Amory C418


Amory Building, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4RJ , UK


Iain Hartley's research focuses on the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to global change. He has worked in a wide range of ecosystems, from Arctic tundra to tropical rainforests. In particular, his research interests include: 1) determining the effects of permafrost thaw on greenhouse gas emissions from high-latitude ecosystems; 2) investigating the extent to which tropical forest productivity is limited by nutrient availability versus atmospheric CO2 concentrations; 3) quantifying the effects of global warming on soil and ecosystem carbon storage. Iain's research has been funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), and he sits on the scientific steering committte of the AmazonFACE project, which will be the first experiment to expose a mature rainforest canopy to elevated CO2. He also currently serves on the NERC Radiocarbon Facility steering committee.

Broad research specialisms:

Carbon cycle feedbacks to global change, impacts of warming on soil carbon dynamics, links between carbon and nutrient cycling, permafrost carbon dynamics, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, methane fluxes, managing the terrestrial carbon cycle.


BSc Environmental Biology (University of St Andrews),
MRes Ecology and Environmental Biology (University of York),
PhD “The response of soil respiration to temperature” (University of York)

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Research interests

The main focus of my research is on improving understanding of how the terrestrial biosphere will respond to global change, and what the implications will be for future rates of climate change.

I am primarily an experimental ecologist, using manipulations to quantify ecosystem responses to key drivers, but also make use of natural gradients and natural disturbances to test hypotheses related to global change. My research combines controlled laboratory experiments with field measurements in ecosystems as diverse as Arctic tundra and Amazon rainforest. I make extensive use of stable and radiocarbon isotopes to compliment measurements of fluxes (CO2, CH4) and stores of carbon in different ecosystems. My work is highly collaborative with ongoing projects involving hydrologists, plant physiologists, microbiologists, remote sensors, and soil scientists, as well as ecosystem and Earth system modellers.

Current projects include: 1) investigating how soil microbial community responses may modify the effects of temperature on decomposition rates in soils; 2) determining the role of plant biodiversity and fire disturbance in controlling the rates, and implications, of permafrost thaw in contrasting ecosystems in northern Canada; 3) quantifying the role of nutrient availability in controlling the productivity of Amazon forests; 4) investigating the potential effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration on C uptake in rainforests.

Specific research areas:
1.    Effects of temperature on decomposition rates in soils
2.    Elevated CO2 effects on plant productivity and ecosystem C storage
3.    Plant-soil interactions and nutrient-cycle influences on carbon-cycle feedbacks
4.    Permafrost carbon dynamics
5.    Methane fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
6.    Soil microbial community responses to global change
7.    The use of radiocarbon in carbon cycle research

Research projects

  1. NERC Standard Grant: NE/S010122/1, “Can the formation of new soil organic matter offset decomposition losses from thawed permafrost soils”. Total value: £640,000 (~£540,000 to Exeter, Hartley as project PI). June 2019-May 2023.This proposal will grow plant in contrasting permafrost soils in a 13C-labelled atmosphere to trace new carbon inputs into different soil organic matter pools.
  2. NERC Standard Grant: NE/R001928/1, “Can tropical Montane forest Acclimate to high temperature? (Montane-Acclim)”. Total value: £641,000 (~£600,000 to Exeter, PI Lina Mercado, Hartley CoI). Oct 2017-Sept 2022. This proposal will use an altitudinal gradient to determine the extent to which photosynthesis in tropical trees can acclimate to climate warming.
  3. NERC Standard Grant: NE/N010086/1, “Phosphorus Limitation And ecosystem responses to Carbon dioxide Enrichment (PLACE). Total value: £635,000 (£316,000 to Exeter, Hartley as project PI). Feb 2017-Dec 2020.This is the first combined free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) and nutrient manipulation experiment in phosphorus-limited grasslands.
  4. NERC Standard Grant: NE/P002722/1, “Will more productive Arctic ecosystems sequester less soil carbon? A key role for priming in the rhizosphere ('PRIMETIME')". Total value: £635,000 (£11,000 to Exeter, Led by Philip Wookey at University of Stirling. Hartley as Exeter PI). September 2016-August 2019.This project will determine whether colonisation of ericaceous Arctic heaths by ectomycorrhizal trees and shrubs will destabilise soil carbon stocks.
  5. NERC Directed Newton call: NE/N007603/1, “SPECTRE: Soil processes and ecological services of the karst critical zone of southwest China”. Total value: £900,000 (£468,000 to Exeter, PI Tim Quine, Hartley CoI). January 2016-Dec 2018.This project investigates whether karst agricultural systems in China can be managed to maximise ecosystem service delivery and poverty alleviation.
  6. NERC Standard Grant: NE/L007223/1, 'The Amazon Fertilisation Experiment (AFEX)'. Total value: £925,000 (£624,000 to Exeter, Hartley as project PI). October 2014-March 2020.This is first experiment to expose mature Amazon rainforest to long-term, large-scale manipulations of soil nitrogen, phosphorus and cation availability.
  7. NERC Strategic Environmental Capital Call, 'Picarro G2201-i Dual Carbon Isotope Analyzer'. Total value: £129,000 (Hartley ad lead academic). June 2014.This equipment bid has been essential for securing subsequent funding.
  8. NERC Arctic Research Programme: NE/K000179/1, 'CYCLOPS: Carbon Cycling Linkages of Permafrost Systems'. Total value: £900,000 (£285,376 to Exeter, Led by Mathew Williams at University of Edinburgh. Hartley as Exeter PI). August 2012-July 2015.This project determined how vegetation communities control thermal regimes in permafrost soils and the potential for CO2 and CH4 release following thaw.
  9. Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC): 'Determining the role of permafrost thaw in controlling rates of methane release from terrestrial high-latitude ecosystems'. Two awards linked to CYCLOPS. (£164,849 to Exeter, Hartley as PI). May 2013-March 2015.This project determined, for the first time, the source of methane being released from thawing permafrost peatlands.
  10. NERC Standard Grant: NE/H022333/1, 'Thermal acclimation of soil microbial respiration: consequences for global warming-induced carbon losses?'. Total value £453,000 (£269,634 to Exeter. Hartley as project PI). October 2010-December 2013.This project demonstrated that microbial community responses to temperature changes enhance the potential for carbon release under global warming.

Research grants

  • 2016 NERC
    Phosphorus Limitation And ecosystem responses to Carbon dioxide Enrichment (PLACE)
  • 2015 NERC
    SPECTRA: Soil Processes and Ecological Services in the Karst Critical Zone of Southwest China
  • 2014 NERC
    The Amazon Fertilisation Experiment (AFEX)
  • 2014 InterAmerican Development Bank
    Amazon FACE experiment
  • 2013 DECC
    Determining the role of permafrost thaw in controlling rates of methane release from terrestrial high-latitude ecosystems
  • 2012 NERC
    CYCLOPS: Carbon Cycling Linkages of Permafrost Systems: NERC Arctic Research Programme award
  • 2010 NERC
    Thermal acclimation of soil microbial respiration: consequences for global-warming-induced carbon losses?

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Journal articles

Gatis N, Anderson K, Grand-Clement E, Luscombe D, Hartley I, Smith D, Brazier R (In Press). Evaluating MODIS vegetation products using digital images for quantifying local peatland CO2 gas fluxes. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
Lugli LF, Andersen KM, Aragao LEOC, Cordeiro AL, Cunha HFV, Fuchslueger L, Meir P, Mercado LM, Oblitas E, Quesada CA, et al (In Press). Multiple phosphorus acquisition strategies adopted by fine roots in low-fertility soils in Central Amazonia. Plant and Soil
Gatis N, Luscombe D, Grand-Clement E, Hartley I, Anderson K, Smith DM, Brazier RE (In Press). The effect of drainage ditches on vegetation diversity and CO2 fluxes in a Molinia caerulea dominated peatland. Ecohydrology
Journeaux KL, Boddy L, Rowland L, Hartley IP (2024). A positive feedback to climate change: the effect of temperature on the respiration of key wood-decomposing fungi does not decline with time. Glob Chang Biol, 30(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Domingues T, Damasceno A, Garcia S, Aleixo I, Menezes J, Pereira I, De Kauwe M, Ferrer V, Fleischer K, Grams T, et al (2024). Amazonian understory response to elevated CO2.
Reichert T, Fuchslueger L, de Andrade SAL, Bauerle T, Borghi A, P. Darela-Filho J, Fleischer K, Hafner B, Hartley IP, Di Ponzio R, et al (2024). Effects of soil phosphorus on root exudates in central Amazonia.
Taylor CR, England LC, Keane JB, Davies JAC, Leake JR, Hartley IP, Smart SM, Janes‐Bassett V, Phoenix GK (2024). Elevated CO2 interacts with nutrient inputs to restructure plant communities in phosphorus‐limited grasslands. Global Change Biology, 30(1).
Soltangheisi A, Pinder A, Blazey K, Grzesik RT, Marshall M, Kourmouli A, Mayoral C, Hart KM, Ullah S, Hartley IP, et al (2024). Elevated atmospheric CO2 increased soil plant available and soil organic phosphorus in a mature temperate oak (Quercus robur L.) forest.
Damasceno AR, Garcia S, Aleixo IF, Menezes JCG, Pereira IS, De Kauwe MG, Ferrer VR, Fleischer K, Grams TEE, Guedes AV, et al (2024). In situ short-term responses of Amazonian understory plants to elevated CO2. Plant Cell Environ, 47(5), 1865-1876. Abstract.  Author URL.
Xiao Q, Zhang W, Wu L, Huang Y, Cai Z, Li D, Xu X, Hartley IP (2024). Long-term liming mitigates the positive responses of soil carbon mineralization to warming and labile carbon input. J Environ Manage, 354 Abstract.  Author URL.
Tian J, Dungait JAJ, Hou R, Deng Y, Hartley IP, Yang Y, Kuzyakov Y, Zhang F, Cotrufo MF, Zhou J, et al (2024). Microbially mediated mechanisms underlie soil carbon accrual by conservation agriculture under decade-long warming. Nature Communications, 15(1).
Basri MHA, McCalmont J, Kho LK, Hartley IP, Teh YA, Rumpang E, Signori-Müller C, Hill T (2024). Reducing bias on soil surface CO<inf>2</inf> flux emission measurements: Case study on a mature oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantation on tropical peatland in Southeast Asia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 350 Abstract.
Ullah S, Mayoral C, Rumeau M, Norby R, Gardner A, Pihlblad J, Reay M, Handy G, Hamilton L, Hart K, et al (2024). Temperate Forest of 2050’s: carbon and nutrient cycling responses to seven years of elevated CO2 enrichment at BIFoR-FACE.
Cox AJF, González-Caro S, Meir P, Hartley IP, Restrepo Z, Villegas JC, Sanchez A, Mercado LM (2024). Variable thermal plasticity of leaf functional traits in Andean tropical montane forests. Plant Cell Environ, 47(3), 731-750. Abstract.  Author URL.
Cox AJF, Hartley IP, Meir P, Sitch S, Dusenge ME, Restrepo Z, González-Caro S, Villegas JC, Uddling J, Mercado LM, et al (2023). Acclimation of photosynthetic capacity and foliar respiration in Andean tree species to temperature change. New Phytol, 238(6), 2329-2344. Abstract.  Author URL.
He Y, Zhou X, Jia Z, Zhou L, Chen H, Liu R, Du Z, Zhou G, Shao J, Ding J, et al (2023). Apparent thermal acclimation of soil heterotrophic respiration mainly mediated by substrate availability. Glob Chang Biol, 29(4), 1178-1187. Abstract.  Author URL.
Xia S, Song Z, Singh BP, Guo L, Bolan N, Wang W, Lin G, Fang Y, Wen X, Wang J, et al (2023). Contrasting patterns and controls of soil carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions in coastal wetlands of China. Plant and Soil, 489(1-2), 483-505. Abstract.
Sun S, Song Z, Chen B, Wang Y, Ran X, Fang Y, Van Zwieten L, Hartley IP, Wang Y, Li Q, et al (2023). Current and future potential soil organic carbon stocks of vegetated coastal ecosystems and their controls in the Bohai Rim Region, China. Catena, 225 Abstract.
Kourmouli A, Hamilton L, Bartlett R, Dyson R, Gore J, Grzesik R, Hartley I, Johnston I, Kulawska A, Mayoral C, et al (2023). Does elevated CO2 alter root architecture and biomass after 5 years in a mature temperate woodland?.
Ben Keane J, Hartley IP, Taylor CR, Leake JR, Hoosbeek MR, Miglietta F, Phoenix GK (2023). Grassland responses to elevated CO2 determined by plant–microbe competition for phosphorus. Nature Geoscience, 16(8), 704-709.
Rowland L, Ramírez-Valiente J-A, Hartley IP, Mencuccini M (2023). How woody plants adjust above- and below-ground traits in response to sustained drought. New Phytol, 239(4), 1173-1189. Abstract.  Author URL.
Xia S, Song Z, Wang W, Fan Y, Guo L, Van Zwieten L, Hartley IP, Fang Y, Wang Y, Zhang Z, et al (2023). Patterns and determinants of plant‐derived lignin phenols in coastal wetlands: Implications for organic C accumulation. Functional Ecology, 37(4), 1067-1081.
Michel J, Hartley IP, Buckeridge KM, van Meegen C, Broyd RC, Reinelt L, Ccahuana Quispe AJ, Whitaker J (2023). Preferential substrate use decreases priming effects in contrasting treeline soils. Biogeochemistry, 162(2), 141-161. Abstract.
Pihlblad J, Hamilton RL, Rumeau M, Sayer EJ, Hartley IP, Ullah S (2023). Root soil Nitrogen acquisition by mature Oak trees exposed to elevated CO2: Nitrogen preference and uptake rate under a future climate.
Yang X, Song Z, Guo L, Wang J, Ni Y, Li Z, Hao Q, Li Q, Wu L, Kuang W, et al (2023). Specific PhytOC fractions in rice straw and consequent implications for potential of phytolith carbon sequestration in global paddy fields. Science of the Total Environment, 856, 159229-159229.
Miron AC, Cordeiro AL, Martins NP, Norby R, Hartley IP, Di Ponzio R, Garcia S, Guedes A, Portela BTT, Pereira I, et al (2022). Asynchronous forest: the role of rainfall seasonality controlling fine-roots and litterfall productivity in Central Amazonia.
Yang Y, Zhang X, Hartley IP, Dungait JAJ, Wen X, Li D, Guo Z, Quine TA (2022). Contrasting rhizosphere soil nutrient economy of plants associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi in karst forests (Apr, 10.1007/s11104-021-04950-9, 2021). PLANT AND SOIL, 470(1-2), 95-96.  Author URL.
Cunha HFV, Andersen KM, Lugli LF, Santana FD, Aleixo IF, Moraes AM, Garcia S, Di Ponzio R, Mendoza EO, Brum B, et al (2022). Direct evidence for phosphorus limitation on Amazon forest productivity. Nature, 608(7923), 558-562. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brum B, Quesada CA, Assis R, Schietti J, Aleixo I, di Ponzio R, Hartley I, Andersen K, Cunha HF, Lugli L, et al (2022). Effects of soil fertilization on aboveground biomass in an old-growth forest in Central Amazon.
Li T, Zhang J, Wang X, Hartley IP, Zhang J, Zhang Y (2022). Fungal necromass contributes more to soil organic carbon and more sensitive to land use intensity than bacterial necromass. Applied Soil Ecology, 176, 104492-104492.
Zhou W, Wen S, Zhang Y, Gregory AS, Xu M, Shah SAA, Zhang W, Wu H, Hartley IP (2022). Long-term fertilization enhances soil carbon stability by increasing the ratio of passive carbon: evidence from four typical croplands. Plant and Soil, 478(1-2), 579-595.
Nakhavali MA, Mercado LM, Hartley IP, Sitch S, Cunha FV, di Ponzio R, Lugli LF, Quesada CA, Andersen KM, Chadburn SE, et al (2022). Representation of the phosphorus cycle in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (vn5.5_JULES-CNP). Geoscientific Model Development, 15(13), 5241-5269. Abstract.
Johnson D, Kater I, Krab EJ, Lindahl BD, Street LE, Parker TC, Chomel M, Clemmensen KE, Friggens NL, Hartley IP, et al (2022). Resistance of subarctic soil fungal and invertebrate communities to disruption of below‐ground carbon supply. Journal of Ecology, 110(12), 2883-2897.
Reay M, Pastor V, Kourmouli A, Hamilton L, Sayer E, Hartley I, Ullah S (2022). Root exudation rate increases, and composition changes in a mature temperate forest under elevated carbon dioxide.
Mariappan S, Hartley IP, Cressey EL, Dungait JAJ, Quine TA (2022). Soil burial reduces decomposition and offsets erosion-induced soil carbon losses in the Indian Himalaya. Glob Chang Biol, 28(4), 1643-1658. Abstract.  Author URL.
Xia S, Song Z, Van Zwieten L, Guo L, Yu C, Wang W, Li Q, Hartley IP, Yang Y, Liu H, et al (2022). Storage, patterns and influencing factors for soil organic carbon in coastal wetlands of China. Global Change Biology, 28(20), 6065-6085. Abstract.
Friggens NL, Hartley IP, Parker TC, Subke J, Wookey PA (2022). Trees out‐forage understorey shrubs for nitrogen patches in a subarctic mountain birch forest. Oikos, 2023(4). Abstract.
Qiu S, Peng J, Quine TA, Green SM, Liu H, Liu Y, Hartley IP, Meersmans J (2022). Unraveling Trade‐Offs Among Reforestation, Urbanization, and Food Security in the South China Karst Region: How can a Hinterland Province Achieve SDGs?. Earth's Future, 10(12). Abstract.
Friggens NL, Hartley IP, Grant HK, Parker TC, Subke J-A, Wookey PA (2022). Whole-crown 13C-pulse labelling in a sub-arctic woodland to target canopy-specific carbon fluxes. Trees, 36(4), 1437-1445. Abstract.
Liang B, Liu H, Quine TA, Chen X, Hallett PD, Cressey EL, Zhu X, Cao J, Yang S, Wu L, et al (2021). Analysing and simulating spatial patterns of crop yield in Guizhou Province based on artificial neural networks. Progress in Physical Geography, 45(1), 33-52. Abstract.
García-Palacios P, Crowther TW, Dacal M, Hartley IP, Reinsch S, Rinnan R, Rousk J, van den Hoogen J, Ye JS, Bradford MA, et al (2021). Author Correction: Evidence for large microbial-mediated losses of soil carbon under anthropogenic warming (Nature Reviews Earth &amp; Environment, (2021), 2, 7, (507-517), 10.1038/s43017-021-00178-4). Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 2(8). Abstract.
Taylor C, Janes-Bassett V, Phoenix G, Keane B, Hartley I, Davies J (2021). Carbon storage in phosphorus limited grasslands may decline in response to elevated nitrogen deposition: a long term field manipulation and modelling study.
Yang Y, Zhang X, Hartley IP, Dungait JAJ, Wen X, Li D, Guo Z, Quine TA (2021). Contrasting rhizosphere soil nutrient economy of plants associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi in karst forests. Plant and Soil, 470(1-2), 81-93.
García-Palacios P, Crowther TW, Dacal M, Hartley IP, Reinsch S, Rinnan R, Rousk J, van den Hoogen J, Ye J-S, Bradford MA, et al (2021). Evidence for large microbial-mediated losses of soil carbon under anthropogenic warming. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2(7), 507-517.
Martins NP, Fuchslueger L, Fleischer K, Andersen KM, Assis RL, Baccaro FB, Camargo PB, Cordeiro AL, Grandis A, Hartley IP, et al (2021). Fine roots stimulate nutrient release during early stages of leaf litter decomposition in a Central Amazon rainforest. Plant and Soil, 469(1-2), 287-303. Abstract.
Schaap KJ, Fuchslueger L, Hoosbeek MR, Hofhansl F, Martins NP, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Hartley IP, Lugli LF, Quesada CA (2021). Litter inputs and phosphatase activity affect the temporal variability of organic phosphorus in a tropical forest soil in the Central Amazon. PLANT AND SOIL, 469(1-2), 423-441.  Author URL.
Tian J, Zong N, Hartley IP, He N, Zhang J, Powlson D, Zhou J, Kuzyakov Y, Zhang F, Yu G, et al (2021). Microbial metabolic response to winter warming stabilizes soil carbon. Glob Chang Biol, 27(10), 2011-2028. Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor CR, Janes-Bassett V, Phoenix GK, Keane B, Hartley IP, Davies JAC (2021). Organic phosphorus cycling may control grassland responses to nitrogen deposition: a long-term field manipulation and modelling study. Biogeosciences, 18(13), 4021-4037. Abstract.
Lugli LF, Rosa JS, Andersen KM, Di Ponzio R, Almeida RV, Pires M, Cordeiro AL, Cunha HFV, Martins NP, Assis RL, et al (2021). Rapid responses of root traits and productivity to phosphorus and cation additions in a tropical lowland forest in Amazonia. New Phytol, 230(1), 116-128. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nakhavali MA, Mercado L, Hartley IP, Sitch S, Cunha FV, Ponzio RD, Lugli LF, Quesada CA, Andersen KM, Chadburn SE, et al (2021). Representation of phosphorus cycle in Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (vn5.5_JULES-CNP). Geoscientific Model Development Discussions Abstract.
Parker TC, Thurston AM, Raundrup K, Subke J-A, Wookey PA, Hartley IP (2021). Shrub expansion in the Arctic may induce large-scale carbon losses due to changes in plant-soil interactions. PLANT AND SOIL, 463(1-2), 643-651.  Author URL.
Xia S, Wang W, Song Z, Kuzyakov Y, Guo L, Van Zwieten L, Li Q, Hartley IP, Yang Y, Wang Y, et al (2021). Spartina alterniflora invasion controls organic carbon stocks in coastal marsh and mangrove soils across tropics and subtropics. Glob Chang Biol, 27(8), 1627-1644. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hartley IP, Hill TC, Chadburn SE, Hugelius G (2021). Temperature effects on carbon storage are controlled by soil stabilisation capacities. Nature Communications, 12(1). Abstract.
Rammig A, Fleischer K, Garcia S, Martins N, Menezes J, Fuchslueger L, Schaap K, Pereira I, Takeshi B, Quesada C, et al (2020). AmazonFACE – Assessing the response of Amazon rainforest functioning to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.
Estop‐Aragonés C, Olefeldt D, Abbott BW, Chanton JP, Czimczik CI, Dean JF, Egan JE, Gandois L, Garnett MH, Hartley IP, et al (2020). Assessing the Potential for Mobilization of Old Soil Carbon After Permafrost Thaw: a Synthesis of <sup>14</sup>C Measurements from the Northern Permafrost Region. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34(9). Abstract.
Williams M, Zhang Y, Estop-Aragonés C, Fisher JP, Xenakis G, Charman DJ, Hartley IP, Murton JB, Phoenix GK (2020). Boreal permafrost thaw amplified by fire disturbance and precipitation increases. Environmental Research Letters, 15(11), 114050-114050.
Taylor CR, Keane B, Hartley I, Phoenix G (2020). Carbon flux response and recovery to drought years in a hemi-boreal peat bog between different vegetation types.
Gatis N, Luscombe DJ, Benaud P, Ashe J, Grand-Clement E, Anderson K, Hartley IP, Brazier RE (2020). Drain blocking has limited short-term effects on greenhouse gas fluxes in a Molinia caerulea dominated shallow peatland. Ecological Engineering, 158, 106079-106079.
Cordeiro AL, Norby RJ, Andersen KM, Valverde‐Barrantes O, Fuchslueger L, Oblitas E, Hartley IP, Iversen CM, Gonçalves NB, Takeshi B, et al (2020). Fine‐root dynamics vary with soil depth and precipitation in a low‐nutrient tropical forest in the Central Amazonia. Plant-Environment Interactions, 1(1), 3-16.
Wang Y, Dungait JAJ, Xing K, Green SM, Hartley I, Tu C, Quine TA, Tian J, Kuzyakov Y (2020). Persistence of soil microbial function at the rock-soil interface in degraded karst topsoils. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 31(2), 251-265.  Author URL.
Van Langenhove L, Janssens IA, Verryckt L, Brechet L, Hartley IP, Stahl C, Courtois E, Urbina I, Grau O, Sardans J, et al (2020). Rapid root assimilation of added phosphorus in a lowland tropical rainforest of French Guiana. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 140, 107646-107646.
Parker TC, Clemmensen KE, Friggens NL, Hartley IP, Johnson D, Lindahl BD, Olofsson J, Siewert MB, Street LE, Subke J-A, et al (2020). Rhizosphere allocation by canopy-forming species dominates soil CO2 efflux in a subarctic landscape. New Phytol, 227(6), 1818-1830. Abstract.  Author URL.
Xia S, Song Z, Van Zwieten L, Guo L, Yu C, Hartley IP, Wang H (2020). Silicon accumulation controls carbon cycle in wetlands through modifying nutrients stoichiometry and lignin synthesis of Phragmites australis. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 175 Abstract.
Keane JB, Hoosbeek MR, Taylor CR, Miglietta F, Phoenix GK, Hartley IP (2020). Soil C, N and P cycling enzyme responses to nutrient limitation under elevated CO<sub>2</sub>. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, 151(2-3), 221-235.  Author URL.
Gatis N, Benaud P, Ashe J, Luscombe D, Grand-Clement E, Hartley I, Anderson K, Brazier R (2019). ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF PEAT EROSION ON GROWING SEASON CO2 FLUXES BY COMPARING EROSIONAL PEAT PANS AND SURROUNDING VEGETATED HAGGS. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 1-19. Abstract.
Gatis N, Grand-Clement E, Luscombe DJ, Hartley IP, Anderson K, Brazier RE (2019). Growing season CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes from a drained peatland dominated by <i>Molinia caerulea</i>. MIRES AND PEAT, 24  Author URL.
Tian J, Dungait JAJ, Lu X, Yang Y, Hartley IP, Zhang W, Mo J, Yu G, Zhou J, Kuzyakov Y, et al (2019). Long-term nitrogen addition modifies microbial composition and functions for slow carbon cycling and increased sequestration in tropical forest soil. Glob Chang Biol, 25(10), 3267-3281. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wu H, Lu L, Zhang Y, Xu C, Yang H, Zhou W, Wang W, Zhao L, He N, Smith MD, et al (2019). Sediment addition and legume cultivation result in sustainable, long-term increases in ecosystem functions of sandy grasslands. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 30(14), 1667-1676.  Author URL.
Green SM, Dungait JAJ, Tu C, Buss HL, Sanderson N, Hawkes SJ, Xing K, Yue F, Hussey VL, Peng J, et al (2019). Soil functions and ecosystem services research in the Chinese karst Critical Zone. Chemical Geology, 527 Abstract.
Lopez-Sangil L, Hartley IP, Rovira P, Casals P, Sayer EJ (2018). Drying and rewetting conditions differentially affect the mineralization of fresh plant litter and extant soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 124, 81-89. Abstract.
Estop-Aragonés C, Cooper MDA, Fisher JP, Thierry A, Garnett MH, Charman DJ, Murton JB, Phoenix GK, Treharne R, Sanderson NK, et al (2018). Limited release of previously-frozen C and increased new peat formation after thaw in permafrost peatlands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 118, 115-129. Abstract.
Quine T, Guo D, Green SM, Tu C, Hartley I, Zhang X, Dungait J, Wen X, Song Z, Liu H, et al (2017). Ecosystem service delivery in Karst landscapes: anthropogenic perturbation and recovery. Acta Geochimica, 36(3), 416-420. Abstract.
Cooper MDA, Estop-Aragones C, Fisher JP, Thierry A, Garnett MH, Charman DJ, Murton JB, Phoenix GK, Treharne R, Kokelj SV, et al (2017). Limited contribution of permafrost carbon to methane release from thawing peatlands. Nature Climate Change, 7, 507-511.
De Baets S, Van de Weg MJ, Lewis R, Steinberg N, Meersmans J, Quine TA, Shaver GR, Hartley IP (2016). Investigating the controls on soil organic matter decomposition in tussock tundra soil and permafrost after fire. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 99, 108-116. Abstract.
Schädel C, Bader MK-F, Schuur EAG, Biasi C, Bracho R, Čapek P, De Baets S, Diáková K, Ernakovich J, Estop-Aragones C, et al (2016). Potential carbon emissions dominated by carbon dioxide from thawed permafrost soils. Nature Climate Change, 6(10), 950-953.
Auffret MD, Karhu K, Khachane A, Dungait JAJ, Fraser F, Hopkins DW, Wookey PA, Singh BK, Freitag TE, Hartley IP, et al (2016). The Role of Microbial Community Composition in Controlling Soil Respiration Responses to Temperature. PLoS One, 11(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
Fisher JP, Estop-Aragonés C, Thierry A, Charman DJ, Wolfe SA, Hartley IP, Murton JB, Williams M, Phoenix GK (2016). The influence of vegetation and soil characteristics on active-layer thickness of permafrost soils in boreal forest. Glob Chang Biol, 22(9), 3127-3140. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hartley IP, Hill TC, Wade TJ, Clement RJ, Moncrieff JB, Prieto-Blanco A, Disney MI, Huntley B, Williams M, Howden NJK, et al (2015). Quantifying landscape-level methane fluxes in subarctic Finland using a multiscale approach. Global Change Biology, 21(10), 3712-3725. Abstract.
Laudicina VA, Benhua S, Dennis PG, Badalucco L, Rushton SP, Newsham KK, O’Donnell AG, Hartley IP, Hopkins DW (2015). Responses to increases in temperature of heterotrophic micro-organisms in soils from the maritime Antarctic. Polar Biology, 38(8), 1153-1160. Abstract.
Hartley IP (2014). Soil carbon: Resisting climate change. Nature Climate Change, 4(9), 760-761.
Karhu K, Auffret MD, Dungait JAJ, Hopkins DW, Prosser JI, Singh BK, Subke J-A, Wookey PA, Agren GI, Sebastià M-T, et al (2014). Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration rates enhanced by microbial community response. Nature, 513(7516), 81-84. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hartley I, Garnett MH, Sommerkorn M, Hopkins DW, Fletcher BJ, Sloan VL, Phoenix GK, Wookey PA (2013). A potential loss of carbon associated with greater plant growth in the European Arctic. Nature Climate Change, 2, 875-879.
Fraser FC, Hallett PD, Wookey PA, Hartley IP, Hopkins DW (2013). How do enzymes catalysing soil nitrogen transformations respond to changing temperatures?. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 49(1), 99-103. Abstract.
Hartley IP, Garnett MH, Sommerkorn M, Hopkins DW, Wookey PA (2013). The age of CO<inf>2</inf> released from soils in contrasting ecosystems during the arctic winter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 63, 1-4. Abstract.
Burke EJ, Hartley I, Jones CD (2012). Uncertainties in the global temperature change caused by carbon release from permafrost thawing. The Cryosphere, 6, 1063-1076.
Garnett MH, Hartley IP (2010). A passive sampling method for radiocarbon analysis of atmospheric CO<inf>2</inf> using molecular sieve. Atmospheric Environment, 44(7), 877-883. Abstract.
Hartley IP, Hopkins DW, Sommerkorn M, Wookey PA (2010). The response of organic matter mineralisation to nutrient and substrate additions in sub-arctic soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42(1), 92-100. Abstract.
Garnett MH, Hartley IP, Hopkins DW, Sommerkorn M, Wookey PA (2009). A passive sampling method for radiocarbon analysis of soil respiration using molecular sieve. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41(7), 1450-1456. Abstract.
Wookey PA, Aerts R, Bardgett RD, Baptist F, Bråthen K, Cornelissen JHC, Gough L, Hartley IP, Hopkins DW, Lavorel S, et al (2009). Ecosystem feedbacks and cascade processes: Understanding their role in the responses of Arctic and alpine ecosystems to environmental change. Global Change Biology, 15(5), 1153-1172. Abstract.
Hartley IP, Hopkins DW, Garnett MH, Sommerkorn M, Wookey PA (2009). No evidence for compensatory thermal adaptation of soil microbial respiration in the study of Bradford et al. (2008). Ecol Lett, 12(7), E12-E14. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hartley I (2008). Arctic soils face the big thaw. Planet Earth(AUTUMN). Abstract.
Zaragoza-Castells J, Sánchez-Gómez D, Hartley IP, Matesanz S, Valladares F, Lloyd J, Atkin OK (2008). Climate-dependent variations in leaf respiration in a dry-land, low productivity Mediterranean forest: the importance of acclimation in both high-light and shaded habitats. Functional Ecology, 22(1), 172-184. Abstract.
Hartley IP, Hopkins DW, Garnett MH, Sommerkorn M, Wookey PA (2008). Soil microbial respiration in arctic soil does not acclimate to temperature. Ecol Lett, 11(10), 1092-1100. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hawkes CV, Hartley IP, Ineson P, Fitter AH (2008). Soil temperature affects carbon allocation within arbuscular mycorrhizal networks and carbon transport from plant to fungus. Global Change Biology, 14(5), 1181-1190. Abstract.
Hartley IP, Ineson P (2008). Substrate quality and the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40(7), 1567-1574. Abstract.
Hartley IP, Heinemeyer A, Ineson P (2007). Effects of three years of soil warming and shading on the rate of soil respiration: Substrate availability and not thermal acclimation mediates observed response. Global Change Biology, 13(8), 1761-1770. Abstract.
Heinemeyer A, Hartley IP, Evans SP, Carreira De La Fuente JA, Ineson P (2007). Forest soil CO<inf>2</inf> flux: Uncovering the contribution and environmental responses of ectomycorrhizas. Global Change Biology, 13(8), 1786-1797. Abstract.
Hartley IP, Heinemeyer A, Evans SP, Ineson P (2007). The effect of soil warming on bulk soil vs. rhizosphere respiration. Global Change Biology, 13(12), 2654-2667. Abstract.
Hartley IP, Armstrong AF, Murthy R, Barron-Gafford G, Ineson P, Atkin OK (2006). The dependence of respiration on photosynthetic substrate supply and temperature: Integrating leaf, soil and ecosystem measurements. Global Change Biology, 12(10), 1954-1968. Abstract.


Hartley IP, Singh BK (2018). Chapter 8 Impact of Global Changes on Soil C Storage—Possible Mechanisms and Modeling Approaches. In  (Ed) Soil Carbon Storage, Elsevier, 245-279.
Hartley IP, Singh BK (2018). Impact of global changes on soil C storage-possible mechanisms and modeling approaches. In  (Ed) Soil Carbon Storage: Modulators, Mechanisms and Modeling, 245-279. Abstract.


Green SM, Dungait J, Zhang X, Barrows T, Buss HL, Liu T, Hartley I, Song Z, Wen X, Liu H, et al (2016). SOIL PROCESSES AND ECOLOGICAL SERVICES IN THE KARST CRITICAL ZONE OF SW CHINA.

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Chair of the Scientific Steering Committee for AmazonFACE

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Office Hours: Term 2

Wednesdays 9:00 to 10:00; Fridays 10:00 to 11:00



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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

Postgraduate researchers

  • Laynara Figueiredo Lugli with Lina Mercado
  • Katie Journeaux
  • Sankar Mariappan with Tim Quine and Jenni Dungait
  • Jennifer Michel with Jeanette Whitaker
  • Nicole Sanderson with Dan Charman


  • Anka Asandei
  • Mark Cooper
  • Cristian Estop Aragones University of Alberta
  • Naomi Gatis
  • Kristiina Karhu University of Helsinki

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Office Hours:

Please send me an email to book a meeting slot during the following times:

Wednesday 9:00 to 10:00; Fridays 10:00 to 11:00 (please note the Friday office hour will move to 11:00 to 12:00 in week 5)

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