Dr Paula Crutchlow
ESRC Post Doctoral Fellow
Amory D385
Amory Building, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4RJ , UK
I am a cultural geographer and practicing artist with an extensive background as a maker and educator in contemporary performance. I was an Associate Lecturer in Theatre at Dartington College of Arts 2001-10. As a co-founder of artist collective Blind Ditch (http://www.blindditch.org) I have been using digital media to engage publics as thinking citizens and active spectators in performances and cultural events across the South West of England for nearly 20 years.
I have a long-term interest in interdisciplinary projects as publicly accessible spaces of social thinking and activism. I began to study cultural geography through the Museum of Contemporary Commodities, a collaborative project with Professor Ian Cook which also became my PhD study. This project, now the basis for an ESRC Post-doctoral Fellowship, combined social art practice with geographic and computational methods to investigate connections between data, commodities, place and values in late capitalism.
2013 ESRC 3+1 Studentship for Museum of Contemporary Commodities: a research performance.
2018 Post Doctoral Research Associate on The Common Line (https://thecommonline.uk/), an AHRC-EPSRC funded project through the ‘Next Generation of Immersive Experiences’. PI Professor John Wylie, Co-I Dr Steven Palmer.
2020 ESRC Post Doctoral Research Fellow. Project title ‘Performing with the database: art geography approaches to research on the data, trade, place, values nexus.’
www.moccguide.net/ - Link to Museum of Contemporary Commodities
Broad Research Specialisms
Geographies of performance and their intersections with digital, material and economic geographies.
1991 - BA (Hons) Performing Arts (dance) - De Montford
2000 - MA Devised Theatre – Dartington College of Arts
2014 - MRes Human Geography – Exeter
2019 - PhD Human Geography – Exeter
Research group links
Research projects
Artist and researcher on The Common Line - please visit our website to learn about the Line and collaborators.
External Engagement and Impact
External positions
Founder member of Blind Ditch.
Board member of b-side CIC, Portland, Dorset.