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Professor Lucy Rowland

Professor Lucy Rowland


 01392 724488

 Laver Building 801c


Laver Building, University of Exeter, North Park Road, Exeter, EX4 4QE, UK


I am a professor at the University of Exeter.  My research is focused on understanding how tropical ecosystems from rainforests to savannas respond to environmental change and how we can conserve and restore these ecosystems to be resilient to future anthropogenic climate change. 

Previously I completed a PhD titled 'Reducing uncertainty in predictions of the response of Amazonian forest to climate change' at the University of Edinburgh in 2013. Since my PhD I have completed two post-doctoral positions one in the University of Edinburgh focused on understanding how tree mortality risk is related to hydraulic and metabolic properties of tropical trees. My second position was based at the University of Exeter and focused on modelling drought-induced mortality in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES), specifically focusing on how to introduce a representation of plant hydraulics and drought-induced tropical tree mortality into JULES.

My current research focuses on understanding how plants respond to environmental change across tropical biomes from rainforest to savannas. In particular, I focus on plant hydraulic responses, and how these responses control carbon sequestration, influence the resilience of ecosystems to change, as well as their restoration potential. I have research project based across Asia, Latin America and Africa and my work focuses on both empirical measurements and vegetation modelling. Please see my blog for further details:

Broad research specialisms:

Tropical Forest, Cerrado, Caatinga, Climate change, Drought, Vegetation modelling, Eco-physiology, carbon dynamics, water dynamics.


BA Geography 2009, University of Oxford,
PhD – 2013 University of Edinburgh


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Research interests

My Research is focused on understanding how tropical forests interact with their environment. I use a combination of both natural and experimental field observations, and vegetation modelling to investigate how shifts in environmental conditions cause the ecology and physiology of tropical forests to change. In particular my studies have focused on the effect of drought and climate warming on tropical rainforests.

My specific research areas include

  1. Determining how the interaction between the carbon and the water cycle within tropical environments change with shifting climate conditions.
  2. Understanding how drought influences mortality risk in tropical environments .
  3. Determining how tropical tree physiology is altered by changes in temperature, water & nutrient availability.

Please see my blog for further details:

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Journal articles

Rowland LM, da Costa A, Oliveira A, Oliveria R, Bittencourt P, Costa P, Giles A, Sosa A, Coughlin I, Godlee J, et al (In Press). Drought stress and tree size determine stem CO2 efflux in a tropical forest. New Phytologist
Rowland LM, da Costa ACL, Oliveira AAR, Almeida SS, Ferreira LV, Malhi Y, Metcalfe DB, Mencuccini M, Grace J, Meir P, et al (In Press). Shock and stabilisation following long-term drought in tropical forest from 15 years of litterfall dynamics. Journal of Ecology
Journeaux KL, Boddy L, Rowland L, Hartley IP (2024). A positive feedback to climate change: the effect of temperature on the respiration of key wood-decomposing fungi does not decline with time. Glob Chang Biol, 30(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Bartholomew DC, Hayward R, Burslem DFRP, Bittencourt PRL, Chapman D, Bin Suis MAF, Nilus R, O'Brien MJ, Reynolds G, Rowland L, et al (2024). Bornean tropical forests recovering from logging at risk of regeneration failure. Glob Chang Biol, 30(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Mazzochini GG, Lira-Martins D, de Barros FV, Oliveira ACC, Xavier RO, Furtado MN, Verona LS, Viani RAG, Rowland L, Oliveira RS, et al (2024). Effects of grass functional diversity on invasion success by exotic grasses in Cerrado grasslands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(2), 271-280. Abstract.
Silva MC, Rowland L, Oliveira RS, Pennington RT, Moonlight P (2024). Elevation modulates the impacts of climate change on the Brazilian <i>Cerrado</i> flora. DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, 30(5).  Author URL.
Mazzochini GG, Rowland L, Lira‐Martins D, Barros FDV, Flores BM, Hirota M, Pennington RT, Oliveira RS (2024). Spectral asynchrony as a measure of ecosystem response diversity. Global Change Biology, 30(2). Abstract.
Tavares JV, Oliveira RS, Mencuccini M, Signori-Müller C, Pereira L, Diniz FC, Gilpin M, Marca Zevallos MJ, Salas Yupayccana CA, Acosta M, et al (2023). Basin-wide variation in tree hydraulic safety margins predicts the carbon balance of Amazon forests. Nature, 617(7959), 111-117. Abstract.
Bittencourt P, Rowland L, Sitch S, Poyatos R, Miralles DG, Mencuccini M (2023). Bridging Scales: an Approach to Evaluate the Temporal Patterns of Global Transpiration Products Using Tree‐Scale Sap Flow Data. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 128(3).
Pilon NAL, Campos BH, Durigan G, Cava MGB, Rowland L, Schmidt I, Sampaio A, Oliveira RS (2023). Challenges and directions for open ecosystems biodiversity restoration: an overview of the techniques applied for Cerrado. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(5), 849-858.
Barros FDV, Lewis K, Robertson AD, Pennington RT, Hill TC, Matthews C, Lira-Martins D, Mazzochini GG, Oliveira RS, Rowland L, et al (2023). Cost-effective restoration for carbon sequestration across Brazil's biomes. Science of the Total Environment, 876, 162600-162600.
Xu H, Wang H, Prentice IC, Harrison SP, Rowland L, Mencuccini M, Sanchez-Martinez P, He P, Wright IJ, Sitch S, et al (2023). Global variation in the ratio of sapwood to leaf area explained by optimality principles.
Rowland L, Ramírez-Valiente J-A, Hartley IP, Mencuccini M (2023). How woody plants adjust above- and below-ground traits in response to sustained drought. New Phytol, 239(4), 1173-1189. Abstract.  Author URL.
McCalmont J, Kho LK, Teh YA, Chocholek M, Rumpang E, Rowland L, Basri MHA, Hill T (2023). Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantation on tropical peatland in South East Asia: Photosynthetic response to soil drainage level for mitigation of soil carbon emissions. Sci Total Environ, 858(Pt 1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Poyatos R, Fatecha B, Nelson JA, Flo V, Granda V, De Cáceres M, Anderegg WRL, Bittencourt PRL, Fisher RA, Junttila S, et al (2023). Quantifying water use resilience from sap flow data to better understand post-drought effects on tree functioning.
Banin LF, Raine EH, Rowland LM, Chazdon RL, Smith SW, Rahman NEB, Butler A, Philipson C, Applegate GG, Axelsson EP, et al (2023). The road to recovery: a synthesis of outcomes from ecosystem restoration in tropical and sub-tropical Asian forests. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 378(1867). Abstract.  Author URL.
Binks O, Cernusak LA, Liddell M, Bradford M, Coughlin I, Bryant C, Palma AC, Hoffmann L, Alam I, Carle HJ, et al (2023). Vapour pressure deficit modulates hydraulic function and structure of tropical rainforests under nonlimiting soil water supply. New Phytol, 240(4), 1405-1420. Abstract.  Author URL.
D'Angioli AM, Giles AL, Costa PB, Wolfsdorf G, Pecoral LLF, Verona L, Piccolo F, Sampaio AB, Schmidt IB, Rowland L, et al (2022). Abandoned pastures and restored savannas have distinct patterns of plant–soil feedback and nutrient cycling compared with native Brazilian savannas. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59(7), 1863-1873.
Silveira FAO, Ordonez-Parra CA, Moura LC, Schmidt IB, Andersen AN, Bond W, Buisson E, Durigan G, Fidelis A, Oliveira RS, et al (2022). Biome Awareness Disparity is BAD for tropical ecosystem conservation and restoration. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, 59(8), 1967-1975.  Author URL.
Ellsworth DS, Crous KY, De Kauwe MG, Verryckt LT, Goll D, Zaehle S, Bloomfield KJ, Ciais P, Cernusak LA, Domingues TF, et al (2022). Convergence in phosphorus constraints to photosynthesis in forests around the world. Nat Commun, 13(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Bartholomew DC, Banin LF, Bittencourt PRL, Suis MAF, Mercado LM, Nilus R, Burslem DFRP, Rowland L (2022). Differential nutrient limitation and tree height control leaf physiology, supporting niche partitioning in tropical dipterocarp forests. Functional Ecology, 36(8), 2084-2103.
Bittencourt PRDL, Bartholomew DC, Banin LF, Bin Suis MAF, Nilus R, Burslem DFRP, Rowland L (2022). Divergence of hydraulic traits among tropical forest trees across topographic and vertical environment gradients in Borneo. New Phytol, 235(6), 2183-2198. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lewis K, Barros FDV, Moonlight PW, Hill TC, Oliveira RS, Schmidt IB, Sampaio AB, Pennington RT, Rowland L (2022). Identifying hotspots for ecosystem restoration across heterogeneous tropical savannah-dominated regions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378(1867). Abstract.
Mitchard ETA, Lewis K, de V Barros F, Cure MB, Davies CA, Furtado MN, Hill TC, Hirota M, Martins DL, Mazzochini GG, et al (2022). Mapping native and non-native vegetation in the Brazilian Cerrado using freely available satellite products. Sci Rep, 12(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Giles AL, Rowland L, Bittencourt PRL, Bartholomew DC, Coughlin I, Costa PB, Domingues T, Miatto RC, Barros FV, Ferreira LV, et al (2022). Small understorey trees have greater capacity than canopy trees to adjust hydraulic traits following prolonged experimental drought in a tropical forest. Tree Physiol, 42(3), 537-556. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lira-Martins D, Nascimento DL, Abrahão A, de Britto Costa P, D’Angioli AM, Valézio E, Rowland L, Oliveira RS (2022). Soil properties and geomorphic processes influence vegetation composition, structure, and function in the Cerrado Domain. Plant and Soil, 476(1-2), 549-588. Abstract.
Silva MC, Moonlight P, Oliveira RS, Pennington RT, Rowland L (2022). Toward diverse seed sourcing to upscale ecological restoration in the Brazilian Cerrado. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10 Abstract.
Poyatos R, Granda V, Flo V, Adams MA, Adorján B, Aguadé D, Aidar MPM, Allen S, Alvarado-Barrientos MS, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, et al (2021). Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database. Earth System Science Data, 13(6), 2607-2649. Abstract.
Rowland L, Martinez-Vilalta J, Mencuccini M (2021). Hard times for high expectations from hydraulics: predicting drought-induced forest mortality at landscape scales remains a challenge. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 230(5), 1685-1687.  Author URL.
Giles AL, Costa PDB, Rowland L, Abrahão A, Lobo L, Verona L, Silva MC, Monge M, Wolfsdorf G, Petroni A, et al (2021). How effective is direct seeding to restore the functional composition of neotropical savannas?. Restoration Ecology, 30(1). Abstract.
Harper AB, Williams KE, McGuire PC, Duran Rojas MC, Hemming D, Verhoef A, Huntingford C, Rowland L, Marthews T, Breder Eller C, et al (2021). Improvement of modeling plant responses to low soil moisture in JULESvn4.9 and evaluation against flux tower measurements. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(6), 3269-3294. Abstract.
Wolfsdorf G, Abrahão A, D'Angioli AM, de Sá Dechoum M, Meirelles ST, F. L. Pecoral L, Rowland L, da Silveira Verona L, B. Schmidt I, B. Sampaio A, et al (2021). Inoculum origin and soil legacy can shape plant–soil feedback outcomes for tropical grassland restoration. Restoration Ecology, 29(8). Abstract.
Burt A, Boni Vicari M, Da Costa ACL, Coughlin I, Meir P, Rowland L, Disney M (2021). New insights into large tropical tree mass and structure from direct harvest and terrestrial lidar. Royal Society Open Science, 8(2). Abstract.
Rowland L, Oliveira RS, Bittencourt PRL, Giles AL, Coughlin I, Costa PDB, Domingues T, Ferreira LV, Vasconcelos SS, Junior JAS, et al (2021). Plant traits controlling growth change in response to a drier climate. New Phytol, 229(3), 1363-1374. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rowland L, Bittencourt P, Bartholomew D, Giles A, Oliveira R, Mencuccini M, da Costa A, Banin L, Burslem D, Meir P, et al (2021). The role of inter- and intra-specific variability in controlling trait measurements in tropical forests.
Bittencourt P, Rowland L, Sitch S, Poyatos R, Miralles D, Mencuccini M (2021). Using a global tree sap flow database as ground-truth for transpiration products validation.
Pereira L, Bittencourt PRL, Rowland L, Brum M, Miranda MT, Pacheco VS, Oliveira RS, Machado EC, Jansen S, Ribeiro RV, et al (2021). Using the Pneumatic method to estimate embolism resistance in species with long vessels: a commentary on the article “A comparison of five methods to assess embolism resistance in trees”. Forest Ecology and Management, 479 Abstract.
Signori‐Müller C, Oliveira RS, Valentim Tavares J, Carvalho Diniz F, Gilpin M, de V. Barros F, Marca Zevallos MJ, Salas Yupayccana CA, Nina A, Brum M, et al (2021). Variation of non‐structural carbohydrates across the fast–slow continuum in Amazon Forest canopy trees. Functional Ecology, 36(2), 341-355. Abstract.
Bittencourt PRL, Oliveira RS, da Costa ACL, Giles AL, Coughlin I, Costa PB, Bartholomew DC, Ferreira LV, Vasconcelos SS, Barros FV, et al (2020). Amazonia trees have limited capacity to acclimate plant hydraulic properties in response to long‐term drought. Global Change Biology, 26(6), 3569-3584. Abstract.
Flores BM, Oliveira RS, Rowland L, Quesada CA, Lambers H (2020). Editorial special issue: plant-soil interactions in the Amazon rainforest. PLANT AND SOIL, 450(1-2), 1-9.  Author URL.
Bartholomew DC, Bittencourt PRL, da Costa ACL, Banin LF, de Britto Costa P, Coughlin SI, Domingues TF, Ferreira LV, Giles A, Mencuccini M, et al (2020). Small tropical forest trees have a greater capacity to adjust carbon metabolism to long-term drought than large canopy trees. Plant Cell Environ, 43(10), 2380-2393. Abstract.  Author URL.
Eller CB, Rowland L, Mencuccini M, Rosas T, Williams K, Harper A, Medlyn BE, Wagner Y, Klein T, Teodoro GS, et al (2020). Stomatal optimization based on xylem hydraulics (SOX) improves land surface model simulation of vegetation responses to climate. New Phytol, 226(6), 1622-1637. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pereira L, Bittencourt PRL, Pacheco VS, Miranda MT, Zhang Y, Oliveira RS, Groenendijk P, Machado EC, Tyree MT, Jansen S, et al (2020). The Pneumatron: an automated pneumatic apparatus for estimating xylem vulnerability to embolism at high temporal resolution. Plant Cell Environ, 43(1), 131-142. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jones S, Rowland L, Cox P, Hemming D, Wiltshire A, Williams K, Parazoo NC, Liu J, da Costa ACL, Meir P, et al (2020). The impact of a simple representation of non-structural carbohydrates on the simulated response of tropical forests to drought. Biogeosciences, 17(13), 3589-3612. Abstract.
Rowland L, da Costa ACL, Oliveira RS, Bittencourt PRL, Giles AL, Coughlin I, de Britto Costa P, Bartholomew D, Domingues TF, Miatto RC, et al (2020). The response of carbon assimilation and storage to long‐term drought in tropical trees is dependent on light availability. Functional Ecology, 35(1), 43-53. Abstract.
Binks O, Mencuccini M, Rowland L, da Costa ACL, de Carvalho CJR, Bittencourt P, Eller C, Teodoro GS, Carvalho EJM, Soza A, et al (2019). Foliar water uptake in Amazonian trees: Evidence and consequences. Glob Chang Biol, 25(8), 2678-2690. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mencuccini M, Rosas T, Rowland L, Choat B, Cornelissen H, Jansen S, Kramer K, Lapenis A, Manzoni S, Niinemets Ü, et al (2019). Leaf economics and plant hydraulics drive leaf : wood area ratios. New Phytol, 224(4), 1544-1556. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jones S, Rowland L, Cox P, Hemming D, Wiltshire A, Williams K, Parazoo NC, Liu J, da Costa ACL, Meir P, et al (2019). The Impact of a Simple Representation of Non-Structural Carbohydrates on the Simulated Response of Tropical Forests to Drought. Abstract.
Harrison ME, Ottay JB, D’Arcy LJ, Cheyne SM, Anggodo, Belcher C, Cole L, Dohong A, Ermiasi Y, Feldpausch T, et al (2019). Tropical forest and peatland conservation in Indonesia: Challenges and directions. People and Nature, 2(1), 4-28. Abstract.
Da Costa ACL, Silva JDA, De Oliveira AAR, Rowland L, Meir P, Rodrigues HJB, Da Costa CLR (2018). Average variability of temperature and relative humidity of the air in a tropical rain forest in the Brazilian Amazon. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi:Ciencias Humanas, 13(2), 261-269. Abstract.
Rifai SW, Girardin CAJ, Berenguer E, Del Aguila-Pasquel J, Dahlsjö CAL, Doughty CE, Jeffery KJ, Moore S, Oliveras I, Riutta T, et al (2018). ENSO Drives interannual variation of forest woody growth across the tropics. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 373(1760). Abstract.  Author URL.
Eller CB, Rowland L, Oliveira RS, Bittencourt PRL, Barros FV, da Costa ACL, Meir P, Friend AD, Mencuccini M, Sitch S, et al (2018). Modelling tropical forest responses to drought and El Niño with a stomatal optimization model based on xylem hydraulics. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 373(1760). Abstract.  Author URL.
Malhi Y, Rowland L, Aragão LEOC, Fisher RA (2018). New insights into the variability of the tropical land carbon cycle from the El Niño of 2015/2016. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 373(1760).  Author URL.
Meir P, Mencuccini M, Binks O, da Costa AL, Ferreira L, Rowland L (2018). Short-term effects of drought on tropical forest do not fully predict impacts of repeated or long-term drought: gas exchange versus growth. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 373(1760). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pennington RT, Lehmann CER, Rowland LM (2018). Tropical savannas and dry forests. Current Biology, 28(9), R541-R545. Abstract.
Da Costa ACL, Silva Junior JDA, De Oliveira AAR, Rowland L, Meir P, Rodrigues HJB, Da Costa CLR (2018). Variabilidade média do perfil da temperatura e da umidade relativa do ar em uma floresta tropical chuvosa na Amazônia brasileira. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ciências Naturais, 13(2), 261-269.
Eller CB, de V Barros F, Bittencourt PRL, Rowland L, Mencuccini M, Oliveira RS (2018). Xylem hydraulic safety and construction costs determine tropical tree growth. Plant Cell Environ, 41(3), 548-562. Abstract.  Author URL.
Esquivel-Muelbert A, Galbraith D, Dexter KG, Baker TR, Lewis SL, Meir P, Rowland L, Costa ACLD, Nepstad D, Phillips OL, et al (2017). Biogeographic distributions of neotropical trees reflect their directly measured drought tolerances. Scientific Reports, 7(1). Abstract.
da Costa ACL, Rowland L, Oliveira RS, Oliveira AAR, Binks OJ, Salmon Y, Vasconcelos SS, Junior JAS, Ferreira LV, Poyatos R, et al (2017). Stand dynamics modulate water cycling and mortality risk in droughted tropical forest. Global Change Biology, 24(1), 249-258. Abstract.
Costa ACLD, Silva Júnior JDA, Oliveira AARD, Costa CLRD, Rowland LM, Meir P, Cunha ACD, Malhi Y, Rodrigues HJB (2017). Variabilidade mensal e horária de elementos meteorológicos na área experimental do Projeto ESECAFLOR na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, Pará, Brasil. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ciências Naturais, 11(3), 365-375.
Wagner FH, Hérault B, Bonal D, Stahl C, Anderson LO, Baker TR, Sebastian Becker G, Beeckman H, Boanerges Souza D, Cesar Botosso P, et al (2016). Climate seasonality limits leaf carbon assimilation and wood productivity in tropical forests. Biogeosciences, 13(8), 2537-2562. Abstract.
Binks O, Meir P, Rowland L, da Costa ACL, Vasconcelos SS, de Oliveira AAR, Ferreira L, Mencuccini M (2016). Limited acclimation in leaf anatomy to experimental drought in tropical rainforest trees. Tree Physiology, 36(12), 1550-1561.
Christoffersen BO, Gloor M, Fauset S, Fyllas NM, Galbraith DR, Baker TR, Rowland L, Fisher RA, Binks OJ, Sevanto SA, et al (2016). Linking hydraulic traits to tropical forest function in a size-structured and trait-driven model (TFS v.1-Hydro). Abstract.
Christoffersen BO, Gloor M, Fauset S, Fyllas NM, Galbraith DR, Baker TR, Kruijt B, Rowland L, Fisher RA, Binks OJ, et al (2016). Linking hydraulic traits to tropical forest function in a size-structured and trait-driven model (TFS v.1-Hydro). Geoscientific Model Development, 9(11), 4227-4255. Abstract.
Binks O, Meir P, Rowland L, da Costa ACL, Vasconcelos SS, de Oliveira AAR, Ferreira L, Christoffersen B, Nardini A, Mencuccini M, et al (2016). Plasticity in leaf‐level water relations of tropical rainforest trees in response to experimental drought. New Phytologist, 211(2), 477-488. Abstract.
Rowland L, Mencuccini M, Oliveira R, Meir P (2016). Response to Torres-Ruiz et al. 2016, “Why do trees take more risks in the Amazon?” <sup>&dagger; </sup>. Journal of Plant Hydraulics, 3, e006-e006.
Rowland L, Zaragoza‐Castells J, Bloomfield KJ, Turnbull MH, Bonal D, Burban B, Salinas N, Cosio E, Metcalfe DJ, Ford A, et al (2016). Scaling leaf respiration with nitrogen and phosphorus in tropical forests across two continents. New Phytologist, 214(3), 1064-1077. Abstract.
Girardin CAJ, Malhi Y, Doughty CE, Metcalfe DB, Meir P, del Aguila‐Pasquel J, Araujo‐Murakami A, da Costa ACL, Silva‐Espejo JE, Farfán Amézquita F, et al (2016). Seasonal trends of Amazonian rainforest phenology, net primary productivity, and carbon allocation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30(5), 700-715. Abstract.
Anderegg WRL, Martinez-Vilalta J, Cailleret M, Camarero JJ, Ewers BE, Galbraith D, Gessler A, Grote R, Huang C-Y, Levick SR, et al (2016). When a Tree Dies in the Forest: Scaling Climate-Driven Tree Mortality to Ecosystem Water and Carbon Fluxes. Ecosystems, 19(6), 1133-1147.
Rowland L, Lobo‐do‐Vale RL, Christoffersen BO, Melém EA, Kruijt B, Vasconcelos SS, Domingues T, Binks OJ, Oliveira AAR, Metcalfe D, et al (2015). After more than a decade of soil moisture deficit, tropical rainforest trees maintain photosynthetic capacity, despite increased leaf respiration. Global Change Biology, 21(12), 4662-4672. Abstract.
Rowland L, da Costa ACL, Galbraith DR, Oliveira RS, Binks OJ, Oliveira AAR, Pullen AM, Doughty CE, Metcalfe DB, Vasconcelos SS, et al (2015). Death from drought in tropical forests is triggered by hydraulics not carbon starvation. Nature, 528(7580), 119-122.
Atkin OK, Bloomfield KJ, Reich PB, Tjoelker MG, Asner GP, Bonal D, Bönisch G, Bradford MG, Cernusak LA, Cosio EG, et al (2015). Global variability in leaf respiration in relation to climate, plant functional types and leaf traits. New Phytologist, 206(2), 614-636. Abstract.
Atkin OK, Bloomfield KJ, Reich PB, Tjoelker MG, Asner GP, Bonal D, Bönisch G, Bradford MG, Cernusak LA, Cosio EG, et al (2015). Global variability in leaf respiration in relation to climate, plant functional types and leaf traits. New Phytol, 206(2), 614-636. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rowland L, Harper A, Christoffersen BO, Galbraith DR, Imbuzeiro HMA, Powell TL, Doughty C, Levine NM, Malhi Y, Saleska SR, et al (2015). Modelling climate change responses in tropical forests: Similar productivity estimates across five models, but different mechanisms and responses. Geoscientific Model Development, 8(4), 1097-1110. Abstract.
Lin YS, Medlyn BE, Duursma RA, Prentice IC, Wang H, Baig S, Eamus D, De Dios VR, Mitchell P, Ellsworth DS, et al (2015). Optimal stomatal behaviour around the world. Nature Climate Change, 5(5), 459-464. Abstract.
Meir P, Wood TE, Galbraith DR, Brando PM, Da Costa ACL, Rowland L, Ferreira LV (2015). Threshold Responses to Soil Moisture Deficit by Trees and Soil in Tropical Rain Forests: Insights from Field Experiments. BioScience, 65(9), 882-892.
Rowland L, Hill TC, Stahl C, Siebicke L, Burban B, Zaragoza‐Castells J, Ponton S, Bonal D, Meir P, Williams M, et al (2014). Evidence for strong seasonality in the carbon storage and carbon use efficiency of an Amazonian forest. Global Change Biology, 20(3), 979-991. Abstract.
Rowland L, Harper A, Christoffersen BO, Galbraith DR, Imbuzeiro HMA, Powell TL, Doughty C, Levine NM, Malhi Y, Saleska SR, et al (2014). Modelling climate change responses in tropical forests: similar productivity estimates across five models, but different mechanisms and responses. Abstract.
Powell TL, Galbraith DR, Christoffersen BO, Harper A, Imbuzeiro HMA, Rowland L, Almeida S, Brando PM, da Costa ACL, Costa MH, et al (2013). Confronting model predictions of carbon fluxes with measurements of Amazon forests subjected to experimental drought. New Phytologist
da Costa ACL, Metcalfe DB, Doughty CE, de Oliveira AAR, Neto GFC, da Costa MC, Silva Junior JDA, Aragão LEOC, Almeida S, Galbraith DR, et al (2013). Ecosystem respiration and net primary productivity after 8-10 years of experimental through-fall reduction in an eastern Amazon forest. Plant Ecology and Diversity
Rowland L, Stahl C, Bonal D, Siebicke L, Williams M, Meir P (2013). The Response of Tropical Rainforest Dead Wood Respiration to Seasonal Drought. Ecosystems, 16(7), 1294-1309.
Rowland L, Malhi Y, Silva-Espejo JE, Farfán-Amézquita F, Halladay K, Doughty CE, Meir P, Phillips OL (2013). The sensitivity of wood production to seasonal and interannual variations in climate in a lowland Amazonian rainforest. Oecologia, 174(1), 295-306.


Meir P, Shenkin A, Disney M, Rowland LM, Malhi Y, Herold M, da Costa ACL (2018). Plant Structure-Function Relationships and Woody Tissue Respiration: Upscaling to Forests from Laser-Derived Measurements. In  (Ed) lant Respiration: Metabolic Fluxes and Carbon Balance. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration (Including Bioenergy and Related Processes), Springer, 89-105. Abstract.


Jones S, Rowland L, Cox P, Hemming D, Wiltshire A, Williams K, Parazoo N, Liu J, da Costa A, Meir P, et al (2020). The role of non-structural carbohydrates in simulations of ecosystem carbon fluxes. Abstract.
Rowland LM, Meir P, Mencuccini M, Binks OJ, da Costa ACL, Oliveria RS, Mercado L, Vasconcelos SS, de Oliveria AAR, Christoffersen BO, et al (2016). Does inter-specific variation prevent division of tropical trees into drought sensitive and resistant groups?. Association of tropical Biology and Conservation. 19th - 23rd Jun 2016. Abstract.
Rowland LM, da Costa ACL, Oliveira RS, Binks OJ, Mercado L, Vasconcelos SS, de Oliveira AAR, Salmon Y, Ferreira LV, Sitch S, et al (2016). Is sap flow a good indicator of drought-induced mortality risk in tropical rainforest. Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation. 19th - 23rd Jun 2016. Abstract.

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