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Dr Roger Auster

Dr Roger Auster

Lecturer in Environmental Social Science

 CREWW Building 


Roger is an interdisciplinary Environmental Social Scientist based in the Centre for Resilience in Environment, Water and Waste. His research specialisms are in the human dimensions of species reintroduction, nature-based solutions, environmental resilience and landscape change.

Roger has extensive research experience in the human dimensions of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) reintroduction in England, including studies of potential opportunities, conflicts, and societal views of beaver reintroduction and management. Roger was primary contributor of social science for the nationally recognised River Otter Beaver Trial as a member of the Science & Evidence Forum, which collaboratively produced the final Science & Evidence Report. He also completed a research project for Natural England capturing lessons from adaptive Beaver Management Groups in Devon. Drawing on this experience, Roger defined the concept of Renewed Coexistence as "...coexistence that is specifically associated with a reintroduced species, thereby one which was present in the landscape historically, but which will likely be a ‘new’ presence for the humans living in the locality post-release".

Roger also led an EU Interreg funded work package to develop a model for the engagement of communities and stakeholders in coastal adaptation and landscape change projects, learning from the Lower Otter Restoration Project (Devon, UK) and Saâne Territorial Project (Normandy, France). The work package was part of the wider EU Interreg Cross-Channel 'Promoting Adaptation to Changing Coasts' initiative, which as a whole was a €27million project to develop a transferable model for coastal adaptation and to influence policy makers at national and EU level.

He enjoys outdoor swimming.


PhD: Renewed Coexistence: Human dimensions of reintroducing Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) into England

MSc Conservation Science & Policy

BSc (Hons) Zoology


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Research interests

Roger is an interdisciplinary Environmental Social Scientist based in the Centre for Resilience in Environment, Water and Waste. His research specialisms are in the human dimensions of species reintroduction, environmental resilience and landscape change.

Research projects

Renewed Coexistence: Coexistence with reintroduced species

1. Human dimensions of beaver (Castor fiber) reintroduction in England (2017 - Present):

2. Stakeholder and public perceptions of pine marten (Martes martes) reintroduction in south-west England. (2023)

3. Nationwide survey of public attitudes to beavers (Castor fiber) living wild in Wales (2023);

4. Perspective - Should individual animals be given names in reintroduction projects? (2023)

5. Social feasibility study: Wildcat (Felis sylvestris) reintroduction in south-west England. (2023 - Ongoing)

Model for Engagement in Coastal Adaptation and Landscape Change: Work package for 'Promoting Adaptation to Changing Coasts' (2021-2023)

Learning from the Lower Otter Restoration Project (Devon, UK) and Saâne Territorial Project (Normandy, France). In partnership with Lisode Consultancy for EU Interreg 'Promoting Adaptation to Changing Coasts'.

Model for Engagement was developed through:

Other Contributions

Research networks

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Journal articles

Auster R, Barr S, Brazier R (2024). Beavers and flood alleviation: Human perspectives from downstream communities.
Lait J, Hayes H, Hayes S, Auster R, Fox E, Timmins M, Bauchot A (2024). Negotiating structural barriers to environmental collaborations in doctoral programmes. Geo: Geography and Environment, 11(1). Abstract.
Auster RE, Puttock AK, Barr SW, Brazier RE (2023). Learning to live with reintroduced species: beaver management groups are an adaptive <i>process</i>. Restoration Ecology, 31(5). Abstract.
Puttock A, Newman M, Graham H, Elliott M, Chant J, Auster R, Brazier R (2023). Positive coexistence of water voles and beaver: water vole expansion in a beaver engineered wetland. Mammal Communications
Auster RE, Puttock A, Bradbury G, Brazier R (2023). Should individual animals be given names in wildlife reintroductions?. People and Nature, 5(4), 1110-1118. Abstract.
Auster RE, Barr SW, Brazier RE (2022). Beavers and flood alleviation: Human perspectives from downstream communities. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 15(2). Abstract.
Auster RE, Barr SW, Brazier RE (2022). Renewed coexistence: learning from steering group stakeholders on a beaver reintroduction project in England. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH, 68(1).  Author URL.
Collier S, Auster R (2022). ‘Tail-dipping’ to drink from an open water source in Cebus imitator (Primates: Cebidae) in a protected area of Costa Rica. Mammalogy Notes, 8(1), 319-319. Abstract.
Auster RE, Barr S, Brazier R (2020). Alternative perspectives of the angling community on Eurasian beaver (<i>Castor fiber</i>) reintroduction in the River Otter Beaver Trial. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 64(7), 1252-1270.
Brazier RE, Puttock A, Graham HA, Auster RE, Davies KH, Brown CML (2020). Beaver: Nature's ecosystem engineers. WIREs Water, 8(1). Abstract.
Auster RE, Barr SW, Brazier RE (2020). Improving engagement in managing reintroduction conflicts: learning from beaver reintroduction. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 64(10), 1713-1734.
Auster RE, Barr SW, Brazier RE (2020). Wildlife tourism in reintroduction projects: Exploring social and economic benefits of beaver in local settings. Journal for Nature Conservation, 58, 125920-125920.
Auster R, Puttock A, Brazier R (2019). Unravelling perceptions of Eurasian beaver reintroduction in Great Britain. AREA


Auster R, Frith K, Barr S, Brazier R (2024). Perceptions of Eurasian beavers living wild in Wales: Results of an online public survey. North Wales Wildlife Trust, University of Exeter.
Auster R, Frith K, Barr S, Brazier R (2023). Perceptions of Pine Marten Reintroduction in South-West England: Results of a Q-Method Stakeholder Study and Regional Public Survey. Two Moors Partnership (Devon Wildlife Trust, Woodland Trust, National Trust, Dartmoor National Park Authority, and Exmoor National Park Authority).
Auster R, Barr S, Woodley E, Brazier R, Gentle M, Rougier J-E (2023). Promoting Adapatation to Changing Coasts - Methodology for Engagement and Involvement of end Users and Key Stakeholders in Coastal Climate. Adaptation Schemes – Executive Summary.  Budleigh Salterton, East Devon Pebblebed Heaths Conservation Trust.
Auster R, Barr S, Brazier R (2022). Beaver Management Groups: Capturing lessons from the River Otter Beaver Trial and River Tamar Catchment (NECR434). Natural England, Natural England.
Auster R, Barr S, Woodley E, Brazier R, Gentle M, Rougier J-E (2022). Promoting Adaptation to Changing Coasts - Methodology for Engagement and Involvement of end Users and Key Stakeholders in Coastal Climate Adaptation Schemes - Report 1: Documentary Evaluation. Budleigh Salterton, East Devon Pebblebed Heaths Conservation Trust.
Auster R, Barr S, Woodley E, Brazier R, Gentle M, Rougier J-E (2022). Promoting Adaptation to Changing Coasts - Methodology for Engagement and Involvement of end Users and Key Stakeholders in Coastal Climate Adaptation Schemes - Report 2: Stakeholder Interviews, Resident Workshops, and Model for Engagement in Coastal Adaptation and Landscape Change. Budleigh Salterton, East Devon Pebblebed Heaths Conservation Trust.
Brazier RE, Elliott M, Andison E, Auster RE, Bridgewater S, Burgess P, Chant J, Graham H, Knott E, Puttock AK, et al (2020). River Otter Beaver Trial: Science & Evidence Report. Devon, River Otter Beaver Trial.  Author URL.

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Monday, 3-4pm - In person

Friday, 2-3pm - Online

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