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Dr Josie Handley

Dr Josie Handley

Graduate Research Assistant/Research Technician

 Not known

 Amory D386


Amory Building, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4RJ , UK


I am currently a research assistant on the ICAAP – Increased Carbon Accumulation in Arctic Peatlands project. I have recently completed a PhD at the University of Reading researching the socio-economic responses to Late Holocene climate and environmental change in the Peruvian Andes. Primarily focusing on how agricultural practices have changed over the past 2000 years in response to known periods of past climate change and changes in the level of human land use.  I am interested more broadly in past human-environmental interactions and landscape change during the Holocene.


MSc Environmental Archaeology – University of Reading,

BSc Environmental Science – University of Reading


I am currently a research assistant on the ICAAP – Increased Carbon Accumulation in Arctic Peatlands project. I have recently completed a PhD at the University of Reading researching the socio-economic responses to Late Holocene climate and environmental change in the Peruvian Andes. Primarily focusing on how agricultural practices have changed over the past 2000 years in response to known periods of past climate change and changes in the level of human land use.  I am interested more broadly in past human-environmental interactions and landscape change during the Holocene.

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Research interests

Quaternary Science, Palaeoecology, Archaeology 

Research projects

ICAAP – Increased Carbon Accumulation in Arctic Peatlands 

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Office Hours:

Monday – Friday 9-5pm

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