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Professor Stephan Harrison

Professor Stephan Harrison

Professor of Climate and Environmental Change

 07774 689717

 Peter Lanyon A070


Peter Lanyon Building, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Treliever Road, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


  • Head of the Climate Change Expert Committee of the UK Government's Office for Nuclear Regulation (2011-2017)
  • Climate Change Lead for the UN GEO-7 report (2023-)
  • Head of the Natural Hazards Risk Committee for UK Government's Office for Nuclear Regulation (2017- 2021)
  • Listed in Reuters list of the world's top climate scientists    
  • An invited member of the Environmental Research Group and the Climate Research Group of the Institute of Actuaries (2005-2009).
  • An invited member of the Carbon Counting Group, an international group of economists, scientists, architects, politicians and environmental activists working in the field of mitigation and adaption for climate change (2005).
  • An invited member of the Climate Justice Programme (2004)
  • An expert witness for the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide looking at the impact of mining on mountain glaciers in the Chilean Andes, and specifically the Pascua Lama mine (2006).
  • An invited member of the Science Media Centre
  • An invited member of the Environmental Research Group of the Emergency Planning Society (2002-2006).
  • Since 2005 he has given 33 invited papers and 12 keynote speeches at international and national conferences and workshops. 
  • He has given invited keynote talks at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC; the 2005 Lloyd’s Risk Lecture and invited talks in Norway, India, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Romania, Nepal, Germany and Austria..
  • He has reviewed manuscripts for 44 different journals and grant applications for NERC, EU and NSF.

Broad research specialisms:

I am a climate scientist with over 30 years research experience in geomorphological and earth surface system responses to climate change.  My research focuses on the impacts of climate change on high mountain glacial systems over a range of timescales.

 I am perhaps best known for developing the first broad assessments of Holocene glacier behaviour in Patagonia and in developing the first three-dimensional reconstruction of the Patagonian Ice Sheet (around 40 papers published since 1992).  I have also helped pioneer the global investigation of rock glaciers as sources of water supplies in arid mountains, and produced the first global assessment of glacial lake outburst floods (see papers by my PhD students Rangecroft and Jones since 2008, and Harrison et al 2018; Wood et al 2021, Emmer et al 2021).   I have championed the significance of paraglaciation as a driver of climate impacts in high mountains and have led much of the recent research on geomorphological sensitivity to climate change (papers with Jasper Knight since 2005 and Harrison 2009).  My work in the broad field of climate impacts and adaptation has meant that I am at the forefront of the UK’s climate impacts policy.  Between 2011 and 2017 I lead the Climate Change Expert Committee and am now a member of the Expert Panel on Natural Hazards, which advises the UK Government on the impacts of climate change on all UK nuclear power sites.  I am regularly asked to advise government organisations, industry and NGOs on climate impacts (e.g. with Lloyd’s of London; Dfid; CRIDF; UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Oxfam). I am currently leading a climate modelling and risk project funded by UNEP for 15 African and 8 Asian countries.

I have worked in many of the world’s high mountain regions (South American Andes and Patagonia for 17 field seasons; High Mountain Asia for 11 field seasons; Scandinavia and European Alps for 5 field seasons) and with my research on the links between geomorphology and climate change I am one of relatively few earth scientists to routinely publish in both geomorphological and climate science journals. 


BSc (Leicester),


Research group links

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Research projects

  • 2001 - Risk assessment and management for business and commercial organizations
  • 1996 - Geomorphic response of upland slope and fluvial systems to Holocene environmental change, southwest Ireland. 
  • 1991 - Late Quaternary climate change and glacier fluctuations Patagonian Chile.
  • 1991 -  Impacts of paraglaciation on upland landscapes in the British Isles.
  • 2004 -  Glacier hazards in Patagonia and the Himalaya
  • 2010 - Glaciers, rock glaciers and water supplies in arid mountains (Bolivia, Chile, Kazakhstan and Nepal)

Grants since 2008:

  • £640,000 EPRC Using probabilistic climate models in building design (With colleagues from Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science at Exeter University) .
  • £14,500 NERC. Cosmogenic Isotope Analysis Facility (research in Patagonia)
  • £500,000 NERC. Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Chile.  Using high sensitivity climate models to assess glacier behaviour and water supplies in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya.
  • Co-I on 7million Euros FP7 grant (HELIX)
  • £70,000 NERC. Climate Change and water resources in Bolivia.
  • £74,000 NERC. Glacier recession and the development of rock glaciers in Nepal.

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Harrison S, Knight J (eds)(2009). Periglacial and paraglacial processes and environments. London, Geological Society Pub House.
Harrison S, Pile S, Thrift NJ (2004). Patterned Ground: Entanglements of Nature and Culture., Reaktion Books.
Schröder H, Harrison S, Passmore DG, Severskiy I, Veselov V, Glazirin G (2002). Assessment of renewable ground and surface water resources and the impact of economic activity on runoff in the basin of the Ili River, Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, Kazakh Academy of Sciences.
Harrison S, Mighall T (2002). The quaternary of South West Ireland. Cambridge, Quaternary Reseach Association.
Harrison S, Tipping RM (1994). The geomorphology and late quaternary evolution of the Cheviot Hills: Field Guide for the British Geomorphological Research Group., Middlesex University.

Journal articles

Harrison S (In Press). Climate change and climate change velocity analysis across Germany. Scientific Reports
Harrison S (In Press). Glacial lake drainage in Patagonia (13-8 kyr) and response of the adjacent Pacific Ocean. Abstract.
Leng R, Harrison S, Anderson K (In Press). Himalayan alpine ecohydrology: an urgent scientific concern in a changing climate. AMBIO: a Journal of the Human Environment
Wood J, Harrison S, Turkington T, Reinhardt L (In Press). Landslides and synoptic weather trends in the European Alps. Climatic Change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change
Jones DB, Harrison S, Anderson K, Betts R (In Press). Mountain rock glaciers contain globally significant water stores. Scientific Reports Abstract.
Luoto M, Aalto J (In Press). Statistical modelling predicts almost complete loss of major periglacial processes in Northern Europe by 2100. Nature Communications
Leng R, Harrison S, Byers EA, Magar M, Rai H, Raj Rijal R, Anderson K (2024). Alpine vegetation community patterns in the Khumbu region, Nepalese Himalaya. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 56(1).
Wood JL, Harrison S, Wilson R, Emmer A, Kargel JS, Cook SJ, Glasser NF, Reynolds JM, Shugar DH, Yarleque C, et al (2024). Shaking up Assumptions: Earthquakes Have Rarely Triggered Andean Glacier Lake Outburst Floods. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 51(7).  Author URL.
Shannon S, Payne A, Freer J, Coxon G, Kauzlaric M, Kriegel D, Harrison S (2023). A snow and glacier hydrological model for large catchments – case study for the Naryn River, central Asia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27(2), 453-480.
Wolff IW, Glasser NF, Harrison S, Wood JL, Hubbard A (2023). A steady-state model reconstruction of the patagonian ice sheet during the last glacial maximum. Quaternary Science Advances, 12 Abstract.
Hu Y, Harrison S, Liu L, Wood JL (2023). Modelling rock glacier ice content based on InSAR-derived velocity, Khumbu and Lhotse valleys, Nepal. CRYOSPHERE, 17(6), 2305-2321.  Author URL.
Knight J, Harrison S (2023). The sensitivity and evolutionary trajectory of the mountain cryosphere: Implications for mountain geomorphic systems and hazards. Land Degradation and Development, 34(9), 2464-2482.
Emmer A, Wood JL, Cook SJ, Harrison S, Wilson R, Diaz-Moreno A, Reynolds JM, Torres JC, Yarleque C, Mergili M, et al (2022). 160 glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) across the Tropical Andes since the Little Ice Age. Global and Planetary Change, 208 Abstract.
Vishwakarma BD, Ramsankaran R, Azam MF, Bolch T, Mandal A, Srivastava S, Kumar P, Sahu R, Navinkumar PJ, Tanniru SR, et al (2022). Challenges in Understanding the Variability of the Cryosphere in the Himalaya and its Impact on Regional Water Resources. Frontiers in Water, 4
Racoviteanu AE, Nicholson L, Glasser NF, Miles E, Harrison S, Reynolds JM (2022). Debris-covered glacier systems and associated glacial lake outburst flood hazards: challenges and prospects. Journal of the Geological Society, 179(3), jgs2021-jgs2084.
Li D, Lu X, Walling DE, Zhang T, Steiner JF, Wasson RJ, Harrison S, Nepal S, Nie Y, Immerzeel WW, et al (2022). High Mountain Asia hydropower systems threatened by climate-driven landscape instability. Nature Geoscience, 15(7), 520-530. Abstract.
Glasser NF, Racoviteanu AE, Peacey M, Harrison S, Kayastha R, Kayastha RB (2022). Landforms and sediments developed during the recent recession of debris-covered Ponkar Glacier, Nepal. Episodes, 45(3), 285-297.
Pánek T, Břežný M, Harrison S, Schönfeldt E, Winocur D (2022). Large landslides cluster at the margin of a deglaciated mountain belt. Scientific Reports, 12(1). Abstract.
Harrison S, Rowan AV, Dye AR, Plummer MA, Anderson K (2022). Late Holocene glaciers in western Scotland?. GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES A-PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 104(2), 57-69.  Author URL.
Racoviteanu AE, Glasser NF, Robson BA, Harrison S, Millan R, Kayastha RB, Kayastha R (2022). Recent Evolution of Glaciers in the Manaslu Region of Nepal from Satellite Imagery and UAV Data (1970–2019). Frontiers in Earth Science, 9
Racoviteanu AE, Glasser NF, Robson BA, Harrison S, Millan R, Kayastha RB, Kayastha R (2022). Recent evolution of debris-covered glaciers in the Manaslu region of Nepal (1970 - 2019): the case of Ponkar Glacier.
Shugar DH, Jacquemart M, Shean D, Bhushan S, Upadhyay K, Sattar A, Schwanghart W, McBride S, de Vries MVW, Mergili M, et al (2021). A massive rock and ice avalanche caused the 2021 disaster at Chamoli, Indian Himalaya. Science, 373(6552), 300-306. Abstract.  Author URL.
Emmer A, Cook S, Wood JL, Harrison S, Wilson R, Diaz-Moreno A, Reynolds JM, Torres J (2021). A new GLOF inventory for the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes.
Jones DB, Harrison S, Anderson K, Betts RA (2021). Author Correction: Mountain rock glaciers contain globally significant water stores. Sci Rep, 11(1).  Author URL.
Jones DB, Harrison S, Anderson K, Betts RA (2021). Author Correction: Mountain rock glaciers contain globally significant water stores. Sci Rep, 11(1).  Author URL.
Wood JL, Harrison S, Wilson R, Emmer A, Yarleque C, Glasser NF, Torres JC, Caballero A, Araujo J, Bennett GL, et al (2021). Contemporary glacial lakes in the Peruvian Andes. Global and Planetary Change, 204 Abstract.
Harrison S, Jones D, Anderson K, Shannon S, Betts RA (2021). Is ice in the Himalayas more resilient to climate change than we thought?. GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES A-PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 103(1), 1-7.  Author URL.
Harrison S, Hughes L, Glasser N, Kuras O (2021). Late Quaternary solifluction sheets in the British uplands. JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, 36(7), 1162-1173.  Author URL.
Villafane Gomez H, Torres Lázaro JC, Caballero Bedriñana A, Jara Infantes HW, Melgarejo Romero EL, Araujo Reyes JE, Yarleque C, Harrison S, Wilson R, Wood JL, et al (2021). Modelling the impact of a GLOF scenario at Parón lake, Cordillera Blanca, Perú, using a novel multi-phase topographical and geological procedure.
Harrison S, Passmore DG (2021). On Geography and War: New Perspectives on the Ardennes Campaigns of 1940 and 1944. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111(4), 1079-1093. Abstract.
Jones DB, Harrison S, Anderson K, Shannon S, Betts RA (2021). Rock glaciers represent hidden water stores in the Himalaya. Science of the Total Environment, 793, 145368-145368.
Wood J, Harrison S, Wilson R, Glasser N, Reynolds J, Diaz Moreno A, Emmer A, Cool S, Torres JC, Caballero A, et al (2021). What’s in a lake? Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Peruvian Andes.
Emmer A, Harrison S, Mergili M, Allen S, Frey H, Huggel C (2020). 70 years of lake evolution and glacial lake outburst floods in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru) and implications for the future. Geomorphology, 365 Abstract.
Farias-Barahona D, Wilson R, Bravo C, Vivero S, Caro A, Shaw TE, Casassa G, Ayala A, Mejias A, Harrison S, et al (2020). A near 90-year record of the evolution of El Morado Glacier and its proglacial lake, Central Chilean Andes. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY, 66(259), 846-860.  Author URL.
Capps-Tunwell D, Passmore DG, Harrison S (2020). An Evaluation of Allied Intelligence in the Tactical Bombing of German Supply Depots during the Normandy Campaign, 1944. JOURNAL OF MILITARY HISTORY, 84(3), 825-842.  Author URL.
Wood JL, Harrison S, Reinhardt L, Taylor FE (2020). Landslide databases for climate change detection and attribution. Geomorphology, 355 Abstract.
Wood J, Harrison S, Wilson R, Yarleque C, Bennett G, Caballero A, Castromonte J, Emmer A, Garay D, Garrido H, et al (2020). Mapping glacier lakes in Peru.
Shugar DH, Burr A, Haritashya UK, Kargel JS, Watson CS, Kennedy MC, Bevington AR, Betts RA, Harrison S, Strattman K, et al (2020). Rapid worldwide growth of glacial lakes since 1990. Nature Climate Change, 10(10), 939-945.
Racoviteanu AE, Glasser NF, Basnett S, Kayastha R, Harrison S (2020). The debris cover surface of Ponkar glacier: a laboratory for learning.
Davies BJ, Darvill CM, Lovell H, Bendle JM, Dowdeswell JA, Fabel D, García JL, Geiger A, Glasser NF, Gheorghiu DM, et al (2020). The evolution of the Patagonian Ice Sheet from 35 ka to the present day (PATICE). Earth-Science Reviews, 204 Abstract.
Glasser N, Racoviteanu A, Harrison S, Peacey M, Kayastha R, Kayastha RB (2020). The geomorphology of debris-covered Ponkar Glacier, Nepal.
Anderson E, Harrison S, Passmore D (2019). A LATE-GLACIAL PROTALUS RAMPART IN MACGILLYCUDDY’S REEKS, SOUTH-WEST IRELAND. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 37, 43-50. Abstract.
Shannon S, Smith R, Wiltshire A, Payne T, Huss M, Betts R, Caesar J, Koutroulis A, Jones D, Harrison S, et al (2019). Global glacier volume projections under high-end climate change scenarios. Cryosphere, 13(1), 325-350. Abstract.
Harrison S, Smith DE, Glasser NF (2019). Late Quaternary meltwater pulses and sea level change. Journal of Quaternary Science, 34(1), 1-15. Abstract.
Jones DB, Harrison S, Anderson K (2019). Mountain glacier-to-rock glacier transition. Global and Planetary Change, 181 Abstract.
Jones D, Harrison S, Anderson K, Whalley WB (2019). Rock glaciers and mountain hydrology: a review. Earth-Science Reviews, 193
Knight J, Harrison S, Jones DB (2019). Rock glaciers and the geomorphological evolution of deglacierizing mountains. Geomorphology, 324, 14-24. Abstract.
Selley H, Harrison S, Glasser N, Wündrich O, Colson D, Hubbard A (2019). Rock glaciers in central Patagonia. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography, 101(1), 1-15. Abstract.
Jarman D, Harrison S (2019). Rock slope failure in the British mountains. Geomorphology, 340, 202-233. Abstract.
Wilson R, Harrison S, Reynolds J, Hubbard A, Glasser NF, Wündrich O, Iribarren Anacona P, Mao L, Shannon S (2019). The 2015 Chileno Valley glacial lake outburst flood, Patagonia. Geomorphology, 332, 51-65. Abstract.
Harrison S, Mighall T, Stainforth DA, Allen P, Macklin M, Anderson E, Knight J, Mauquoy D, Passmore D, Rea B, et al (2019). Uncertainty in geomorphological responses to climate change. Climatic Change, 156(1-2), 69-86.
Capps Tunwell D, Passmore DG, Harrison S (2018). A witness in the landscape: the bombing of the Forêt domaniale des Andaines and the Normandy Campaign, NW France, 1944. War in History, 25(1), 69-102. Abstract.
Kosanic A, Anderson K, Harrison S, Turkington T, Bennie J (2018). Changes in the geographical distribution of plant species and climatic variables on the West Cornwall peninsula (South West UK). PLoS One, 13(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Harrison S, Kargel JS, Huggel C, Reynolds J, Shugar DH, Betts RA, Emmer A, Glasser N, Haritashya UK, Klimes J, et al (2018). Climate change and the global pattern of moraine-dammed glacial lake outburst floods. The Cryosphere
Haritashya UK, Kargel JS, Shugar DH, Leonard GJ, Strattman K, Watson CS, Shean D, Harrison S, Mandli KT, Regmi D, et al (2018). Evolution and controls of large glacial lakes in the Nepal Himalaya. Remote Sensing, 10(5). Abstract.
Wilson R, Glasser NF, Reynolds JM, Harrison S, Anacona PI, Schaefer M, Shannon S (2018). Glacial lakes of the Central and Patagonian Andes. Global and Planetary Change, 162, 275-291. Abstract.
Anacona PI, Kinney J, Schaefer M, Harrison S, Wilson R, Segovia A, Mazzorana B, Guerra F, Farías D, Reynolds JM, et al (2018). Glacier protection laws: Potential conflicts in managing glacial hazards and adapting to climate change. Ambio, 47(8), 835-845. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shannon S, Smith R, Wiltshire A, Payne T, Huss M, Betts R, Caesar J, Koutroulis A, Jones D, Harrison S, et al (2018). Global glacier volume projections under high-end climate change scenarios. Abstract.
Knight J, Harrison S (2018). Paraglacial evolution of the Irish landscape. Irish Geography, 51(2), 171-186. Abstract.
Winchester V, Harrison S, Warren CR (2018). Recent Retreat Glaciar Nef, Chilean Patagonia, Dated by Lichenometry and Dendrochronology. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 33(3), 266-273.
Knight J, Harrison S (2018). Transience in cascading paraglacial systems. Land Degradation and Development, 29(6), 1991-2001. Abstract.
Harrison S, Kargel JS, Huggel C, Reynolds J, Shugar DH, Betts RA, Emmer A, Glasser N, Haritashya UK, Klimeš J, et al (2017). Climate change and the global pattern of moraine-dammed glacial lake outburst floods. Abstract.
Aalto J, Harrison S, Luoto M (2017). Statistical modelling predicts almost complete loss of major periglacial processes in Northern Europe by 2100. Nat Commun, 8(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Jones D, Harrison S, Anderson K, Selley H, Wood J, Betts R (2017). The distribution and hydrological significance of rock glaciers in the Nepalese Himalaya. Global and Planetary Change
Rangecroft S, Suggitt AJ, Anderson K, Harrison S (2016). Future climate warming and changes to mountain permafrost in the Bolivian Andes. Climatic Change, 137(1-2), 231-243. Abstract.
Glasser NF, Holt TO, Evans ZD, Davies BJ, Pelto M, Harrison S (2016). Recent spatial and temporal variations in debris cover on Patagonian glaciers. Geomorphology, 273, 202-216. Abstract.
Wood JL, Harrison S, Reinhardt L (2015). Landslide inventories for climate impacts research in the european alps. Geomorphology, 228, 398-408. Abstract.
Kosanic A, Anderson K, Frère CH, Harrison S (2015). Regional vegetation change and implications for local conservation: an example from West Cornwall (United Kingdom). Global Ecology and Conservation, 4, 405-413. Abstract.
Rangecroft S, Harrison S, Anderson K (2015). Rock glaciers as water stores in the Bolivian Andes: an assessment of their hydrological importance. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 47(1), 89-98. Abstract.
Harrison S, Knight J, Rowan AV (2015). The southernmost Quaternary niche glacier system in Great Britain. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(4), 325-334. Abstract.
Rangecroft S, Harrison S, Anderson K, Magrath J, Castel AP, Pacheco P (2014). A first rock glacier inventory for the Bolivian Andes. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 25(4), 333-343. Abstract.
Ffoulkes C, Harrison S (2014). Evaluating the schmidt hammer as a method for distinguishing the relative age of late holocene moraines: Svellnosbreen, Jotunheimen, Norway. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography, 96(3), 393-402. Abstract.
Knight J, Harrison S (2014). Glacial and paraglacial environments. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography, 96(3), 241-244.
Knight J, Harrison S (2014). Limitations of uniformitarianism in the Anthropocene. Anthropocene, 5, 71-75. Abstract.
Harrison S, Rowan AV, Glasser NF, Knight J, Plummer MA, Mills SC (2014). Little Ice Age glaciers in Britain: Glacier-climate modelling in the Cairngorm Mountains. Holocene, 24(2), 135-140. Abstract.
Knight J, Harrison S (2014). Mountain glacial and paraglacial environments under global climate change: Lessons from the past, future directions and policy implications. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography, 96(3), 245-264. Abstract.
Knight J, Harrison S (2014). PREFACE: Glacial and Paraglacial Environments. GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES A-PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 96(3), 241-244.  Author URL.
Kosanic A, Harrison S, Anderson K, Kavcic I (2014). Present and historical climate variability in South West England. Climatic Change, 124(1-2), 221-237. Abstract.
Knight J, Harrison S (2013). 'A land history of men': the intersection of geomorphology, culture and heritage in Cornwall, southwest England. Applied Geography, 42, 186-194. Abstract.
Jarman D, Wilson P, Harrison S (2013). Are there any relict rock glaciers in the British mountains?. Journal of Quaternary Science, 28(2), 131-143. Abstract.
Rangecroft S, Harrison S, Anderson K, Magrath J, Castel AP, Pacheco P (2013). Climate change and water resources in arid mountains: an example from the Bolivian Andes. Ambio, 42(7), 852-863. Abstract.  Author URL.
Boex J, Fogwill C, Harrison S, Glasser NF, Hein A, Schnabel C, Xu S (2013). Rapid thinning of the Late Pleistocene Patagonian Ice Sheet followed migration of the Southern Westerlies. Sci Rep, 3 Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith DE, Harrison S, Jordan JT (2013). Sea level rise and submarine mass failures on open continental margins. Quaternary Science Reviews, 82, 93-103. Abstract.
Knight J, Harrison S (2013). The impacts of climate change on terrestrial Earth surface systems. Nature Climate Change, 3(1), 24-29. Abstract.
Evans DJA, Harrison S, Vieli A, Anderson E (2012). Dartmoor's overlooked glacial legacy. Geology Today, 28(6), 224-229. Abstract.
Harrison S, Glasser NF, Duller GAT, Jansson KN (2012). Early and mid-Holocene age for the Tempanos moraines, Laguna San Rafael, Patagonian Chile. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 31, 82-92.  Author URL.
Kargel JS, Alho P, Buytaert W, Célleri R, Cogley JG, Dussaillant A, Guido Z, Haeberli W, Harrison S, Leonard G, et al (2012). Glaciers in Patagonia: Controversy and prospects. Eos, 93(22). Abstract.
Knight J, Keiler M, Harrison S (2012). Impacts of Recent and Future Climate Change on Natural Hazards in the European Alps. , 223-249.
Evans DJA, Harrison S, Vieli A, Anderson E (2012). The glaciation of Dartmoor: the southernmost independent Pleistocene ice cap in the British Isles. Quaternary Science Reviews, 45, 31-53. Abstract.
Glasser NF, Harrison S, Schnabel C, Fabel D, Jansson KN (2012). Younger Dryas and early Holocene age glacier advances in Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 58, 7-17. Abstract.
Glasser NF, Harrison S, Jansson K, Anderson K, Cowley A (2011). Global sea-level contribution from the Patagonian Icefields since the Little Ice Age maximum. Nature Geoscience, 303-307. Abstract.
Harrison S, Glasser NF (2011). The Pleistocene Glaciations of Chile. Developments in Quaternary Science, 15, 739-756. Abstract.
Smith DE, Harrison S, Firth CR, Jordan JT (2011). The early Holocene sea level rise. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(15-16), 1846-1860.
Keiler M, Knight J, Harrison S (2010). Climate change and geomorphological hazards in the eastern European Alps. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 368(1919), 2461-2479. Abstract.
Harrison S, Glasser NF, Anderson E, Ivy-Ochs S, Kubik PW (2010). Late Pleistocene mountain glacier response to North Atlantic climate change in southwest Ireland. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 29(27-28), 3948-3955.  Author URL.
Harrison S, Bailey RM, Anderson E, Arnold L, Douglas T (2010). Optical dates from British Isles 'solifluction sheets' suggests rapid landscape response to late pleistocene climate change. Scottish Geographical Journal, 126(2), 101-111. Abstract.
Smith DE, Stewart IS, Harrison S, Firth CR (2009). Late Quaternary neotectonics and mass movement in South East Raasay, Inner Hebrides, Scotland. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 120(2-3), 145-154. Abstract.
Harrison S, Stainforth D (2009). Predicting climate change: Lessons from reductionism, emergence, and the past. Eos, 90(13), 111-112.
Harrison S, Stainforth DA (2009). Predicting climate change: lessons from emergence, reductionism and the past. Eos, Transactions AGU, 90, 111-112.
Knight J, Harrison S (2009). Sediments and future climate. Nature Geoscience, 2(4).
Harrison S, Lettenmaier D (2009). Snow Trends. 3rd United Nations World Water Development Report, 181-210.  Author URL.
Glasser NF, Harrison S, Jansson KN (2009). Topographic controls on glacier sediment-landform associations around the temperate North Patagonian Icefield. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(25-26), 2817-2832. Abstract.
Aizen V, Harrison S, Li X, Severskiy I, Singh P, Yao T (2009). Trends in Glaciers. 3rd United Nations World Water Development Report, 181-210.  Author URL.
Harrison S (2008). Climate change and regional security: Assessing the scientific uncertainties. RUSI Journal, 153(3), 88-91.
Harrison S (2008). Climate change and regional security: assessing the scientific uncertainties. Journal of the Royal United Services Institute, 153, 161-168.
Harrison S, Massey D, Richards K (2008). Conversations across the divide. Geoforum, 39(2), 549-551.
Harrison S, Glasser N, Winchester V, Haresign E, Warren C, Duller GAT, Bailey R, Ivy-Ochs S, Jansson K, Kubik P, et al (2008). Glaciar León, Chilean Patagonia: Late-Holocene chronology and geomorphology. Holocene, 18(4), 643-652. Abstract.
Passmore DG, Harrison S, Winchester V, Rae A, Severskiy I, Pimankina NV (2008). Late holocene debris flows and valley floor development in the northern Zailiiskiy Alatau, Tien Shan Mountains, Kazakhstan. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 40(3), 548-560. Abstract.
Harrison S, Whalley B, Anderson E (2008). Relict rock glaciers and protalus lobes in the British Isles: Implications for Late Pleistocene mountain geomorphology and palaeoclimate. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23(3), 287-304. Abstract.
Fretwell PT, Smith DE, Harrison S (2008). The Last Glacial Maximum British-Irish Ice Sheet: a reconstruction using digital terrain mapping. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23(3), 241-248. Abstract.
Glasser NF, Jansson KN, Harrison S, Kleman J (2008). The glacial geomorphology and Pleistocene history of South America between 38°S and 56°S. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27(3-4), 365-390. Abstract.
Mighall TM, Timpany S, Blackford JJ, Innes JB, O'Brien CE, O'Brien W, Harrison S (2008). Vegetation change during the Mesolithic and Neolithic on the Mizen Peninsula, Co. Cork, south-west Ireland. VEG HIST ARCHAEOBOT, 17(6), 617-628. Abstract.
Harrison S (2007). David Henry Keen (1947-2006) - Obituary. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION, 118, 213-216.  Author URL.
Harrison S, Glasser N, Winchester V (2007). The timing and nature of recession of outlet glaciers of Hielo Patagónico Norte, Chile, from their Neoglacial IV (Little Ice Age) maximum positions. Global and Planetary Change, 59(1-4), 67-78.
Harrison S, Glasser N, Winchester V, Haresign E, Warren C, Jansson K (2006). A glacial lake outburst flood associated with recent mountain glacier retreat, Patagonian Andes. Holocene, 16(4), 611-620. Abstract.
Harrison S, Massey D, Richards K (2006). Complexity and emergence (another conversation). Area, 38(4), 465-471.
Harrison S, Duller GAT, Glasser NF, Ivy-Ochs S (2006). Evidence from the Rio Bayo valley on the extent of the North Patagonian Icefield during the late Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Quaternary Research, 65(1), 70-77.
Glasser NF, Jansson K, Mitchell WA, Harrison S (2006). Geomorphology and sedimentology of the Tempanos moraines, Laguna San Rafael, North Patagonian Icefield. Journal of Quaternary Science, 21, 1-15.
Anderson E (2006). Late Quaternary paraglacial sedimentation in the Macgillycuddy's Reeks, southwest Ireland. Irish Geography, 39, 69-77.
Harrison S, Anderson E, Patel D (2006). The eastern margin of glaciation in the British Isles during the Younger Dryas: the Bizzle cirque, Cheviot Hills, southern Scotland. Geografiska Annaler, 88, 199-207.
Glasser NF, Jansson K, Mitchell WA, Harrison S (2006). The geomorphology and sedimentology of the 'Témpanos' moraine at Laguna San Rafael, Chile. Journal of Quaternary Science, 21(6), 629-643. Abstract.
Winchester V, Harrison S, Bailey R (2005). A 2.5 kyr luminescence date for a terminal moraine in the Leones valley, southern Chile. Journal of Glaciology, 51(172), 186-188.
Harrison S (2005). Climate change, future conflict and the role of climate science. Journal of the Royal United Services Institute, 150, 18-23.
Harrison S (2005). Climate change: a case study from Kazakhstan. Soundings, 30, 85-97.
Harrison S, Washington R (2005). Climate change: listening to the scientists. Environmental Finance, 6, 26-27.
Glasser NF, Jansson K, Harrison S, Rivera A (2005). Geomorphological evidence for variations of the North Patagonian Icefield during the Holocene. Geomorphology, 71, 263-277.
Aniya M, Satow K, Skvarca P, Anma R, Aoki T, Sawagaki T, Naruse R, Glasser N, Harrison S (2005). Overview of glaciological research projects in Patagonia 2003. Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 22, 109-119.
Harrison S, Winchester V, Warren CR, Passmore DG (2005). Quantifying rates of paraglacial sedimentation: an example from Chilean Patagonia. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 49, 321-334.
Harrison S, Jansson K, Glasser NF (2005). Reconstructing palaeoclimates in southern South America: the role of geomorphological mapping. Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers, 39, 29-34.
Glasser NF, Harrison S (2005). Sediment distribution around glacially abraded bedrock landforms (whalebacks) at Lago Tranquilo, Chile. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography, 87(3), 421-430. Abstract.
Glasser NF, Harrison S (2005). Subglacial sliding of till over abraded bedrock landforms (whalebacks), Lago Tranquilo, Chile. Geografiska Annaler, 87, 421-430.
Winchester, V. Aniya, M. Glasser, N.F. (2004). Late Pleistocene and Holocene palaeoclimate and glacier fluctuations in Patagonia. Global and Planetary Change, 43(1-2), 79-101.
Anderson E, Harrison S, Passmore DG, Mighall T, Wathan S (2004). Late Quaternary river terrace development in the Macgillycuddy’s Reeks, southwest Ireland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23, 1785-1801.
Harrison S, Glasser NF, Aniya M (2004). Morphostratigraphy of moraines in the Lago Tranquilo area, Chilean Patagonia. Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 21, 37-43.
Rae A, Harrison S, Mighall T, Dawson AG (2004). Periglacial trimlines and former nunataks of the Last Glacial Maximum. (LGM) in the vicinity of the gap of Dunloe, southwest Ireland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 19, 87-97.
Harrison S (2004). The Pleistocene glaciations of Chile. Developments in Quaternary Science, 2(PART C), 89-103.
Harrison S, Massey D, Richards KS, Magilliagan F, Thrift NJ, Bender B (2004). Thinking across the divide: perspectives on the conversations between physical and human geography. Area, 36, 435-442.
Harrison S (2003). Sub-arctic hydrology and climate change: a case study of the Tana River Basin in Northern Fennoscandia. GEOGRAPHY, 88, 357-358.  Author URL.
Straw A, Harrison S, Anderson E, Passmore D (2002). Comments on Harrison et al.'s 'A small glacial cirque basin on Exmoor, Somerset', 'Further glacial tills on Exmoor, Southwest England: Implications for small ice cap and valley glaciation' and 'reply to comments by H. Prudden on ''Further glacial tills on Exmoor…'' (Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 109, 149-158 (1998), 112, 1-5 (2001) and 112, 286-287 (2001). Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 113(1), 69-72.
Dawson AG, Hampton SR, Fretwell PT, Harrison S, Greengrass PA (2002). Defining the centre of glacio-isostatic uplift of the last Scottish ice sheet: the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, Scottish Highlands. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17, 527-535.
Harrison S (2002). Lithological variability of Quaternary slope deposits in the Cheviot Hills, U.K. Proceedings of the Geologists Association, 113, 121-139.
Anderson E, Harrison S, Passmore DG (2001). A late-glacial protalus rampart in the Macgillycuddy's Reeks, south-west Ireland. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 19, 43-50.
Harrison S, Anderson E (2001). A relict rock glacier of Late Devensian age, Nantle valley, North Wales. Journal of Glacial Geology and Geomorphology
Warren CR, Benn DI, Winchester V, Harrison S (2001). Buoyancy-driven lacustrine calving, Glaciar Nef, Chilean Patagonia. Journal of Glaciology, 47(156), 135-146.
Prudden H, Harrison S, Anderson E, Passmore DG (2001). Comments on ‘Further glacial tills on Exmoor, southwest England: implications for small ice cap and valley glaciation’ by S. Harrison et al. Proceedings of the Geologists Association, 112(3), 285-287.
Harrison S, Anderson E, Passmore DG (2001). Further glacial tills on Exmoor, southwest England: implications for small ice cap and valley glaciation. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 112(1), 1-5.
Harrison S (2001). On reductionism and emergence in geomorphology. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 26(3), 327-339.
Harrison S, Warren CR, Winchester V, Aniya M (2001). Onset of rapid calving and retreat of Glaciar San Quintin, Hielo Patagónico Norte, southern Chile. Polar Geography, 25(1), 54-61.
Winchester V, Harrison S, Warren CR (2001). Recent retreat Glaciar Nef, Chilean Patagonia, dated by lichenometry and dendrochronology. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 33(3), 266-273.
Harrison S (2001). Speculations on the glaciation of Dartmoor. Quaternary Newsletter, 93, 15-26.
Winchester V, Harrison S (2000). Dendrochronology and lichenometry: colonization, growth rates and dating of geomorphological events on the east side of the North Patagonian Icefield, Chile. Geomorphology, 34(3-4), 181-194.
Anderson E, Harrison S, Passmore DG, Mighall TM (2000). Holocene alluvial-fan development in the Macgillycuddy's Reeks, Southwest Ireland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 112(12), 1834-1849. Abstract.
Tilley C, Hamilton S, Harrison S, Anderson E (2000). Nature, culture, clitter: Distinguishing between cultural and geomorphological landscapes; the case of hilltop tors in south-west England. Journal of Material Culture, 5(2), 197-224. Abstract.
Harrison S, Winchester V (2000). Nineteenth- and twentieth-century glacier fluctuations and climatic implications in the Arco and Colonia valleys Hielo Patagónico Norte, Chile. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 32(1), 54-63.
Winchester V, Harrison S, Washington R, Warren CR (1999). Austral summer of 1998: Observations on el niño and the north patagonian icefield. Weather, 54(9), 287-293.
Harrison S, Dunham P (1999). Practical inadequacy or inadequate practice? Quantum theory, 'reality' and the logical limits to realism. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 24(2), 236-242.
Harrison S, Foster I (1999). The august 1996 flood event at ashow, warwickshire. Weather, 54(5), 143-148.
Harrison S (1999). The problem with landscape: Some philosophical and practical questions. Geography, 84(365), 355-363. Abstract.
Harrison S, Anderson E, Passmore DG (1998). A small glacial cirque basin on Exmoor, Somerset. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION, 109, 149-158.  Author URL.
Harrison S, Dunham P (1998). Decoherence, quantum theory and their implications for the philosophy of geomorphology. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 23(4), 501-514. Abstract.
Harrison S, Winchester V (1998). Historical fluctuations of the Gualas and Reicher Glaciers, North Patagonian Icefield, Chile. Holocene, 8(4), 481-485. Abstract.
Harrison S, Winchester V (1997). Age and nature of paraglacial debris cones along the margins of the San Rafael Glacier, Chilean Patagonia. Holocene, 7(4), 481-487. Abstract.
Winchester V, Harrison S (1997). Estimate of ice-surface velocity over a 4 year period on Glaciar Arenales, Hielo Patagonico Norte, Chile. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY, 43(144), 370-372.  Author URL.
Foster I, Harrison S, Clark D (1997). Soil erosion in the West Midlands: an Act of God or agricultural mismanagement?. Geography, 82(3), 231-239. Abstract.
Winchester V, Harrison S (1996). Recent oscillations of the San Quintin and San Rafael glaciers, Patagonian Chile. GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES A-PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 78A(1), 35-49.  Author URL.
Douglas TD, Harrison S (1996). Turf-banked Terraces in Öraefi, Southeast Iceland: Morphometry, Rates of Movement, and Environmental Controls. Arctic and Alpine Research, 28(2), 228-236.
Douglas TD, Harrison S (1996). Turf-banked terraces in Oraefi, southeast Iceland: Morphometry, rates of movement, and environmental controls. Arctic and Alpine Research, 28(2), 228-236. Abstract.
Winchester V, Harrison S (1994). A development of the lichenometric method applied to the dating of glacially influenced debris flows in southern chile. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 19(2), 137-151. Abstract.
Greene DR, Warren CR, Harrison S (1994). Deglaciation of the Glenfinnan area, western Scotland, following the Loch Lomond Stadial: a comment. Journal of Quaternary Science, 9(4), 379-382.
Harrison S, Macklin MG (1991). Form and size characteristics of clasts on stone-banked solifluction lobes, okstindan, North Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 45(3), 155-160. Abstract.


Knight J, Harrison S (2022). 4.31 Climate Sensitivity and Cryospheric Systems. In  (Ed) Treatise on Geomorphology, Elsevier, 616-628.
Knight J, Harrison S (2020). Land’s End: Landscapes and Mining at the Tip of England. In  (Ed) World Geomorphological Landscapes, 269-280. Abstract.
Knight J, Harrison S (2020). Physical Geography, Human Geography, and Geographies in the Anthropocene. In  (Ed) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Elsevier, 113-116.
Parry L, Harrison S, Betts R, Shannon S, Jones DB, Knight J (2019). Impacts of climate change on himalayan glaciers: Processes, predictions and uncertainties. In  (Ed) Himalayan Weather and Climate and their Impact on the Environment, 331-349. Abstract.
Passmore DG, Tunwell DC, Harrison S (2016). World war II conflict and post-conflict landscapes in northwest France: an evaluation of the aerial photographic resource. In  (Ed) Conflict Landscapes and Archaeology from Above, 185-204. Abstract.
Passmore DG, Knight J, Harrison S (2015). Military Geography: Landscapes of the Anglo-Boer War. In  (Ed) World Geomorphological Landscapes, 155-164. Abstract.
Winchester V, Passmore DG, Harrison S, Rae A, Severskiy I, Pimankina NV (2014). Dendrogeomorphological and Sedimentological Analysis of Debris Flow Hazards in the Northern Zailiiskiy Alatau, Tien Shan Mountains, Kazakhstan. In  (Ed) Vulnerability of Land Systems in Asia, 91-113. Abstract.
Harrison S (2012). Climate change, uncertainty and risk. In  (Ed) Engaging with Climate Change: Psychoanalytic and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 227-240. Abstract.
Harrison S, Glasser NF (2011). Chapter 54 the Pleistocene Glaciations of Chile. In  (Ed) Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology - a Closer Look, Elsevier, 739-756.
Knight J, Harrison S (2009). Periglacial and paraglacial environments: a view from the past into the future. In  (Ed) , 1-4.
Harrison S (2009). Physical Geography and Human Geography. In  (Ed) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography: Volume 1-12. Abstract.
Harrison S (2009). Physical Geography and Human Geography. In  (Ed) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 163-168. Abstract.


Harrison S (2011). Patagonia. Abstract.
Harrison S (2009). Climate sensitivity: Implications for the response of geomorphological systems to future climate change. Abstract.
Hamilton S, Harrison S, Bender B (2008). Conflicting imaginations: Archaeology, anthropology and geomorphology on Leskernick Hill, Bodmin Moor, southwest Britain. Abstract.
Anderson E, Harrison S, Passmore DG, Mighall TM (1998). Geomorphic evidence of Younger Dryas glaciation in the Macgillycuddy's Reeks, south west Ireland.  Author URL.
Foster I, Harrison S, Clark D (1997). Soil erosion in the West Midlands: an act of God or agricultural mismanagement?.  Author URL.


Simpson MC, Scott D, New M, Sim R, Smith D, Harrison M, Eakin CM, Warrick R, Strong AE, Kouwenhoven P, et al (2009). An overview of modeling climate change impacts in the Caribbean region with contribution from the Pacific Islands. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),  Barbados, West Indies, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

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Leverhulme Fellowship 2014

Head of the Climate Change Committee of the Office for Nuclear Regulation.

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Undergraduate modules:

  • GEO1401 Approaches to Geographical Knowledge
  • GEO2501 Geographical Research Skills
  • GEO2417 Alpine Environments
  • GEO3419 Quaternary Geomorphology

PhD students:

  • Jake Boex (NERC funded): Reconstructing the dynamics and form of the North Patagonian Ice sheet during the Late Quaternary



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